Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 569

Old master Yan pointed to the profile photo of Cheng Xiaobao in the newspaper, "look at the child..."

"What's wrong with this child? It's just Cheng yingxuan's wild..." The word has not yet vomited out, CEN Sufen Leng for a moment, "it seems a little familiar..."

"It's always a side photo, or it's not clear..." Old master Yan had finished reading all the newspapers, but he couldn't find a positive picture of Cheng Xiaobao.

"It is estimated that shiting doesn't want Cheng Xiaobao's photo to be exposed, so the media dare not publish a positive photo. It's easy to get a picture. " CEN Sufen made a phone call. Soon, someone sent Cheng Xiaobao's information, birth date, height and weight, as well as a positive photo.

Old master Yan took the picture and stared at the lovely and beautiful little man in the picture for a long time.

CEN Sufen was also fascinated. They looked at each other and said, "Dad, what do you want to say?"

"Daughter in law, do you think Cheng Xiaobao is more familiar?" old master Yan was a little excited.

"Dad, the more I look at it, the more familiar this little guy is It's like when we were young. " CEN Sufen was shaking with excitement.

"Go find some photos of shiting when he was a child and compare them. I have it in my study. I'll go there myself... " Old master Yan was standing on his crutch and roaring upstairs.

CEN Sufen quickly followed.

In a study upstairs, Mr. Yan took out an old photo album from the cupboard and found the photos of Yan shiting when he was about four or five years old. Cen Sufen put Cheng Xiaobao's picture aside.

two pictures as like as two peas in four or five years old, one in black and white, one in colorful, two facial features in a little guy, with the same look, eyes and movements!

said no father and son, absolutely no one believed!

Old master Yan's blood was boiling. He was so excited that his crutches kept knocking on the ground. "I said, how could shiting treat a wild seed so well This is the old crow's mouth! Which is the wild seed, that is our own son of shiting

"Absolutely natural!" CEN Sufen's face turned red with excitement, "Dad, we have a family. I'm really worried about death!"

"There's a back, there's a back!" Old master Yan's eyes were filled with tears. "Shiting is twenty-nine at once, and has been going on for eight generations. After 30 years old, Yan family men can't have a future. I'm really afraid that Shi Ting can't be born..."

"Dad, look at what you said. This is not Xiaobao." CEN Sufen touched Xiaobao's lovely face in the photo, "look, Xiaobao in our family is really cute. His clear eyes, his small upright body and his standing posture are really fascinated by my grandmother!"

Old master Yan simply grabbed Xiaobao's photo and hid it in his arms. Holding the photo was like holding a real person, "I thought I would never see shiting get married and have children in my life, but I didn't expect that my great grandson was so big I'm going to see Xiao Bao! "

"Dad, why don't you go after dinner?"

"You can't be in the mood to eat. You can't die if you're hungry." Old master Yan went downstairs faster than young people with crutches. Cen Sufen did not take any bags, so he quickly followed up.


An extended version of the RV drove to the gate of Mujia manor. The guard stopped the car and was not allowed to pass.

Old master Yan opened the door of the car in a hurry and wanted to rush into the garden.

CEN Sufen followed behind, worried, "Dad, slow down." , the fastest update of the webnovel!