Fortunate Pregnancy, Forced Marriage: Boss is Addicted to Pampering His Wife

Chapter 405

She was so angry with Ms. Cen that she joked that she would force her son to marry her.

Mrs. CEN is very angry, how her son must take it seriously.

Hearing her reply, Yan shiting's face flashed a touch of depression.

He didn't want to have such an indistinct relationship with her. He had nothing to talk about when he fell in love with his boyfriend and girlfriend. He was a successful businessman at the peak. His time was precious and he didn't like to waste time.

So, he wants to give her a name.

He could admit that he wanted to marry her.

He was a man and should have spoken to her about the proposal.

But the dead woman said in front of his mother that he was her second master, and she lost all his face at one time!

He punished her if he didn't find her to settle the account. This is just a matter of fact. She will certainly be unconvinced if she is punished.

Although, he didn't think she could afford him at all.

At the beginning, I wanted to sleep with her, get into her body, and make her.

He didn't want to waste more energy chasing her, so he agreed to give him 40 million yuan, and he promised to be kept by her for a year.

Punishment can not be punished, he lost face can not be retrieved, turn back must be his mother laugh to death!

Therefore, he asked her to force her to marry him. In this way, she forced her to marry him. After marriage, he would be arrogant and arrogant. She was not only oppressed by her height and weight, but also had no right to speak in marriage. All, part, listen, he, she!

Staring at his gloomy face, she suddenly burst out with a smile, "Mr. Yan, you have this abacus in your mind I heard the abacus beads crackling across my belly. You'll have a lot of money to spend! "

I knew this woman wasn't that easy to deal with. With a cold face, he simply turned over and pressed on her chiluo's delicate body. With one hand on the bed and the other on her thin snow shoulder, "I don't have time to spend with you. Do you want to force me to marry you?"

Senhan's anger filled the room.

If someone else, he would have been scared.

She pointed to his bare and flat chest. His muscles were so strong that they were bound tightly. "Mr. Yan, you are not dressed..."

"Don't you, you call me old! I'm only twenty-eight years old! " Xiaobao, a four-year-old kid, thinks he is an old man. She's twenty-three. She can't think he's old.

He felt that they were just the right age!

"Don't change the subject..." His thick black eyebrows locked, "if you dare not force me to marry..." A sharp eye warning means a lot.

This man, he's threatening again. She snorted and laughed, "ha ha ha! I mean, you threaten me naked. It's not scary... "

After hearing this, he also felt that only when he put on his clothes, he turned over to get out of bed and put them on immediately.

At the same time, she put the clothes back on her body at the speed of lightning. Although she moved and her whole body was sore, she still managed to put her clothes in order, and then she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

Just now, she was touched by a solid hard object in his lower abdomen. She was really afraid that he would fall in love again.

He was dressed in suit and leather shoes, and became a noble and noble beast. At least, he didn't have to clean his gun.

Seeing her expression of relief, he suddenly found that he had been cheated, "dead woman, are you afraid I'll hit you again?"

Although it is an interrogative sentence, the tone is affirmative.

"Where is..." Her words also declined, he reached out to take off her clothes, she quickly covered, "Yan shiting, I'm hungry!"

Thinking that she didn't eat dinner yesterday, she was forced to drink some water and eat a piece of cake before going to bed in the middle of the night.

He was heartbroken. "Then go to dinner first."

Sharp eyes slightly narrowed, "finish eating and then answer my question, dare to say no..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!