Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 947

"I have something else to do. I'll do it first." Ren Bozhong didn't want to see the excitement.

Yang Xi overcame Cheng yingxuan, sent deceptive photos, so calculating.

If you stay on, if Yang Xi is on his head, it won't pay off.

"See, vice president Ren can prove that I asked for leave." Yang Xi raised her chin haughtily.

"He can only prove that you asked for leave, as for where you went after you asked for leave..." Cheng yingxuan deliberately left a word tail, "who knows."

Yang Qian and Jiang Ming rolled the bed sheet quietly yesterday, which must not be known to anyone.

She pretended to be serious and said, "I just don't feel comfortable. Chief engineer Cheng is the chief engineer. Don't make a wild guess!"

"Are you ready for the elite design competition? I tell you, you're going to lose! "

Cheng yingxuan's face is not very good either.

She is not good at architectural appearance design at all. Even if she makes up for it these days, she still can't get a decent work.

As soon as Yang Xi looked at her face, she knew that she had no good design. She was full of ambition. "You, the chief engineer, can't sit for a few days. Wait for me to step down and make way for me."

"Yang Xi, you woman full of lies, what are you proud of?" Zhang Jing really can't see through.

"Ouch Yang Xi despised her and said, "Cheng yingxuan is about to step down. As soon as she loses the design contest to me, I will definitely be the chief engineer. I am the one you should flatter now. If you hold my thigh well, I don't think you can stay as a sesame assistant after I take office. Otherwise, I will be the first to fire you! "

Zhang Jingcai didn't buy her account. "If Cheng Gong doesn't work in this company, I'll go with her."

"Cheng Gong, do I have enough loyalty?"

"Well." Cheng yingxuan nodded slightly.

Frankly speaking, Zhang Jing is an assistant. She likes it very much.

it's a pity that Zhang Jing, who helped her in the company, did not know who was putting on the eyeliner around her, waiting for a stab at any time.

Zhang Jing suddenly fell down on her face, folded her hands and said, "Cheng Gong, try your best to knock down the fox spirit Yang Xi. I don't want to be laid off! "

Yang Xi was angry. "Zhang, what are you talking about! Who are you talking about

"What about you?" Zhang Jing stood up from the office chair with her hands on her hips, "Cheng Gong and Mr. Yan have all had children. What are you, the third party, coming in and mixing together! You are not only a fox spirit, but also a small three, big capital small three

"You, you, you!" Yang Xi rushes over, "I want to tear your mouth!"

"Enough!" Cheng yingxuan Li drinks, Hansen's tone has a kind of courage that people have to respect.

Just ready to wrestle together two people inexplicably stopped the action.

"Take care of me during office hours." Cheng yingxuan is cold and cold.

Yang Qian and Zhang Jing sat back at their desks.

"Cheng Gong, it's too much of a woman surnamed Yang." Zhang Jing was very aggrieved for her, "what you just said, she cheated you with fake photos. If it wasn't for you talking about this with her just now, I don't know."

"Thank you for the maintenance." Cheng yingxuan's face eased down, "I will deal with my own affairs."

To clean up Yang Xi, with her skills, and then use some means in the dark, God knows not. , the fastest update of the webnovel!