Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 348: back to Haicheng

Shen Xi and Gu Yian walked in together.

"A Bao, Ian said that you are going to Yangcheng tomorrow?" Shen Xi asked, and handed her some information in his hand.

Su Zibao got up from the tatami and took the materials, leaving the two brothers and sisters to play with building blocks, and sat on the sofa next to Shen Xi.

"Yes. You are the team leader of the research room now, and the first-class merit award for special contribution has just been issued. You are a firm believer in the position of the Shen family. As for other things, proceed step by step and take your time." Su Zibao said, "Going abroad for four I really want to go see my grandpa in 2018. Dad is coming back soon, and Xinxin is getting married soon, so I want to spend more time with my family."

Shen Xi nodded and said, "That\'s true. It\'s a pity I can\'t leave now, otherwise I\'ll go back with you."

"You should be careful with the Cass consortium. They will definitely know that things have finally returned here, and it is not impossible for them to be angry with you." Su Zibao looked at him and said, "As for me, I plan to go back and stay for a while."

Shen Xi said, "You don\'t have to worry about me, I can handle it. It\'s you, today Pei Yi said he didn\'t sign the divorce agreement, what are you going to do? Would you like to have a good talk with him and see if we can resolve this matter peacefully?"

"Looking at the posture I talked to him today, do you think there is a possibility of a peaceful solution? I just don\'t understand why Pei Yi insisted on the custody of Aochen and Forsythia to divorce me." Su Zibao said.

Gu Yian said softly, "I think Pei Yi said this because he knew that the eldest lady could not agree to this condition. He actually didn\'t want to divorce the eldest lady."

"Then what else is there on me that is worth his Pei Sanshao coveting?" Su Zibao laughed at himself.

He already had Mu Yunlan, why didn\'t he let her go. They live their own lives, isn\'t it good?

"Forget it, don\'t talk about it for now. Anyway, I haven\'t had anything to do with him over the years. When he wants to get married, he will naturally divorce me happily. He doesn\'t want to leave now, nor does he It will affect our lives." Su Zibao said, changing the subject, "Today offended the Liang family, you have been careful in the Shen family recently, don\'t give them a chance."

Shen Xi said with a smile, "Don\'t worry, don\'t worry, it\'s fine."

That night, Su Zibao and Shen Xi briefly talked about the follow-up arrangements in the imperial capital. The next morning, Su Zibao flew back to Yangcheng with Su Aochen and Su Lianqiao, and Su Jiaxin and Lu Yan.

I haven\'t come back for four years. Compared to when I left, a lot has changed here.

When Su Zibao came to Lin\'s house, both uncle and sister Xia had gone to sister Xia\'s mother\'s house. They didn\'t know the news of Su Zibao\'s return. The old man was alone in the yard and thought he had hallucinations when he saw Su Zibao, especially the two who had Grandson, making the old man happy.

The first day I returned to Yangcheng was spent at my grandfather\'s house. I was going to find Lei Lie, but I called him and found that he was turned off. After I went to the heaven and earth to ask, I found out that he went to work recently and has not come back.

Su Zibao knew that he had been helping Li Han to deploy, and it was normal that he was often not in Haicheng.

After living in the grandfather\'s house in Yangcheng for half a month, my uncle and sister Xia also came back. Now everyone is preparing for the marriage of Dad\'s return and Su Jiaxin.

Returning to Su\'s house in Haicheng, the empty yard has not been lived in for a long time. When her parents were abroad, Xinxin ran around all year round while filming, so that such a big house was empty.

"Mom, is this our home?" Su Lianqiao asked curiously, standing in front of Su\'s house.

Su Zibao smiled slightly, "Yes. We\'ll be here waiting for your grandparents to come back."

After Gu Yian returned to Haicheng, he first went to Gu Feng to report that Su Zibao was very concerned about this uncle.

I feel very sorry that I just kidnapped other people\'s sons. Gu Yian and her have lived in Geas for four years, and they exist just like their relatives.

"Sister, do you feel that our Su house still has the same feeling as it used to be, and it has not changed. I tell the decorator every year when it is repaired that the original structure must not be damaged. The home is exactly the same." Su Jiaxin pointed at the Su residence with a proud face.

Su Zibao smiled and said, "It\'s the same as back then, thanks to our Xinxin taking care of it. Let\'s go, go in."

Su Zibao returned to Haicheng in a low-key manner, but the news still blew out like a tornado. Four years have passed, although many old families have declined and new giants have risen, but the pattern of the four giants in Haicheng has not changed. In addition, there is one more meco.

Su Zibao\'s reputation in Haicheng is not good. Mu Yunlan has been staying in Haicheng to manage meco-related industries for Pei Yi, and she has long since become the number one lady in South China today. There is a lot of talk about her past. In all the stories, Mu Yunlan is an innocent heroine, and Su Zibao is undoubtedly the vicious villain who is jealous of Mu Yunlan\'s miscarriage.

Fortunately, after so many years, not many people in the upper circle of Haicheng know her, and there will be no troublemakers on the street. As for the gossip of those people, just let them talk about it.

"Mom, let\'s go to the playground." Su Lianqiao said while eating the rabbit-shaped biscuits, tugging at the corner of Su Zibao\'s shirt.

Su Aochen, who was playing with the airplane model, didn\'t speak, but a pair of black and white eyes also looked at Su Zibao.

"Okay." Su Zibao stretched, "Xinxin, book a ticket for tomorrow\'s playground, let\'s play tomorrow."

Su Jiaxin smiled and said, "Okay. It has been four years since the last time I went to the playground with my sister."

Thinking back then, Su Zibao suddenly thought of Pei Yi, who had never been to an amusement park. When he went there for the first time with him, he couldn\'t drive a bumper car, and he also ran into Lei Lie and Li Han with her.

At that time, Li Han hadn\'t been hiding abroad like he is now, and Lei Lie was just an intelligence chief who liked to fight.

She had never met the Mu family sisters, and worked together with Pei Yi to face the crisis.

And now, everything is different. Things are not people.

"Mom and auntie went to play together before, auntie, does mom dare to ride the roller coaster?" Su Lianqiao asked curiously with a blink of an eye.

Su Jiaxin burst out laughing, "I still have photos here, come and come, and show them to you."

Su Jiaxin flipped out the photo album on her phone. She didn\'t delete the photos from four years ago, and even copied them when she changed phones. One after another, the two little dumplings suddenly looked at one of them in unison.

Mom and the bad guy dad each hold a marshmallow in the shape of a pink heart and smirk at the camera.

Su Zibao also saw it, his eyes narrowed, and he turned to the next one without any hesitation.

The news that Su Guoqiang was about to wake up soon reached Su Zhenzhe\'s ears. Compared to Sister Su Zibao\'s happiness, he was more restless.

Once the old man wakes up, he will force him to sign with the people who joined the Su clan branch back then, and tell him the news that he is in a vegetative state.

Then the 17.5% of the shares in his hands that are still in temporary custody will be taken away. And the old man would throw him out and take back everything that was given to him now.

The house where Su Zhenzhe lives now, the real estate under his name, and several financial management projects with income were all given to him by the old man.

If the old man wants to settle accounts with him, then he really has nothing.