Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 1013: Shameless scumbag, Forsythia is angry

The entire dungeon was played very smoothly. Without the Great God Murong Bai, the group would be destroyed. But now with him, although there are only four of them, they have passed the customs properly.

Pei Forsythia is very happy, the great **** is worthy of being a great god. And the rewards after the customs clearance, the great gods didn\'t like it at all, and they were all cheaper.

And Bai Murong\'s current thinking is very simple, this is her junior, of course she has to take care of it.

The group of four walked out of the dungeon with a smile. Everyone was very excited. Murong Bai was worthy of being the Sword King.

As a result, as soon as he walked out, he saw a person blocking the door of the copy, it was Jiang Linfeng.

"Qing\'er, I can wait for you. Why do you want to break up your relationship with me?" Jiang Linfeng asked when he came.

Pei Lianqiao was stunned for a moment, did he misunderstand him? In fact, things are not as Shui Yuexue said.

"Didn\'t you and Shui Yuexue meet and date in real life?" Pei Lianqiao asked back.

Jiang Linfeng was taken aback, "Who told you?"

"Shui Yuexue. What\'s wrong with what she said? Then I\'ll ask her to confront you." Pei Lianqiao tapped on the keyboard and said.

"Wait, don\'t call her!" Jiang Linfeng said quickly, then hesitantly, "It\'s not what you think, it\'s a bit complicated, Qing\'er, let\'s find a place to talk privately?"

Pei Lianqiao frowned and typed, "I made an appointment with Bing Xin and the others. If you have anything to say, just say it now. If it\'s inconvenient, we can chat in secret."

"Qing\'er, could it be that my place in your heart is so low that you don\'t want to spend a little time alone with me?" Jiang Linfeng opened a secret voice chat with a hurt tone.

Pei Lianqiao said lightly, "We met on Saturday, two days have passed now, if you want to say something to me, you can make an appointment with me these two days, but you haven\'t. Now I have made an appointment with someone else, How can I miss the appointment? I really haven’t been to God’s Domain for half a month, but the first time I went online two days ago was to inform you that at that time you want to accompany Shui Yuexue, why didn’t you tell me anything?”

He has already treated her like this, why should Pei Lianqiao treat him?

"Qing\'er, I\'m sorry, it\'s all my fault, I made you jealous." Jiang Linfeng was overjoyed, but his tone was extremely sincere, "I know that Shui Yuexue and I are very close, making you sad. But my original intention was not like this, you disappeared for half a month this time, Shui Yuexue took advantage of the emptiness, she not only video chatted with me, but also came to me, I couldn\'t hold back for a while..."

Pei Lianqiao interrupted him, "You don\'t need to explain to me, since you are together, I have also lifted your relationship with you. You can be with her now. Is there any problem?"

"Qing\'er, listen to my explanation, it\'s not that I\'m going to betray you, but... but, Shui Yuexue is really too good at sex. She "luo liao" with me, "shen yin" in my ear, You call me a normal man, I..."

Pei Lianqiao\'s stomach was surging for a while, Damn, "luo liao", it\'s so disgusting.

"Shut up for me, don\'t disgust me here. Jiang Linfeng, what exactly do you want to express, just say it plainly and clearly."

Hearing that Pei Lianqiao was angry, but Jiang Linfeng thought she was jealous and was stimulated by the closeness "luo liao" between him and Shui Yuexue, he coughed and said, "Qing\'er, although the **** this time is my fault , but in the end it\'s because of you."

"It\'s my fault that you adulterers and prostitutes collude and become adulterers?" Pei Lianqiao smiled disdainfully.

Jiang Linfeng said righteously, "Yes.

, because of you. In fact, these videos are not important at all, but you are a pharmacist, who doesn\'t know that you can make money so much, the famous black-hearted pharmacist, but you are like a miser, all the gold coins are hidden by yourself, and you never follow I have bought equipment. As for Shui Yuexue, 10,000 pieces of mithril equipment were given to me without blinking. You treat me like this, and then look at how Shui Yuexue treats her sweetheart, normal men know how to choose. "

Pei Lianqiao twitched the corners of his mouth, it was the first time he saw such a shameless man, ***, Pei Lianqiao actually gave Jiang Linfeng medicine too much, and did not take any advantage of him, but he really did not look like Shui Yuexue Such a waste of money, because she really can\'t take out so many gold coins at one time.

"But I put up with it. I think you must have family difficulties, so it\'s understandable to earn more gold coins, so I don\'t want it." Jiang Linfeng said this sentence with great pride, as if all the gold coins that Pei Lianqiao earned were his. Same.

"I really don\'t despise you being poor." Jiang Linfeng added three hundred taels of silver here.

Pei Forsythia: "..."

"But I can see from this incident that you don\'t love me at all. We have been in love for so long, and you never send photos or accept my videos. Are you so ugly? But even if you are really not very good-looking, If I can be as sensible as Shui Yuexue and know how to deal with a man\'s loneliness, then I won\'t be so sad and choose to be with Shui Yuexue." Jiang Linfeng sighed.

Pei Lianqiao almost vomited blood from his anger. What the fuck? Don\'t be ashamed of you, you still despise me for not making videos with you and not satisfying your filthy thoughts? Damn, I love you, uncle. I said that I didn\'t like you at the beginning, but you were struggling with yourself, which completely affected my normal speed of earning gold coins.

"Qing\'er, if you are like this, no man will like you, you will only be abandoned. But our relationship for so long, if you are willing to reform, I can still reconcile with you." Jiang Linfeng was shameless, as if he had given Pei Forsythia a great favor.

Pei Forsythia\'s patience was completely worn out, and he sneered, "Oh? Rehabilitated? How?"

"Just like Shui Yuexue, you know." Jiang Linfeng said excitedly, thinking that he was about to succeed.

Pei Lianqiao stared at the screen with a cold smile on his lips, "Oh? Do you want to buy all the gold coins you earn to buy equipment, and then "luo liao" with you?"

"Qing\'er is really smart, and it\'s easy to understand." Jiang Linfeng said immediately. At the beginning, he chased Pei Forsythia because the other party was a pharmacist, but this pharmacist was inexorable.

Pei Lianqiao directly closed the secret voice chat and said publicly, "Bing Xin, help, kill this **** Jiang Linfeng, I **** want to vomit when I see him now, hurry up and make him disappear!"

Pei Forsythia and Jiang Linfeng were chatting secretly just now, and their game characters were standing motionless. No one knew what they were talking about, but Bai Murong had already extracted Pei Forsythia and Jiang Linfeng from a pot of ice in a few words. Jiang Linfeng\'s relationship.

His face was gloomy and terrifying. At this moment, he suddenly heard Pei Lianqiao\'s words. He didn\'t even think about a sword light tossing it over. Before Pei Lianqiao could make a move, Jiang Linfeng was instantly stunned.

Jiang Linfeng fell to the ground instantly and died, leaving only a corpse and a pair of boots in a mithril suit that exploded.

A pot of Bingxin suddenly cheered, "Great job done by God!"

If it wasn\'t for Murong Bai\'s personal shot, she and Yiqu Qingxi would not necessarily be able to kill Jiang Linfeng. His new mithril equipment was very powerful.

"Bingxin, these boots are hanging in the shooting shop. If the Mithril equipment is not complete, it can\'t play the biggest role. Jiang Linfeng will definitely buy it back. Give me a lower price and hang it up a little bit, and kill him!" Pei Lianqiao gritted his teeth.