Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1360

Sophie hasn\'t come yet.

Yang Ping waited for a long time, but there was no shadow of Sophie. Her breath had never appeared in Longcheng. The agreed three days had passed, but she didn\'t keep her promise. Today, he was in a bad mood and stood at the door for a long time.

The death of the red sun Dharma king did not cause much shock, because few people knew that the red sun Dharma king came to the Dragon City, and even fewer people knew that he was a top expert and reached the peak of the great sage, only one step short of breaking through the heavenly Buddha. But God is not so good to break through. Otherwise, there will not be many tianzuns in China.

Yang Ping killed the red sun Dharma king with one hand, which really shocked many people.

Sanyuan building.

Mr. Hong woke up from his practice and opened his eyes at the moment when the red sun Dharma king was killed. His eyes emitted cold light. He had the impulse to save people, but he forced himself to hold back. The red sun Dharma king is inferior to others. Damn it.

However, Yang Ping\'s strength is still not shown. It seems that killing the red sun Dharma king at will is the most terrible. So far, Mr. Hong can\'t understand the depth of Yang Ping, and he doesn\'t know how many experts are still hidden in Longcheng, so he chooses to be silent. The experts he brought were quiet and didn\'t go out to make trouble.


The wise leader felt the departure of the red sun Dharma king, and his face was calm. He was not shocked by the dead Master, as if he knew that Yang Ping had this strength. He is not someone else, but a wise man. He is full of wisdom. How can he not understand Yang Ping\'s power. Daozun is the peak of Tianzun. One foot has entered the realm of Tianshou and can\'t kill Yang Ping again and again, which shows that Yang Ping has long reached the realm of Tianzun. The red sun Dharma king is just a great saint. It\'s ridiculous to want to defeat Yang Ping.

Only stupid people will underestimate Yang Ping.

The man who underestimated him is dead.

Wise leaders are calm but confident.

"There is an old Chinese saying that the mantis catches the cicada and the Yellow finch is behind. I am the Yellow Finch and see you kill each other." the wise leader ordered everyone to hibernate and not provoke Yang Ping or others.

As for other forces, all powerful ones should defend themselves safely.

Longcheng ushered in the best period of public security.

bureau of public security.

Duan Fei was shocked when he learned that Wang was back and hurriedly asked her to come to the office. When he saw that Wang was all right, he was shocked. He didn\'t feel that Wang was taken away. He didn\'t want to save people, but there was no way. Unfortunately, his ability was insufficient and he couldn\'t lock in the red sun Dharma king, so he replaced the king.

Duan Fei thought he liked Wang, but he didn\'t pay his life. If the king dies, it will become a memory of life. If he lives, it can be regarded as a pastime. But now Duan Fei shows strong concern.

"Are you okay?"

Duan Fei looked distressed and said, "I know I\'m not well after you were arrested. Fortunately, you\'re all right. Wang, take you two days off and have a good rest."

Wang said lightly, "I\'m suspended now."

Duan Fei smiled awkwardly and thought of dealing with the dark creature at that time. He was worried about her mess. He was indeed very angry and suspended. However, after the monster was solved, Longcheng returned to quiet and began to regret that he was too impulsive at that time. Wang should not be ugly in front of his subordinates.

"Wang, you still hate me for what happened before."

Duan Fei smiled bitterly and said helplessly, "I can\'t help it. You have to understand. Sitting in my position, I\'m worried about the people of the whole dragon city. Instead of personal feelings, my inner pain is far more than you think."

Wang looked at Duan Fei coldly.

Duan Fei was suddenly in his heart and looked at each other. He seemed to see an indifferent monster, similar to dark creatures, but his life level was far higher than that of dark monsters. This is a pure illusion, which will soon disappear, but it will mark a trace in my heart that I can\'t forget.

He thought he was wrong, looked at Wang solemnly, and couldn\'t help asking, "what happened to make your temperament change so much."

Wang asked, "Secretary Duan, if there\'s nothing wrong, I\'ll go back first."

Duan Fei hurriedly said, "Wang, tell me quickly. I\'m worried about your appearance now. Is it because you\'re stimulated by catching monsters? Don\'t worry about that. My current state and strength are enough to kill them. As long as they appear, I\'ll kill them mercilessly and protect you and the people of Longcheng."

Wang watched Duan Fei until he bowed his head and turned away.

Duan Fei clenched his fist and was angry in his heart. He even bowed his head in the eyes of the king. It\'s unreasonable. You know, his status is higher than the king, his strength is stronger than the king, and his world outlook is bigger than her, but he can\'t resist the eyes of the king.

"What the hell happened?"

Duan Fei couldn\'t understand it. Only two or three days later, Wang gave him a strange impression.

"I hope nothing goes wrong. When the storm passes and Yang Ping leaves Longcheng, those dormant crises will be relieved." Duan Fei plans. Now it seems calm, but it\'s just the calm before the storm. As long as someone breaks the balance, there will be a river of blood. He sensed that no less than three terrible forces were dormant, and any of them could easily erase himself, so scared that he didn\'t dare to act rashly.

Maple Leaf club.

Taochengxi didn\'t breathe the fresh air in the yard for a long time, so he felt very happy. He spent some time underground in order to improve his realm and strength. Now the peach blossom mark in the center of his eyebrows is more and more shining. He can summon countless peach blossoms and set up the peach blossom field. He is several times stronger than before, so he is full of confidence.

He is more and more confident in breaking away from the control of the will of the dragon city. Now the will of the dragon city is too scared to appear. Let him act as his sole agent. Of course, he has to face all the crises. Anyone who wants to find the dragon city must pass through taochengxi.

Therefore, he has a powerful privilege in history, which can dominate people\'s life and death.

Longcheng will be afraid of an accident in taochengxi. He can only focus all his strength on him to avoid being forced to tell the secret. Taochengxi\'s body is full of the power of the Dragon City, and it is the core power. His strength naturally improves rapidly.

"Now I, compared with Yang Ping, should have little difference." Tao Chengxi said secretly, showing a brilliant smile, better than the peach blossoms in full bloom in March.

"I also know what the experts in Longcheng are waiting for. I don\'t have no chance."

Tao Chengxi\'s eyes twinkled and showed a strange smile.

The first step was successful, which won the trust of Longcheng\'s will and stronger power. The next step is to take the first step, enter the heavenly tomb, get stronger power, and then dominate China.

Not only taochengxi, but also many places are waiting.

Time passed slowly.

People think Yang Ping should start to save people, but Yang Ping is still in Yang\'s clinic.

Because Sophie didn\'t come.

Yang Ping squinted, looked at the sky and whispered, if she doesn\'t appear, will I wait forever?

Forget it, let\'s go by ourselves.

Little dot is lying lazily on the sofa. He doesn\'t know where to get delicious food. His stomach is bulging and his face is red. It looks very terrible. Feeling Yang Ping\'s eyes, Xiaobu jumped up and said warily, "why?"

Yang Ping said, "let\'s go and save people."

The little one cried, "there\'s something wrong with you. You can\'t go to Tianmu. If you go, there\'s only a dead end."

Yang Ping didn\'t seem to hear it.

Little bit\'s hard advice was fruitless. He had to fight hard, but they were ruthlessly suppressed.

Yang Pinggang wanted to clean up a little bit. A bloody figure appeared at the gate of Longcheng. His breath was listless and he was seriously injured.


Yang Ping\'s face changed slightly and hurriedly looked at the city gate.