Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1208

Wang Qiming was in great pain. His fingernails pinched his palm full of blood. He broke his teeth and swallowed it in his stomach. Listening to the woman\'s scream, his son\'s mother was humiliated, but there was nothing he could do. His head was buzzing and almost collapsed. His eyes were red and he told himself that he must hold back before he could hope for revenge.

The scream stopped.

Zhu Yan came out of the room, was elated, patted Wang Qiming on the shoulder and said, "I\'ll remember your kindness to me. Don\'t worry, I\'ll help you eradicate Wang Jingguo and let you take charge of the Wang family again."

"Lord Xie." Wang Qiming shook his body and felt instinctive fear at the moment Zhu Yan patted his shoulder, but he bowed down and said piously, "I\'ll go and see where the fourth brother is and prepare for an ambush."

"Go, your wife stays. I haven\'t enjoyed enough. Hehe." Zhu Yan smiles like a devil.

Wang Qiming smiled and said, "yes, as long as adults like it, it\'s her blessing."

Zhu Yan deliberately cared: "do you mind if I play with your wife like this? You know I may have a unique hobby, but it\'s very sad to see my old friends embarrassed."

Wang Qiming was very angry in his heart, but he still endured it, pretended to be very happy and said, "adults are happy."

"Hey, I think you\'re embarrassed. Well, I\'ll give it back to you in three days. You should be nice to her then. After all, I\'m sorry." Zhu Yan looked at the sky and sighed.

Wang Qiming left.

The corner of Zhu Yan\'s mouth is bent, and he goes into a dark way. There\'s a waste. After three days, you\'ll have no use value anymore.


Wang Qiming didn\'t know how to get back to the villa. His son was taken by the nanny. He was a year and a half old and cried for his mother. He was upset and wanted to slap him in the past, but when he looked at his son\'s flashing eyes, his heart softened and tears flowed.

They all blame themselves for being too cowardly to lead wolves into the house. Their desire drives them to want more, but in the end they lose more. It\'s no use regretting. Wang Qiming held his son and cried bitterly. He saw the nannies standing aside and didn\'t know what to do.

"Where\'s madam?" the nanny asked carefully.

"Get out!"

Wang Qiming suddenly looked up with red eyes. He looked at the nanny like a wounded beast and shouted, "get out of here, or I\'ll kill you."

The nanny screamed and hurried away.

The son was distressed and clamored for his mother.

Wang Qiming stroked his son\'s tender cheek, sighed and whispered, "your mother is gone, and our father and son will depend on each other in the future." he would not want a woman humiliated by Zhu Yan. Even if he was forced and defiled, he would never accept it.

"Dong Wang."

A bodyguard in black ran in from the outside and said, "the fourth master is coming."

Wang Qiming was surprised and looked at the outside. The fourth master was walking towards this side alone. He hurried to give his son to the bodyguard, then came forward, quietly wiped away his tears, smiled and said, "fourth brother, what are you doing here? You can call me if you have something, and I\'ll go right away."

His small movements could not escape the fourth master\'s eyes. The fourth master looked at Wang Qiming, smiled bitterly and said, "brother, go in and talk."

Wang Qiming hesitated, nodded and said, "go inside."

In the secret room.

They sat opposite each other for a long time. Wang Qiming didn\'t know how to start for a moment. The man in front of him was the one he wanted to kill most. In this way, he could regain control of the Wang family, but now he couldn\'t kill anything.

Because he hates Zhu Yan more than the fourth master.

The fourth Master said, "brother, is there any difficulty? Everyone is brothers. I can help you."

Wang Qiming hurriedly said, "nothing. I think of your dead sister-in-law. Today is her death day. I\'m a little sad. By the way, fourth brother, why are you looking for me?"

The fourth master shook his head and sighed, "brother, I\'m here to talk to you from the bottom of my heart. Do you think it\'s okay for us to fight inside and ruin the future of the family. I\'ve figured out that it\'s better to unite than fight inside. Now the dragon city is in chaos and may overturn at any time. If we don\'t unite, I\'m afraid the family will perish."

Wang Qiming was stunned. He didn\'t expect his fourth brother to say so.

"Elder brother, come back and be the owner again. I\'ll support you later." the fourth master showed a thoughtful expression and said seriously, "the previous things are written off, and none of us will mention it. The most important thing is to get through the current difficulties."

Wang Qiming hesitated and did not know how to answer.

This is a big gift.

Fourth master means to quit the competition and let him control the family again. Wang Qiming has mixed feelings. If the other party mentioned it yesterday, the current tragedy would not happen. It\'s a pity that there is no if.

"It\'s not good," Wang Qiming said with a wry smile.

The fourth Master said seriously, "I think it\'s very good. The elders unanimously approved you as the master of the house."

"Is that position? Who do we support? Or neutral." Wang Qiming asked.

The fourth master suddenly smiled mysteriously and said: "Of course, we support Yang Ping. We had a bad relationship with Yang Ping in the past, and now is the best opportunity to repair it. It is said that the relationship between the Liu family and Yang Ping has fallen to the freezing point. After Yang Ping lost his strength, the old guys of the Liu family watched helplessly and didn\'t contribute, and their relationship must break. If we help Yang Ping at this time, we can definitely catch up from behind and become Yang Ping\'s firm alliance Friends. "

Wang Qiming, with a big mouth, said in surprise: "support Yang Ping, fourth brother, are you crazy. Yang Ping\'s loss of strength is equivalent to a loser. Tie the future of the family to the loser and kill yourself."

The fourth master smiled and said, "maybe others don\'t know, but I know that Yang Ping will never die so easily. Don\'t look at Yang Ping\'s many enemies, but Yang Ping still lives well. You don\'t know Yang Ping\'s identity. If you know it, you will support him unconditionally like me."

Wang Qiming aroused curiosity and asked, "who is Yang Ping? Isn\'t he xuanjizi\'s disciple? It\'s said that xuanjizi can\'t protect himself."

"More than that."

The fourth master did not continue to talk deeply, nor did he say Yang Ping\'s identity, but that self-confidence made Wang Qiming more and more curious. He began to hesitate whether to kill his brother with the help of Zhu Yan\'s hand. For a moment, he hesitated.

"Think about it and give me the answer as soon as possible. Brother, everyone is waiting for you." the fourth master got up and showed an encouraging smile, "the Wang family can\'t live without you."

Wang Qiming nodded and said he would give the answer as soon as possible.

In fact, I still tend to kill my fourth brother and remove all obstacles. Anyway, my wife has been humiliated by Zhu Yan. It\'s not bad these two days. Only real control of power can get more. What else can he lose?

Sending his fourth brother out, Wang Qiming smiled and smiled happily because he had a decision in his heart.

The fourth master sighed in his heart and knew that brother couldn\'t cooperate. In addition to regret, he was a little sad.

At this time, the phone rings.

When Wang Qiming answered the phone, his face changed dramatically and said in a trembling voice, "really?"

My wife is dead.


Because he couldn\'t stand Zhu Yan\'s insult, he bit his tongue and killed himself.

Zhu Yan was able to stop it, but he watched and missed the treatment time.

His heart was filled with hate and his eyes were red.

The fourth master deliberately slowed down his feet and didn\'t leave immediately.

Wang Qiming\'s eyes were red and his body trembled violently. After a long time, the fourth master didn\'t wait for a reply and was ready to get on the bus. Wang Qiming\'s cry came from behind: "fourth brother, wait first."