Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 95

The carnival lasted until dawn. Most people went home with joy, and a few people familiar with guatel slept in his carpenter\'s workshop.

Guatel was pushed out of the door, holding the wine jar, salivating, and sleeping soundly.

A man in the robe and hood of a divine punishment friar came quietly to guatel and stabbed him with a dagger.


With a dull noise, the knife pierced a piece of rotten wood beside guatel.

The dagger was out of hand, and several of the Friar\'s fingers fell off.

He felt neither pain nor surprise, but quickly pulled out his sword from his waist and aimed it at guatel\'s neck again.

The sword stabbed down, and an invisible force cut off the monk\'s hand, and his hand fell to the ground together with the sword.

The "friar" stood still. At the door of the quiet carpenter\'s workshop, two imperceptible voices came one after another.

"Knight, let the poor child go. He has just escaped from death."

"Sergeant, you are not pious when you talk like this. How can the divine Punisher admit the existence of the God of death?"

"Without Pluto and death, why can anyone control the power of the dead? Belief and existence are two different things. Why should we argue about such things?"

"Then let\'s argue about another thing. Do you think Pluto will take the child today?"

"I can\'t guess the intention of death, but I know the Lord doesn\'t want the child to go."

"It depends on the wishes of the two gods."

There were some waste wood piled up outside the carpenter\'s workshop. From the waste wood pile, two "friars" came out and jumped at guatel with daggers.

Two beams of light hit and cut off the right hands of two "friars" respectively, and the dagger fell to the ground.

Holy light, the third-order skill of the divine punishment warrior.

Stanley, hiding in the dark, whispered, "dark."

There was absolute darkness around the carpenter\'s workshop. LAN couldn\'t judge the location of the living corpses. He could briefly break the darkness with the holy light, but when he saw the three living corpses, he was afraid that they had cut off guater\'s head.

Without any time to think, Rahn let out a whisper.

"Woo - the love of the Lord."

When Stanley felt his chest tremble and his heart was about to be broken. When his mind loosened, he lost control of the living corpse.

"Sergeant, do you want to kill all the people here?"

"Knight, you despise me too much. That\'s the chant I gave you. Only you can hear it."

While talking, the darkness dispersed, and three living corpses surrounded guater, each extending their left hands and pointing to guater\'s forehead.

At the same time, Stanley bit his thumb and wiped a blood mark on his face from the center of his eyebrows to the tip of his nose.

The fourth level skill of Hades believers - guiding the way. He wants to send guatel\'s soul directly to the underworld.

LAN didn\'t have a way to restrain this skill. He began to sing again. The low melody made Stanley unable to concentrate. He saw guatel\'s soul leave his body, but slowly shrink back.

After a moment of stalemate, Stanley gasped, "are we going to fight to the end like this?"

LAN\'s breath is fairly uniform: "I don\'t want to, but I\'m not afraid. You just finished your promotion, and I should win in the end."

"I came under orders. If I don\'t kill this little guy, I\'ll be in big trouble."

"Everyone has to face trouble, and I have to bear the crime of indulging in heresy. Instead of being worse than anyone here, we might as well end this senseless struggle as soon as possible."

"Do you think I\'ll leave easily?"

"If you don\'t leave, I\'ll wake up all the people here. I can go away. You have to clean up the corpse. Many people know that you are a believer of Pluto. If you leave a trace, the Viscount\'s crime will not be cleared."

After a brief silence, Stanley left the carpenter\'s workshop first with the corpse.

He did not worry about leaving evidence, nor did he worry about implicating the viscount. The Viscount always had a way to frame the blame on the punisher of God.

His only worry is the gap in strength.

He has just finished his promotion, and LAN has been practicing more than half on the road of the fourth level. This gap is quite amazing.

For the time being, let guatel live a little longer. The divine Punisher can\'t always protect this silly boy. He can always find a chance to start.


Guatel woke up thirsty. He opened his eyes to look for the water tank, but found himself back in a familiar place.

Fences, shackles, whips, these are just the most common existence.

Interrogation chair full of nails, head crusher like eggshell, iron funnel for boiling water and wooden boots that can break ankle bones

When these instruments of torture appeared one by one, guatel immediately screamed.

This is a dream. It must be a dream.

He closed his eyes and opened them fiercely. These bloody instruments of torture were still in front of him.

This is not a dream. Those were dreams last night. I never left the dungeon.

Guatel cried loudly. In the past, the friar guarding the dungeon would teach him to shut up with a wooden stick, but today the red haired friar was very patient. When guatel was tired of crying, he handed him a bowl of water.

"Do you want to go home?" asked Rahn in his friar robe.

"Yes!" guatel nodded, crying.

"If you go home, I\'ll catch you in the dungeon tomorrow."

"Then I won\'t go back." guatel howled again.

"I have a place where I can live well. As long as you don\'t leave there, you don\'t have to go back to the dungeon. Do you want to go?"

"Yes!" guatel wiped his tears.

"You must not leave there. As long as you leave one step, you will immediately return to the dungeon, remember?"


"Guatel incident" is over, but the business of the tavern is still booming. Businessmen and farmers passing through the temple always come in for a drink to share the story of those who fight against God\'s punishment, and buy a can of wine for Ares, the God of war.

Heard that guatel was released, Manda was feeling the wisdom of the punisher. Suddenly, Toka looked frightened and came over.

"Boss, it\'s time for Ogg to speak those incomprehensible words again."

Manda was surprised: "so early? Where\'s worm?"

"He\'s making wine. I dare not go to him."

"I\'ll go!" Manda jumped out of the counter and ran all the way to the back door. Suddenly, the door fell down and pressed Manda under it.

Ogg stepped into the hall and walked to the corner table under the eyes of the people.

Manda climbed out from under the door panel and took a deep breath: "No."

Sitting in the corner is the drunk Millo. He is sleeping on the table.

Ogg sat opposite him, took a glass of wine and poured it on Millo\'s head.

Manda closed her eyes and began planning Ogg\'s funeral.

According to Millo\'s logic, it was an offence to him. He would immediately draw a knife and chop Ogg on the spot.

Millo woke up and looked straight at Ogg. Red wine flowed down his hair to his face.

Ogg looked at Millo and said solemnly, "you know, the great prophet gave me instructions. He wanted to give me more power, but I don\'t know how to get that power."

Millo licked the red wine on his face and picked up a wine can.

Manda calmed down a little. It seemed that Millo just wanted to beat Ogg.

"Take this wine and give it to the prophet, who will give you strength."

Ogg said in amazement, "is it too shabby to have only one can of wine?"

Millo smiled, "God Titan is so kind. Go quickly."

With that, Millo fell asleep again on the table.

Manda was surprised at Millo\'s tolerance when she heard a burst of cheers from the guests.

What happened? He remembered Helena\'s crazy performance when she was drunk, but the cheers didn\'t seem so strong.

The guests stood up one after another. Manda squeezed hard to the door and saw an innocent face.

"Can I come in?" guatel shouted.

"Sure," Manda nodded. "Inside, please."

"Thank you!" guatel saluted, spitting on Manda\'s face.