Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1251

Zhu Xi\'s blood lay quietly on the ground, like announcing the lost youth and memories. Yang Ping stared at the blood mark on the ground and thought that Zhu Xi had suffered a lot here, perhaps tortured for a long time, otherwise it would not be so easy to give in with her strength.

The blood is golden, but it has a unique breath of Jiuyin constitution. This cannot change, which is also the reason why Yang Ping tracked it.

There are a large number of experts gathered around, from many big forces, including dark place, Brahma Valley, and some deeply hidden holy masters, including three great saints, 89 saints and countless other experts, which surround the villa.

There were three figures in the yard at the door. They couldn\'t see their faces clearly in the dark fog. The nine saints were wearing veils, only showing their sharp eyes and staring at the room. The expert mixed with Yang Yuxin belonged to one of the nine saints.

Only Yang Yuxin and Yang Ping are left in the room. Yang Yuxin looked out angrily and said, "you\'re using me!"

"Elder Feng, if you have made contributions to the leader, you can forgive your sins and kill Yang Ping to make amends." one of the great saints in the middle said indifferently and looked down at the two people as if they were looking at the dead. They learned that Yang Ping had lost the shelter of the dragon city and his strength had been greatly reduced, so they didn\'t see it in their eyes. With so many experts dispatched this time, I think highly of Yang Ping.

Yang Yuxin sneered: "you said you wouldn\'t hurt Zhu Xi. Why didn\'t you tell me?"

"You don\'t need to ask more about what the organization decides. Just obey."

The great saint shouted.

Yang Yuxin still had to speak. Behind her came a cold voice. The voice was very cold. Even she felt unbearable. If the sound wave was pressed on the rock in her heart, she was hard to breathe. She couldn\'t help losing her color in horror and looked behind her.

Yang Ping finally took back his eyes from the blood on the ground, looked at the great saint and asked, "where is Zhu Xi?"

This is how many times he asked about Zhu Xi\'s whereabouts. This time he was the most determined and murderous. His words made the saint who fought with Yang Yuxin laugh next to him. Standing behind a great saint, he felt safe. He insulted and said, "of course, rape first and then kill. That kind of bitch is looking for death if she doesn\'t give in to the will of the leader."

Yang Ping\'s eyes flashed.

Yang Yuxin pulled him in a panic and begged, "Yang Ping, don\'t be impulsive. There are many of them. You\'re not an opponent. Go first. I\'ll help you stop them."@^^$

Yang Ping quietly looked at the saint who spoke.

"Why, are you not convinced? You don\'t know how cool we are. Oh, Zhu Xi has a good figure. I can\'t help but want to play again. You have a good eye. When you kill you, you will play all your women again, ha ha." the sage kept stimulating Yang Ping and was very proud.

The three great saints were silent and ready to take action at any time.

"See, there are experts around. You can\'t fly. I didn\'t expect to cheat you with a little means. Without the identity of the Lord of the Dragon City, you are a garbage and a waste. I can kill you at will."

"Come on, aren\'t you great? Are you afraid?"! $*!

"Kneel down and beg for mercy. Maybe you can leave a whole body."

The other party was still stimulating him and wanted to make Yang Ping lose his mind. Yang Yuxin understood that it was a means and hurriedly advised him: "don\'t be fooled. They were intentional. Zhu Xi must be fine, but she was transferred."

Yang Yuxin is afraid that Yang Ping will lose his mind and fight against his opponents. That\'s over.

"Yang Ping, our leader appreciates you very much. If you can take refuge in us, Zhu Xi can not die, and you can also get endless glory and wealth." the leader of the great sage stopped his subordinates from talking nonsense, stared at Yang Ping and said, "we are very sincere."

"You let me take refuge in the bastard of the dark place?" Yang Ping smiled sarcastically.

The leader of the great saint said displeased: "with this sentence, you can die countless times, but we have tolerance. As long as you surrender, you can rest assured, and no one dare to touch you!"

Yang Ping disdained: "you cats and dogs shrank in the most dangerous time in Longcheng. Now they jump out and bark. Do you really think you are powerful? Your sect leader is just a shrinking turtle. You don\'t deserve to give me shoes."



The siege experts scolded one after another and shouted, "elder, I\'m talking nonsense to him and kill him."

The leader sighed and said with pity, "Yang Ping, you don\'t know the current form. If the heavenly king doesn\'t intervene in the affairs of Longcheng, no one in the world is the opponent of the leader. Maybe you don\'t know who the leader is."

"Those who dare to act recklessly in the dark place are the people in the dark place, not to mention them. Even the dark emperor dare not speak so loudly. Since you don\'t say it, that\'s it."

Yang Ping stepped forward.

"It\'s really a waste. I don\'t know the current affairs. Zhu Xi has long surrendered. I don\'t want you..."


Yang Ping punched through the three great saints. The three did not have time to respond. The body of the shouting old dog behind him burst into a blood mist and floated in the air. Many people were stained with his blood.

There was silence. Everyone opened their mouths and stared at Yang Ping\'s fist.

Just a punch.

To blow up saints.

Is this Yang Ping who is called waste?

Yang Ping continued to move forward and said coldly, "Dragon City, darkness, you look up to yourself too much." one step, one punch, hit the sage, blood fog all over the sky, incomparably overbearing. He looked calm and walked forward step by step.

But the surrounding experts died miserably one by one. They didn\'t even have time to escape. They fell one after another.

The three great saints wanted to stop, but Yang Ping\'s fist was invisible. They couldn\'t feel the fluctuation of Qi strength at all, and their power was unparalleled. The three looked at each other, their hearts were cold, and they couldn\'t help but retreat.

Walking in front of the three, countless bones around fell to the ground. The yard was dyed scarlet. It was shocking. Yang Ping stared at the great saint headed by him and asked, "for the last time, where is Zhu Xi?"

The head of the great saint looked shocked and couldn\'t believe it was true?

Is there anyone in the world who waves to blow up saints?

They saw it, but they still felt that they were dreaming. It was too late after they reacted, because their subordinates died miserably under their fists.

Bang bang!

The three great saints unite to besiege Yang Ping, but he has jumped up and hit the fist that dominates the world with a pair of fists. This is a fist that does not need any blessing of ancient martial arts. It is a pure one move, which hides the most essential fist of the universe, reaching the point of returning to nature.

Every punch is like a star explosion.

The three great saints received a punch and were seriously injured to the end. Except for the first great saint, the other two didn\'t speak and lay on the ground and lost their ability to speak. Yang Ping grabbed the head saint\'s neck and his pupils turned black.


The first great saint\'s face was flustered, and the source in his body gradually disappeared. Yang Ping\'s body was like a black hole, absorbing his source power.

"I said!"

The head Saint cried sadly.

It\'s too late.

In an instant, the three great saints lost their origin and became ordinary people. Yang Ping directly searched his memory and then walked towards the door. Behind him came Yang Yuxin\'s voice: "sample, let me go together, I regret..."

Yang Ping stopped. Yang Yuxin looked at him excitedly. Suddenly, Yang Ping slapped him. Yang Yuxin flew across the wall. He didn\'t enter the room and couldn\'t get up. He said coldly, "don\'t let me see you again in the future. If something happens to Zhu Xi, I\'ll kill you myself."