Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 947

Yang Yuxin wanted to shout, but under the pressure, she couldn\'t make a sound. She could only watch her brother be shrouded in the killing machine, curled up on the ground, trembling and distressed. She showed her pleading eyes, but Yang Ping was indifferent.

Yang Ping stared at Yang Xiaoyu and said coldly, "I\'ll tell you what you need most."


Yang Xiaoyu screamed, and his body was pressed to pain. He spewed out a mouthful of blood. Yang Yuxin screamed with fear, and his eyes showed the color of supplication.

Yang Ping said, "compared with your ideal, your life is the most important. Your name is Yang Xiaoyu. I\'m not your sister. I love you without principle. I can kill you at any time. Then no one in the world will know that you existed. Do you believe it?"

Yang Xiaoyu looked frightened and wanted to beg for mercy, but Yang Ping didn\'t give him a chance. He sneered: "after you die, you will find that only your sister is very sad and others won\'t care about your life or death. Your teacher, your classmates and your dead Master. I\'m very surprised. Why are you qualified to yell at your sister who raised you and why do you think killing others is for your ideal?"

"You die, your life in the world is also a waste of food." Yang Ping stretched out his hand, and a more terrible killing broke out, sweeping the hut.

Yang Xiaoyu finally made a sound and shouted, "don\'t kill me, don\'t kill me!"

Yang Ping smiled like a devil, shook his head and sighed, "die."

Yang Yuxin was in great pain. Seeing that her brother was dying, she begged constantly, saying that she was willing to pay any price as long as she let go of the light rain.

Yang Ping turned back, stared at Yang Yuxin and said coldly, "since you are willing to pay any price for your brother, you should die."


Yang Yuxin was hit by a blow. He didn\'t even leave his clothes, only a pool of blood.

Yang Xiaoyu\'s expression was dull. Looking at a pool of blood, he felt fear, pain and loss. It seemed that God took the most important thing away, and his eyes turned red [email protected] ^^$

"Sister!" Yang Xiaoyu roared.

Unfortunately, it was late. Yang Yuxin died, leaving only a pool of blood. Yang Yuxin stared at Yang Ping and wanted to roar. It was like the hysterical impulse after the master died. However, under Yang Ping\'s indifferent eyes, all courage and madness disappeared, leaving only the original fear of mankind.

He couldn\'t make the slightest roar for his dead sister.

"Don\'t kill me, please don\'t kill me..." poof, Yang Xiaoyu knelt on the ground, constantly kowtowed, lost his backbone and begged for mercy without dignity.

This is something completely unexpected before.! $*!

Yang Ping smiled and said contemptuously, "where\'s your ideal?"

Yang Xiaoyu looked at Yang Ping in awe. It was like seeing death. He trembled and said, "I don\'t want ideals. I won\'t talk about ideals anymore. I will study hard and study hard... Please don\'t kill me!"

Looking at Yang Xiaoyu\'s appearance, Yang Ping sighed in her heart, shook her head and smiled, turned and left.

Yang Xiaoyu stared at the door until Yang Ping completely disappeared. He sat on the ground and found a pool of liquid on the board. He found that he was scared to pee because he was too scared and incontinent.

But now he has no energy to anger and laugh at himself. He is afraid when he thinks of Yang Ping\'s indifferent eyes.

"Sister, I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry... I\'m wrong." Yang Xiaoyu looked at a pool of blood and cried, "sister, you won\'t worry you anymore. I\'ll be a good man and live up to your expectations."

Unfortunately, my sister died.

Yang Xiaoyu is so sad that she can\'t suppress her inner hesitation. When her sister leaves the world, her closest person dies. No one will spoil and take care of herself like her sister.

At this time, Yang Xiaoyu found that the most important thing in life has actually been ignored by himself. What ideal, what struggle, if he can exchange for his sister, he is willing to die.

Unfortunately, it\'s too late.

Yang Xiaoyu lay on the ground and cried.


Yang Xiaoyu roared up to the sky, "sister, come back."

"Light rain."

A soft sob came from behind. Yang Xiaoyu was shocked and looked back inconceivably. When he saw Yang Yuxin standing in front of him, he screamed, climbed back and shouted, "ghost."

Yang Yuxin smiled through tears and said, "Xiaoyu, I\'m my sister. I\'m not dead."

Yang Xiaoyu carefully observed Yang Yuxin and finally determined that he was a living man. Wow, he rushed into Yang Yuxin\'s arms, cried bitterly and cried, "sister, I\'m wrong. I\'ll never fight against you again. Won\'t you leave me?"

Yang Yuxin patted his brother on the back and cried, "it\'s all right. My sister won\'t leave you."

While comforting his brother and looking out of the cabin, Yang Yuxin sighed and muttered, "is there something wrong with my way of education?"

Xiaoyu almost made a big mistake before and was stubborn. She was instilled by Shuiyue that killing is saving people. She thought it was impossible to change, but she finally woke up in the face of death.

Yang Yuxin knows that if he goes to educate Xiaoyu and doesn\'t show that he is right, only Yang Ping\'s unique way can work.

"Thank you." Yang Yuxin said secretly.



A mouthful of black blood gushed out. A middle-aged man in a kimono turned red and shot an amazing killing opportunity with his eyes. He shouted: "baga, you hurt me. It\'s unforgivable. When I recover, I will break you to pieces!"

This is an uninhabited house. The demolition of villages in the city is under way. The land acquisition subsidies given by developers are very considerable, so no one can\'t get along with money and moved out of the community very early. The uninhabited community has just become a place for dark activities. Sakura swordsman is on the top floor of a building. He has just returned from the woods. There is still a breath of Nine Yang in his body, which constantly destroys his body. Especially his body belongs to Yin, and the pure Yang is just restrained.

"As I said, you are not Yang Ping\'s opponent!" a laugh sounded at the door. Dr. J walked in and shook his head. "You don\'t listen, but you have to test."

The cherry blossom swordsman said coldly, "that\'s just because I don\'t want to burst out all my strength so as not to attract others\' attention. If I try my best, I can certainly kill Yang Ping."

Dr. J shrugged and said, "maybe. I can only say that you didn\'t do your best, and Yang Ping didn\'t. So what we have to do is wait, not attack. It\'s not good for you and me."


Sakura swordsman sneered and hummed: "you Americans are timid. You don\'t understand the bushido spirit of our island country. You can succeed only if you are not afraid of life and death."

Without arguing, Dr. J said, "have you got what I want?"

The Sakura swordsman frowned and said unhappily, "you\'ve been calculating me."

Dr. J shook his head and said with a smile, "you can\'t say that. You are the most powerful people on the island. I can\'t calculate you. Also, I\'m just a friend. I feel that there is a strange energy in your body, which is exactly what I need."

The cherry blossom swordsman roared, "asshole, I\'ve been hurt. You still want to take my strength. Aren\'t you afraid I\'ll kill you?"

Dr. J squinted and said with a light smile, "just try."

Sakura swordsman stared at Dr. J and gave off a sharp killing opportunity. He wanted to kill the other party very much. He didn\'t kneel and finally held back, because he felt a life-threatening energy body in Dr. J. he was cold in his heart. He didn\'t fully control that thing with his current strength. He might not be the opponent. He smiled: "We are now in a cooperative relationship. There is no need to hurt each other. What you want is very simple. Here you are!"


The cherry Sakura throws a bubble and throws it to Dr. J, saying, "this is what you want, but you advise you not to use it in vain. Yang Ping\'s power is very strange."

Dr. J said with a smile, "it\'s not strong. You worry."

Sakura swordsman sneered, walked out of the room, jumped directly from the top floor and disappeared.

Holding bubbles in his hands, Dr. J\'s eyes gave out a fanatical breath and murmured, "finally I got the Qi of Nine Yang. My experimental body is only a little short of this introduction."

"Soon, I will study the most terrible killing machine in the world, and even surpass the sage to become a real immortal constitution." Dr. J licked his lips and laughed wildly.