Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 924

The time was fixed in the early morning sun and when Yang Ping saw Zhu Xi\'s beautiful face and said that uncontrollable words, Zhu Xi stared at Yang Ping.

In principle, when a couple talk to each other, they should kiss to express their inner desire. However, at this time, there are anxious footsteps outside.

Zhu Xi was startled and hurriedly pushed Yang Ping away. Her face was red and her delicate body curled up. Thinking about the shame before, she simply covered the cup on her body.

Yang Ping helplessly looked at the door and said in secret, please, a great opportunity to be tired of destruction, can\'t you choose a good time to come? Brother\'s kiss is so wasted.

Yang Yuxin hurried in and shouted, "Mr. Zhu, your friend said she was looking for you in an emergency. She was waiting for you in the office..." when she saw Yang Ping, she was stunned. She didn\'t talk about him in the hospital. She wanted to stop talking.

"She can\'t leave the hospital now." Yang Ping made a decision for Zhu Xi. She needs to rest. You tell that friend that if there is something urgent, you can come to the hospital for discussion.

"Yang Ping, did I bother you?" Yang Yuxin was a personal spirit. She soon felt the ambiguous atmosphere in the ward. In particular, Zhu Xi buried her head in the quilt like an ostrich. She didn\'t know what they were going to do. She smiled and said, "that\'s OK. I\'ll arrange it."


Zhu Xi opened the quilt and asked, "who?"

Yang Yuxin hesitated, looked at Yang Ping, saw Zhu Xi nod and said, "it\'s the feidalis investment group that talked about investment cooperation with us last time. They want to see you in person."


Yang Ping frowns. Other people may not understand this investment group, but he knows very well, because when he was abroad, he heard that in war-torn countries, people and gods often do things of common anger. This is an investment group with a bloody smell.

While supporting the children who lost their homes because of the war, the feidalis group supports the rebels and uses the lever to scrape away all the mineral resources of a country. Several of its military enterprises are the enemies of China, engaging in wind and rain in the world.

However, because China has entered the WTO, it can not clearly organize the other party to invest, and there are many enterprises that want to invest in fidalis investment [email protected] ^^$

Zhu Xi wanted to strive for investment because of the difficulty in the capital chain of China Airlines Group. After Lin Fan\'s introduction, she started cooperation negotiations with feidalis investment group. Because Zhu Xi had cooperated with feidalis once when she was a university student in the United States, she still believed it.

Yang Ping knew something that Zhu Xi didn\'t know, so she refused directly and said, "Phyllis is not a good thing. I\'ll regret cooperating with them."

Yang Yuxin looked at Yang Ping silently and asked, "do you know the current situation of the company?"

Yang Ping was surprised and said, "isn\'t it very good?"

Yang Yuxin smiled bitterly and said, "it\'s good? It\'s almost over. Hongtai, a subsidiary of Wang\'s group, doesn\'t know what\'s crazy. It doesn\'t want to fight with us. Even knowing that it\'s losing money, it also comes to rob our market. China Airlines real estate had a large investment and slow reporting. Coupled with the obstruction of intentional people, it\'s difficult to return the funds. We need investment cooperation."! $*!

Yang Ping looked at Zhu Xi and asked, "what about the money at the Royal casino last time?" it was 500 million in cash, which should alleviate the company\'s financial crisis.

Zhu Xi dared not look at Yang Ping\'s burning eyes and whispered: "because I trusted Lin fan so much, I gave him 400 million to buy goods in Myanmar, and then..."

Yang Ping suddenly realized that no wonder China Airlines Group was short of money because of traitor Lin fan, who had long ambushed in China Airlines Group and tried to mess up China Airlines Group. If Wenfeng hadn\'t been caught suddenly, the current China Airlines Group would have been sealed off.

It is estimated that the 400 million yuan will float. If not, it will be trapped. The sales of jade and jadeite are not a one-off deal. It needs a long stream of water.

Zhu Xi felt embarrassed. It was because of her improper employment that Yang Ping\'s money drifted. Her voice was like a mosquito: "well... I will..."

Who knows, Yang Ping smiled and said, "what money do you and I talk about? My money is your money, and your business is mine."

After hearing this, Zhu Xi was very moved and found that he had misjudged Yang Ping. He used to think that Yang Ping had no ability and could only fight and gamble. Now it seems that he is a very willing man.

At the same time, Yang Ping didn\'t hesitate to invest 500 million in her. If it were other men, even the richest people wouldn\'t be so generous.

Looking at Yang Ping\'s eyes, I was moved.

Yang Yuxin covered her eyes and hurriedly said, "no, I\'m going blind, Dong Zhu. If it\'s okay, I\'ll leave first. You\'ll be gentle slowly."

Embarrassed, Zhu Xi bit her lips and shouted, "you... Assistant Yang, don\'t leave first. Are the people of feidalis investment group still in the office?"

Yang Yuxin nodded.

Zhu Xi looked at Yang Ping and looked forward to it.

Yang Ping pointed to his nose and asked, "do you want me to help you deal with this?"

Zhu Xi bowed her head and said, "I think you are more suitable."

Yang Ping smiled and grinned, "that\'s natural. Who am I? Don\'t worry, it\'s not just the people of Fidelis. I\'ve dealt with before, and it\'s easy to deal with it."

Yang Yuxin spat: "have you seen it before? They boast and don\'t make drafts. It\'s the first time they come to China Airlines to officially talk about investment, and the people from the group headquarters come in person. In the past, they were all from Huaxia branch. Don\'t mess around. The people of Fidelis have a great influence."

Yang Ping didn\'t have a good airway: "how do you know if you don\'t try."

Yang Yuxin looks at Zhu Xi and stops talking. Although Zhu Xi believes in Yang Ping very much, he has no similar experience. If he offends the people of Fidelis, it will be very difficult to finance in the future.

Zhu Xi beat the drum in her heart.

It\'s OK for Yang Ping to mess around. If it\'s a formal negotiation, it\'s estimated to be difficult. Why don\'t you let others go

Zhu Xi had no suitable candidate for a time and began to have a headache.


Just when Zhu Xi was still hesitating whether to send someone to assist Yang Ping, the door of the ward opened and a group of people came in angrily. The leader was a foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes, but his face was the first in the world, which was very unpleasant. Next to him was a middle-aged man with great official prestige. He laughed all the way from the president of the people\'s hospital. His level may be far higher than that of the president.

"Secretary Yin, the patient needs a rest at this time. Do you want to change the time..." the Dean smiled at Secretary Yin.

Secretary Yin frowned and said faintly, "Ellis is the most distinguished guest in Yunnan Province. How can we neglect it? Since Zhu Dong is ill, we can talk as appropriate. We can\'t make foreign guests unhappy."

The Dean looked at Yang Ping for help, showing a helpless expression.

Secretary Yin is a big man he can\'t offend. He is the close secretary of governor Duan. His speech is more important than the Secretary of Longcheng municipal Party committee.

"Dong Zhu, Elis of Phyllis shows up. Because he is leaving China tomorrow, he can\'t arrange the time. I hope to negotiate with you about cooperation. I hope Dong Zhu can receive him if he is not too poor." Secretary Yin spoke directly and said in an ordered tone.

Zhu Xi looked at Secretary Yin without expression.

When Secretary Yin saw Zhu Xi, his eyes flashed with amazement. It was said that the chairman of China Airlines Group was very beautiful. He didn\'t expect to be more beautiful than the legend. He didn\'t know who was so lucky to get such a woman as his wife.

"Ellis shows up, please sit down." Secretary Yin brings a stool next to the hospital bed, regardless of whether he respects Zhu Xi. Anyway, Ellis is the largest and must not make mistakes, because cloud province is discussing more than 10 billion project investment with feidalis investment group. It has been explained that Ellis cannot be wronged.

"Hello, Mr. Ellis." Zhu Xi was dissatisfied, but remained calm and said, "I\'m really sorry that I can only chat with you like this."

Ellis refused to sit down, smelling the smell of the hospital potion, showing an expression of disgust and humming: "We need a lot of assessment to find a partner for Fidelis. It should be a blessing for your China Airlines Group to be selected in your last life, but your attitude is very wrong, so we decided to buy 60% of the shares of China Airlines Group. There is no need for this company to exist in the future."