Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1080

"Sure enough, there is a palace." Shun\'s heart was moved.

With his strength, the moment he entered the lake, he had detected everything in the whole lake.

Under one person and above ten thousand people in the southern region, Shun\'s strength does not depend on giving, but on boasting. He is a real elder martial brother. With clear induction, Shun quickly galloped to the induction place. Although the lake was huge, it was only an instant——

Shun, it\'s time to arrive.

"Can\'t detect, sure enough..." Shun\'s eyes burned.

However, at this time, the gate of the palace was opened with a "squeak", and the sound of metal was particularly clear, bringing a strong breath.

That feeling is like "welcome".

"Wow!" his eyes lit up. Shun didn\'t hesitate and entered immediately.

In front of me, a water curtain is shining, and in front of me is a sense of Saint\'s breath and heart.

"Shifu, I\'ve been waiting for you for a long time." it\'s a valiant woman with a concave convex and exquisite figure and a straight chest. Like her expression, it\'s full of pride. It\'s the eldest martial sister \'shuiyoumei\', "this way, please."

Shun\'s eyes were bright and didn\'t say much, so he immediately followed.

"Coming?" the calm expression was obviously not surprised by Shun\'s arrival.

It was a kind-hearted old man, but he was as thin as a bone, and the breath of life was not strong.

It is the master of the hundred waterfalls and the owner of the water curtain cave——

Tianji old man.

"It\'s said that the Lord is proficient in divination and has heard a lot of fame." Shun bowed his hands slightly, neither humble nor arrogant, "but..." he stopped talking and looked at the old man Tianji. Shun\'s eyebrows were slightly clustered. Almost half of his strength stepped into the holy King level. He could fully feel the state of the old man Tianji at this time. Four words can describe it——

All right, put the wood!

"Ha ha." with a smile, the old man said, "don\'t worry, the old man hasn\'t reached the end of his life."

Shun\'s face was slightly slow. "The well-being of the Lord is the blessing of our people."

After the battle of peach blossom Lord, Shun was very cautious, but there were few opportunities.

"Fearless and polite, I\'m not the Lord of peach blossoms." old Tianji\'s eyes were bright and sighed softly, "I care about the human race, but God\'s will made people. Although I left a crippled life in the second Lich war, I\'m not what I used to be, and my strength doesn\'t exist." he sighed softly, and old Tianji\'s dark eyes were even more lonely.

Shun\'s face changed slightly, but it was the secret of heaven. This remark was equivalent to bad news.

He finally understood why the Lord of heaven\'s secrets chose to retreat bravely and live in seclusion.

"I know what you\'re coming for." Shen ran sighed, and the old man looked solemn. "Although I calculated that the Terran had a disaster, I didn\'t expect that the disaster was so tragic. The Terran had little strength. Now there are no dragons, and I\'m afraid it\'s more like Mermaid meat."

Shun\'s eyes were bright and said, "the Lord knows where Shifu and other saints are now? Are they still alive?"

"They didn\'t die, but... Now they are in a terrible situation. I\'m afraid there will be no escape." the old man Tianji frowned slightly and sighed softly. "Let\'s not mention it. The key now is how to solve the current dilemma. According to my prediction, the third Lich war will break out in less than three years. At that time, the Terran... Where to go!"

"Three years!?" Shun\'s eyes were bright and sharp.

Very short!

Almost within reach.

For martial artists, I\'m afraid it\'s exhausted to close the customs once in three years.

Just half hesitated, Shun immediately brushed his sleeve and knelt on one knee, "please save my Terran from fire and water."

"Get up, child." the old man Tianji\'s eyes were full of love. "He is worthy of being the emperor of the human race. He is neither humble nor arrogant, but he has a great heart of kindness. Wisdom, perseverance and temperament are all dragons among people. Yao has received a good apprentice!"

"The Lord is too famous." Shun shook his head, "if I really have great talent, how can I be helpless at this moment?" he said with a faint self mockery and weakness.

"No." old man Tianji said slowly, "there are two kinds of emperors. One is to govern the talents of the prosperous times, know people and make good use of them, and be diligent in yourself. It is the \'Emperor\', and you belong to the emperor of the prosperous times. However, the current situation of the human race is beyond the control of the \'Emperor\', and such a situation of life and death needs the life of life and death before there is a glimmer of vitality."

Shun\'s eyes brightened, "the Lord means..."

"The king, the king of troubled times, becomes the emperor after nine robberies. After nine robberies, he will find the only secret and lead the Terran out of the dilemma."

"Turn the world around!"

The voice of the old man Tianji was not heavy, but his words were pearls, and there was a sound on the ground. Shun\'s eyes were full of shock.

Terrans need a \'King\', a king of troubled times who can really turn the world around!

"Dare you ask elder......" Shun Lian said.

However, in a moment, three light lights flew in front of him, as fast as the wind. Shun Lian stretched out his hand to take it, but it was three brocade bags.

The heart is in doubt, but there is a faint voice of the old man Tianji in his ear, around Liang Sanchi, "go back, before the birth of the new emperor, the Terran needs your leadership. These three brocade bags can be opened when you hesitate, and the future of the Terran will be entrusted to you."

The voice was like a hollow clang, long and indecisive. However, Shun raised his head, but he had long disappeared from the Lord of heaven.

It\'s like a dream. It\'s very mysterious.

However, the three brocade bags in his hand proved that what had just happened was not his fantasy, but absolutely true.

"I am the emperor of the human race?" Shun smiled helplessly, but his smile contained too much.

"Indeed, as the master said, the mystery of heaven is unfathomable..."

Qianjun\'s pressure is on his shoulder. Shun knows his responsibility, but he can\'t shirk it.

But he is willing to work for the human race without complaint or regret, even at the expense of his own life.


Who is the future emperor of the human race who has experienced a life and death situation?

I didn\'t say it clearly. I\'m afraid this meeting will end with the character of the heavenly mystery Lord.

"Within three years, the third Lich war will break out."

"I think, who is the emperor of the future Terran, it will come out at that time."

Shun nodded slowly.

The land of miracles, the bird King\'s prison.

There is a destiny in the dark. With the twinkling of two giant stars in the sky and five war stars, the bird King prison is undergoing drastic changes.

"Finally, everyone is together." cross legged and suspended in the air, with rich starlight shining around the body of the thousand love emperor.

Pop! In the dark, a pair of brilliant eyes opened. Zeng Ren\'s eyes were sharp and murderous.

His hands coagulated and bowed slightly. The orange dreamlike face was filled with a holy radiance. His bright eyes opened slowly, with an inaccessible pride.


The seven channels are now completely closed. With the great change of the bird King prison, the whole fire area is also undergoing drastic changes.

Thousands of lovers, Zeng Ren, orange like a dream, halberd ghost, Shi Zhixin, thorns and Lin Feng have entered the treasure land that all martial artists are competing to enter in this rosefinch challenge. Who can get the adventure in the bird King prison, who can get the highest score, and who can break through the Holy Level and become the real winner?

No one knows that each interpersonal encounter is different, the choice is different, and the result is also different.

Just like the forest crack land at the moment, it is suffering from fire and flesh, as if it is experiencing the cruelest criminal law in the world.

But that\'s the way he chose.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!!!" the heartrending roar made Lin Kaidi\'s already ferocious face more ugly and distorted. The roaring fire made a "Zizi" sound, as if he had completely burned his body. This is obviously not an ordinary flame. You know, Lin chadi is a fire warrior. His control and immunity to the flame are incomparable.


Although he screamed repeatedly, Lin Kaidi\'s eyes were still vicious.

"Well, my good apprentice, it\'s too late to give up now." not far away, an ugly and strange old man looked at him with a smile.

"Why should I give up!" Lin chadi\'s teeth are full of blood and towering and piercing. "It\'s not what you said. As long as I get through this\' ten thousand ghosts devouring fire array \', I can not only wash the lead and change my bones, but also break through and become a saint and have a bright future! Don\'t you lie to me, old man!"

"Bah, I lied to you for a hairy advantage." the human demon lord tilted his lips.

"Who knows what medicine you sell in the gourd." Lin clenched his teeth and said in a trembling voice.

"Yo, since you doubt your master, why should you agree?" the Demon Lord was surprised.

"You said, as long as I promise to join the \'ten thousand ghosts devour the fire array\' to temper, I will promise me a condition regardless of success or failure! Old man, don\'t you want to default?" Lin cracked his eyes red.

"Shit, your master, I\'m a famous human Demon Lord." the ugly old man jumped up fiercely and raised himself with his thumbs. "I\'m going to depend on you, kid. I\'m kidding!"

Lin cracked and smiled, "didn\'t you get your \'famous name\' by betraying your family in treachery?"

"Do you... Look down on me?" the eyes of the Demon Lord were suddenly cold.

"If I despise you, how can I worship you as a teacher." Lin clenched his teeth and said coldly, "I despise those hypocrites and hypocrites most. Old man, you are a true temperament, which suits my appetite. What do people mean, and what about villains? It\'s people who don\'t do it for themselves, and heaven will kill them!"

"Well, that\'s good!" the demon lord laughed, "people don\'t do it for themselves. Heaven will kill the earth. Cultivation is against the sky. Why follow the rules!"

"In those days, we were the eighteen saints of the human race. What was the result?" the human demon lord disdained. "How many of them are still alive? The Yellow Emperor and Yao emperor fought and killed for the witch race. What was the result? Now they can\'t survive and die; cloud guns and heavenly secrets are more like useless people. I can crush them with a little finger, hum!"

The words were full of pride, and Lin chadi\'s eyes were shining.

Many things, from the mouth of the human demon lord, have many secrets.

"Boy, do you really hate that \'Lin Feng\'?" the human demon Holy Lord looked pale and spoke slowly.

"Skin and bone, split the body!" Lin chadi\'s eyes were full of hatred and his body trembled.

"OK!" the human demon holy master\'s eyes were bloody. "You can rest assured to practice. Even if those hypocrites of the ancient family can\'t make it, your master, I will personally settle this matter for you, fulfill your wish and have the right to be a gift for you."

Lin chadi\'s eyes were bright and excited, "thank you, master!"