Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 681

Mars was about to fall overhead. Manda stretched out her hands to blow away the Mars with the storm. Odysseus ran to Manda in a few steps and protected him with a shield.

"Don\'t use the storm. Don\'t use it. It\'s not outside. If you blow Mars everywhere, it will become the most favorable battlefield for him."

Mars fell one after another close to the barrier. Manda tried to judge each other\'s position, but the barrier not only blocked the attack, but also affected the transmission of sound. Manda could only barely hear each other moving, but could no longer judge each other\'s position.

"Can your barrier resist all attacks?"

"This question cannot be answered. It can only be said that so far no one has broken through the barrier, including flanese\'s thunder scepter."

In this way, Manda was assured that no matter how strong Quebec was, his attack power would not exceed that of Zeus.

"Since he can\'t hurt us, we happen to talk business with him now."

"You have to talk faster. I can\'t support it."

"What does that mean? You told me you could last a year."

"You believe that. I\'m really ashamed of your honesty."

Manda shouted, "Your holiness, would you like to show up and talk to me?"

Judging from the sound, the other party\'s moving speed slows down, but he still doesn\'t know which direction he is in.

"We\'re not here to fight you. We\'re here to talk to you about a business."

"Hoo!" there was another muffled roar. Protected by the barrier, Manda didn\'t feel a strong shock.

Then came the holy light covering the whole line of sight. Manda and Odysseus were forced to close their eyes. At the moment when the holy light disappeared, Manda saw a figure.

The figure was on the corridor on the second floor. He seemed to be observing them, but the figure soon disappeared.

"I see him. Is Quentin tall?"

"Not high, but very strong."

"Maybe we don\'t have the same understanding of strength." Manda doubted whether what he saw was the Pope, and he even doubted whether what he saw was human.

From the outline, the man\'s trunk has been seriously deformed, but his limbs are disproportionately long, not only long, but also very thin. Although it\'s only a glance, Manda saw his special way of action. He landed on his limbs and crawled sideways to the right.

Isn\'t this a spider spirit? Is a spider spirit so strong? No matter how strong he is, Manda is looking for the pope!

"Your holiness, you can\'t hurt us, and we don\'t want to hurt you. Show up and let\'s talk."

The hall was silent. When he saw the figure of the man again, he had appeared at the door.

He wants to escape!

He wants to leave the palace!

"Remove the barrier quickly. We can\'t let him escape."

Odysseus shook his head and said, "you can\'t lift the barrier. If he wants to escape, let him escape."

"Don\'t forget the purpose of our trip!"

"Forget it, it\'s better to leave alive than anything."

Manda understood Akira somewhat. Odysseus was so powerful, but his cowardice at the critical moment was really annoying.

While talking, Spiderman stretched out his long legs and took a tentative step outside the door. As soon as he stretched out his feet and retracted back, Manda heard the sound of breaking the air and saw a piece of dust near the stone gate.

It was a feather arrow. The arrowhead shot into the stone gate, but most of the arrow shaft didn\'t go in.

What a powerful shot! The sound of breaking the air came one after another. Manda couldn\'t see the track of the feather arrow. He could only see one arrow shooting into the wall. One arrow chased the spider man, turned a corner and shot down an oil lamp. While the oil lamp overturned, the stone gate began to close slowly.

"No! The stone door can\'t be opened from the inside!" Odysseus rushed towards the stone door. Unfortunately, with the barrier, he couldn\'t run fast, and this stone door was much faster than the one in the restaurant. When they rushed to the door, the stone door had been completely closed without leaving a gap.

The spider man who was at the door jumped back to the corridor and shouted at the dark corner: "pudala, stand in the hall, stand here, let\'s finish!"

What a strange sound, like the sound of a rotten rag being torn apart.

"It\'s him," Odysseus trembled. "This is his voice, Quebec."

Quebec is still crawling in the corridor, front and back, left and right, and sometimes walking close to the wall. It is hard to imagine that this man was once the highest leader of God punishers in the whole continent.

"Come on, putala, finish it!"

The bowstring is taut. This Prada should be in a single room on the third floor, the 16th? No, it\'s the seventeenth.

Manda asked Odysseus, "how long can you last?"

Odysseus dared not answer, but Manda could feel that his divine power dissipated very fast.

"Untie the barrier quickly."

"Are you crazy?"

"Now there is an eighth order and a half God here. We have a chance to subdue Quentin. Anyway, you can\'t stand it. When do you want to wait until now?"

"After opening the barrier, what do you want to do? Rush up and fight hard?"

"Rush up, don\'t work hard, I attract his attention, you control his thinking."

"He\'s so fast that you can\'t get close to him."

"I haven\'t lost to anyone than speed!"

"Even if you can contain him, I may not be able to control him."

"When the demigod leaves, we have to face Quebec alone, and your divine power will be exhausted."

Odysseus opened the barrier, Manda dodged left and right, and rushed to Quebec between the holy light and the golden light.

Quentin took strange spider steps from one floor of the corridor to another, trying to keep a distance from Manda, but Manda was faster than him and kept approaching him.

Quentin suddenly jumped onto the throne and cast a piece of Mars while casting the holy light.

Can he use both skills at the same time? This is different from all the samurai of divine punishment.

Manda struggled between the holy light and Liuyan, found a suitable distance and threw out the jump button.

This artifact has been with Manda for many years and has never been missed once. The button flew into Quentin\'s mouth accurately.

Manda was waiting for Quebec to suffocate, but she heard a clattering, clattering chewing sound.

He\'s eaten!


He swallowed it!

This broke Manda\'s heart.

Taking advantage of Quebec\'s opportunity to eat the button, Manda walked around behind him and stabbed him in the back of the head with her golden finger. Quebec could escape and was going to fight back, but when he turned around, he was stunned for a moment, as if he had forgotten what to do.

Odysseus\' forgetting technique came into play. Manda stabbed Quentin\'s back heart with her golden finger. Unexpectedly, Quentin suddenly roared. The roaring palace shook, but Manda was paralyzed.

This is not out of fear, it is a real injury. This roar is tantamount to a heavy blow to Manda.

After fighting with the divine punishment warrior so many times, Manda was hurt by the singing skill for the first time. It was not singing at all. The other party didn\'t even sing a word of the lyrics. There was no melody for the roar, but the lethality was so amazing.

And Quentin\'s attacks are superimposed with different skills. While roaring, a large amount of golden light rushes towards Manda.

Monster, this is a monster. Quebec\'s strength makes Manda re understand the limits of mortals. Manda even suspects that his strength is not under the three headed dog.

Manda dodged the golden light and jumped into a single room on the third floor corridor. The single room was small, and the visual inspection was only five or six square meters. There was also a seat bigger than the bed. It seemed that these important people were lying in the meeting when the king of Troy held the meeting.

The single room is very closed and difficult to dodge, but it is hidden enough to launch an ambush.

Manda made some preparations. Quentin then came. The holy light and Liuyan came one after another. Seeing that Manda was forced into a dead corner, Quentin was ready to seal the battle with a divine sword.

Manda looked at Odysseus and found that Odysseus had reopened the barrier, which meant that he could not provide any help. The old dog was really unreliable.

The golden light hit Manda. As soon as Manda\'s body was soft and shaky, she was about to fall. Suddenly, she straightened her chest and sent out a holy light. Quentin was unprepared and was beaten out of the door by the holy light.

After entering the box, Manda released her split and resisted an attack for herself, which was planned.

After being attacked, Manda was ready to return to the body to launch a counterattack, but unexpectedly, the divine punishment skill in the body broke out, and the holy light directly hit Quebec, which was completely unexpected.

This accident did not cause much harm to Quebec. It was just a beam of holy light. He could carry it, but it caused him a serious logical obstacle.

He stayed outside the box and didn\'t go in. He needed to tidy up his mind.

Why did he use the light? Why can he still use skills? Why is he not afraid of the seal of the divine sword?

First of all, the divine sword seal can seal the divine blood stone of all believers, with the exception of the divine punishment warrior. The divine sword seal cannot seal the divine blood stone of the Lord of divine punishment.

In other words, the other party is a divine punishment warrior, because he will use the holy light. This logic is no problem.

Because he is a divine punishment warrior, the seal of divine sword can\'t seal his skills. Logic is no problem.

But where are the obstacles?

Quentin thought for a long time and thought of a serious question: "why do you dare to hit me? You are a divine Punisher and I am the Pope. How dare you hit me?"

This question came a little suddenly. Manda just wanted to say that he was not a divine Punisher, and then introduced his intention, but suddenly thought of another answer, an answer that is consistent with the facts, fresh angle and convenient for continuous communication.

"You are no longer the Pope."

"What are you talking about?" Quebec growled, and the whole palace trembled again.

Manda sighed, "I know it\'s hard to accept, but you\'ve been here for too long. Your subordinate madesa has replaced you as the new pope."

"Martha?" Quebec laughed. "He doesn\'t have the courage. He doesn\'t even have the courage to look up and talk to me."

Manda said, "you should know the Athena believer. You fought with him. You should also know that Athena believers have a special skill. Odysseus, I asked you to record the war and show it to his holiness."

Quietly in the hall, Manda pursed her lips and said, "Odysseus, I believe you are not a coward. Prove it to me."