Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 881

Cheng yingxuan put away her mobile phone.

Of course, she knew that Yang Xi was going to curse like a shrew. She was not interested in listening to the abuse and was too lazy to scold back.

Hang up is the easiest way.

She will not really like the phone said to pester Yan shiting.

If he really wants to consider the future of the Yan Family and choose Yang Qian, she will not stop him, but will help him.

I don't blame him.

The Yan family is only one step away from the heaven. He is the only son of the Yan family. His family needs his marriage. How can he stay out of it?

If he chose Yang Xi, he would be rational and human.

What's more, her son Cheng Xiaobao is the future inheritance of the Yan family. She should be happy when the Yan Family reaches its peak.

Let Yang Xi watch Yan shiting on the phone, but also deliberately angry that cheap woman.

Looking at the silent night sky, the city over a vast expanse of darkness, stars, but she did not feel a glimmer of dawn.

It was a dark emotion that spread through the heart.

She never cares about her origin, but she cares about losing Yan shiting.

She likes him and always does.

Otherwise, it will not be in the vast world, hundreds of millions of men, only choose him to be the father of children.

Love him

I really love you.

I don't know when it started. His cold face and straight figure gradually filled her heart

I can't even get out.

Forced by reality, she could not admit her love for him.

I can't be bitter.

"Mom, why hasn't dad been home for days?" Cheng Xiaobao's tender voice rings behind her.

She turned around and looked at her son's delicate little face, full of yearning for Yan shiting.

Heart, a little pain.

In a simple sentence, the son asked her why her father didn't come back?

Just like she and Yan shiting are a family.

In fact, No.

She has nothing to do with Yan shiting except Xiaobao, a son. She is not a family.

Don't know how to answer the son, his father may not want her.

But he will love Xiao Bao forever.

Because shiting will have only one son, Xiao Bao.

Blood and kinship are always cut.

"Mom, why don't you talk?" Cheng Xiaobao looked up at her with her head up. Her voice was full of concern. "Are you worried about dad?"

"No She squatted down and looked at her son flat. "Mom just doesn't know how to answer you, because I don't know where your dad is."

"This is simple. I'll go to my room to get my cell phone and call and ask him. " Cheng Xiaobao turns to run to the room.

"Don't go." Cheng yingxuan hugs her son's small figure.

Although the tone pretended to be no fluctuation, Xiaobao still felt her depression. Her immature tone was affirmative, "Xuanxuan, you are not happy."

"Well." Nothing can be hidden from this clever son.

"Because dad didn't come back for days." It's still for sure.

"Not only that." My son is too clever to keep it from him.

When Cheng Xiaobao heard his mother say this, he understood, "Mom, has dad changed his mind and decided to let Yang Xi be the future Mrs. Yan Shao?"

"I don't know." "Maybe. You have to be prepared. He's your father. I'm your mother. That won't change. But you may have an extra stepmother. Then... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!