Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 403

No matter how badly she was hurt, Xuaner couldn\'t feel it.

As early as after the severe pain, the lower part of the body is completely numb.

The massive loss of blood made Xuaner feel dizzy. If she couldn\'t bear it, I\'m afraid

It will be a perpetual sleep.

But at this time, Xuaner only felt that her heart was beating very fast. The feeling of shyness completely defeated dizziness and confusion. With her eyes closed tightly, her slender eyelashes trembled constantly. Xuan\'er pursed her lips and felt Lin Feng\'s big hand light *, as if she was suffocating.


Why is there only a sense of shyness in your heart?

Is it because it\'s treatment now?

"Yes, it must be." xuan\'er said softly, and the blush on her face had already reached the root of her neck.

Time passes slowly.

This is true for Xuaner and the same for Lin Feng.

"Hold on!"

"I can do it!"

Lin Feng constantly exudes blood at the corner of the mouth and controls the two completely conflicting flames, which is a great challenge for himself! I\'ve never been tired before. It\'s ten times more tired than facing the 10 billion Warcraft army alone in tianwu mainland!

120% concentration!

I don\'t dare to be distracted at all. Once I can\'t control it, when the fire of swallowing comes into contact with the fire of rebirth

Lin Feng can\'t imagine what will happen.

But obviously——

It won\'t be a good thing.

"Almost half finished." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, and the green veins on his forehead were exposed.

Yu Guang glanced at Xuaner\'s beautiful feet. At this time, he had recovered a little blood color, no longer the coke like black. Under the compensation of the energy of the fruit of life, fresh blood is slowly generated, new cells divide and combine again, and constantly experience metabolism.

Toxins are still deposited in every inch of skin, but the original layers of "larvae" like black silk have disappeared.

From the ankle to the lower leg, and then to the thigh * part, the larvae completely disappeared.

However, above the thigh, it was still ferocious. Countless larvae "climbed" the peak one after another and rushed to Xuaner\'s heart. These larvae have no wisdom. In fact, even the formed beetles have no wisdom.

What they did was just

An instinct.

"Elder brother Lin, elder brother Lin has been in for a long time." Qi Yue\'s expression is very anxious.

"Well." Qi Yang answered softly, his eyes slightly changed.

"I don\'t know if anything will happen?" Qi Yue bit her lips and was very worried.

Qi Yang sighed in his heart, "don\'t worry, sister. Lin Feng can easily kill even the Jumang witch family of Xinghai level, not to mention just a cave. There will be nothing." he looked at Qi Yue and Qi Yang said softly, "I know what you\'re thinking, sister. If you care, it\'s chaos. Believe Lin Feng."

Qi Yue\'s face was slightly red and answered softly.

Indeed, what do you want to do so much? If brother Lin can\'t save Xuaner.

What can she do?

"Even if we go in, it will only be a burden." Qi Yang smiled bitterly.

In the past, he and his sister were the best of the younger generation in the wind Valley, but compared with Lin Feng

But the difference is not a bit.

"I hope brother Lin and Xuaner are safe." Qi Yue closed her eyes, folded her hands and prayed piously.

This is the only thing she can do for brother Lin.

Time, indeed, has passed for a long time.

Lin Feng\'s clothes were already soaked with sweat, and the whole person seemed to be salvaged from the water.

In fact, maintaining 120% concentration of spirit is a great burden even for Lin Feng.

This is a treatment that can\'t make any mistakes!

If you slip, you will fall off the cliff!



Lin Feng\'s face is a little white. He overdrafts his body and heals Xuaner.

The head is dizzy. With the substantial consumption of spiritual power, the whole person has a feeling of dizziness.

All his thoughts were completely focused on the treatment. Lin Feng didn\'t pay attention at all. The "aroma" he inhaled has become more and more serious. Suddenly, the eyes were hazy and blurred. The white tong body looked so attractive. The softness touched by the right hand constantly stirred the heartstrings.

In my heart, an inexplicable emotion is stirring and changing.

This is

"Haha!" he bit the tip of his tongue hard. The severe pain and blood made Lin Feng awake.

"What\'s the matter with me!!" Lin Feng\'s eyes widened momentarily and wanted to slap himself.

How can there be such evil thoughts at such a time!

Although there is no advantage, this kind of light Bo in consciousness is also shameful!


A lot of things, can\'t stop.

Lin Feng\'s only consciousness is completely used to control the fire of swallowing and rebirth.

What is left is the physical instinct guided by the aroma.

Just after a while, slowly... Lin Feng\'s expression became blurred. He gently vibrated according to his soft right hand and made an inexplicable effort.

With a gentle exhortation, as if ******************************************************************************************************************.

However, the consciousness remains, and Lin Feng clearly understands his current situation.

Evil thoughts constantly impact the mind, but Lin Feng always controls the fire of rebirth and the fire of swallowing, and suppresses the idea with incomparable willpower. Just like a spring, keep pressing down, and then press down!!!


"Wow! ~" the devouring fire swallowed the last black blood.

What flows out of the wound is no longer the black blood, but the bright red blood!

After killing all the larvae, Lin Feng exhausted all his strength and finally

Completely clear!

Devour the fire and disappear. The fire of rebirth was removed from Xuaner\'s body. Leaving the fruit of life, the power of life continued to supplement the energy lost in Xuaner\'s body. The wound cut by Lin Feng healed slowly, and the pallor on Xuaner\'s face gradually faded.

Everything is developing in the direction of perfection.


Lin Feng\'s eyes turned blood red, and his mind relaxed completely after tightening. Absorbing the strong aroma, the whole person seems to have lost himself, the devil in the bottom of his heart is released, and Xiao\'s mouth fluctuates constantly. His right hand gently touched the soft, felt the charming temperature, and had a violent impulse in his heart.

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(what do you want to do with Xuaner? Hey ~ ~) (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly votes at Your support is my biggest motivation.)