Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 379: Chi Xihuan's show

But in fact, when Pei Yi on the other end of the phone line said this with a smile, there was a trace of loneliness and boundless forbearance in his eyes.

Five years ago, she took a fancy to the bracelet in Minai. She liked it very much, but was afraid that the price was too expensive to ask more questions. It was as cute as a little wild cat. But five years later, he wanted her not to throw away the bracelet, and he could only rely on this method.

In fact, he just didn\'t want her to throw away the bracelet, and he didn\'t want her to return her son Yugui, but he just wanted to preserve a little more of the memory of that year.

"Pei Yi, you think too much. I don\'t care about this bracelet at all. I just saw the note you sent and thought you were reminding me to return my son Yugui. It seems that Mr. Pei didn\'t mean that, so thank you for sending it. The dress is very beautiful. It must be the best match for my son." After saying this, the elegant and cold voice hung up the phone.

Pei Yi looked at the call that was hung up, and the phone screen jumped back to the home page, which soon became a black screen.

He just looked at it in silence, only those long and narrow eyes seemed to hide too much and too much, and it was so depressed that it was hard to breathe. After a while, he let out a sigh of relief.

Forget it, I will try my best to get her to wear the dress he designed and the bracelet he gave her. It is also considered to achieve the purpose.

there\'s still a long way to go.

The imperial capital pool dinner party came as promised. Most of the ladies in the upper-class circle of the imperial capital came, and with the appeal of the Chi family, it was normal. What\'s more, the unwritten rule of the upper class is to keep a trace of face at the banquet, no matter how ugly it is torn.

Chi Xihuan invited the Su family to participate in order to let Su Zibao see the rise of Ruilan, otherwise the Su family in South China Sea City would not be qualified to participate in a banquet like the imperial capital.

However, when Su Zibao really appeared, Chi Xihuan\'s eyes froze obviously.

Today\'s Su Zibao is wearing a silver-gray off-shoulder dress, elegant and noble. The fabric of the gauze skirt is very unique. When walking, it is like a streamer floating, and it is like the stars of the Milky Way.

There is not too much embellishment on the dress, only a silver silk flower on the waist. The exposed snow-white fragrant shoulders, against the backdrop of the silver-gray dress, made her muscles even more snow-white.

Slender jade wears a rare and unique bracelet on her hand. She walks in as if she is carrying a large piece of bright starlight.

Although I knew that Su Zibao would definitely not lose his momentum in a scene like today, but now even Chi Xihuan feels that her dress has already overwhelmed the crowd, especially if it is worn by a beauty like her, it is even more perfect of impeccable.

Su Zibao looked at Chi Xihuan with a big smile and nodded slightly.

Mu Yunlan on the sofa next to him frowned when he saw this scene. Although she was accompanied by her male partner Shen Xi and two small dumplings, she looked like a family. But... Mu Yunlan looked at Pei Yi, who deliberately wore a silver-gray suit today, and a sense of frustration appeared in his eyes.

Couples outfit.

Su Zibao just said hello to Chi Xihuan and walked into the banquet. Looking around, she suddenly found that many people were wearing some beautiful and high-quality dresses. An unknown celebrity passed her by. Su Zibao You can clearly see the embroidery mark on the corner of the other party\'s dress.

That is to say, there are many people wearing Su embroidered clothes.

"Sister, this way!" Su Jiaxin waved at Su Zibao and shouted.

Su Zibao looked at her and smiled slightly, but then his eyes froze. Su Jiaxin and Lu Yanzhi sat together, next to them were Pei Yi, Mu Yunlan and Mu Zifan.

But think about it, because of meco, Pei Yi has a lot of money in the Su Group.

The shares also belonged to their Su Xiu group, and with Lu Yanzhi\'s relationship, it was normal to sit together.

Su Zibao and Shen Xi looked at each other, and the group walked to the booth where they were sitting.

Su Aochen still had a cold and arrogant look, and made no excuses for anyone. Forsythia\'s watery eyes blinked, looked at his mother and then at the bad guy daddy over there, and suddenly found that their clothes matched their faces.


"Forsythia." Seeing the little dumpling, Pei Yi smiled and handed over a mousse cake.

Su Lianqiao looked at Su Zibao, and saw his mother said calmly, "Thank you brother soon."

Su Lianqiao picked up the cake and replied obediently, "Thank you, Brother Pei Yi."

Su Aochen watched this scene expressionlessly, but he could sense from the tone of Ms. Abao\'s words that Ms. Abao\'s attitude towards brother Pei Yi became colder.

The more polite she is to you, the more she treats you as an outsider.

Obviously, I don\'t know when, cheap daddy offended my mother again.

Su Zibao also saw Pei Yi, and after realizing that his suit was obviously the same as his own, he silently scolded him for being shameless, and he didn\'t even bother to give him a look on the surface.

"I just found out that many people at the banquet seem to be wearing Su embroidered clothes, but Chi Xihuan doesn\'t seem to know, and neither does anyone else. His clothing show will still go on well, and it doesn\'t seem to have any effect?" Su Zibao glanced at it. The people around looked at Lu Yanzhi and said.

It doesn\'t feel good to slap the face like that.

Lu Yanzhi smiled mysteriously, "You\'ll find out in a while, when Chi Xihuan shows off."

Since he said so, Su Zibao no longer worry about it. Other people\'s arrangements, and the arrangements made in the other party\'s field of expertise, are stronger than her layman.

"Ladies and gentlemen, before the banquet starts, I have prepared a small opening show for everyone." The banquet people were almost all there. Chi Xihuan walked to the center of the stage, looked at the people around and said, "From Rui Blue\'s clothing show. Today\'s theme is a dress show, all designed by excellent designers from Ruilan."

So a clothing show carefully planned by Chi Xihuan finally began.

The usual catwalk shows are one by one, but the appearance arranged by Chi Xihuan was very shocking. Dozens of beautiful beauties wearing different styles of dresses suddenly appeared on the stage. At this time, the lights of the banquet were all turned off, and there was only dim light around, and the only white light source fell in the center of the stage.

When the lights came on, a group of models in bright purple and red looked very seductive.

"Ruilan\'s hand-made clothes have unique inspection standards. As we all know, there are many imitations of international brands, and some exquisite clothing can even reach the point of being fake. But we Ruilan exclusively developed an anti-counterfeiting standard, which is used in all clothing. The interlayer of the tie-in is embroidered with a special thread to embroider the Ruilan logo, which is usually invisible, but once illuminated with a matching light source, it can be reflected. This is the first case in the world. As for its magic, everyone can see it now. ." Chi Xihuan smiled proudly and clapped his hands.

In an instant, the banquet fell into darkness again, and then a faint white mist, like a layer of mist, reflected on the stage.

On the dresses of those models, blue and silver-colored logos began to appear, which were the icons of Ruilan.

Magnificent and magical.

Even Su Zibao was stunned that there was such a means. Regardless of their design level, this unique anti-counterfeiting design alone is a breakthrough in clothing design.

There were many exclamations at the banquet.