Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1158

Duan Fei didn\'t go after Wang again. It should be the most bastard thing he has done since he came to Longcheng. He used Wang\'s feelings for himself to hurt Yang Ping. He thought he had hope to get Yu Shanshan\'s heart. Unexpectedly, it wasn\'t yours and would never be yours. Yu Shanshan left Longcheng with her baby and went to a place she didn\'t know.

That must be Yang Ping\'s child.

Duan Fei thought like this. He wanted to tell Yang Ping that he really wanted to, but he often thought of the happy brilliance on Yu Shanshan\'s face. His heart was burning and aching. He couldn\'t accept it, so he buried the secret in his heart.

As for Wang, I\'m sorry, it\'s just guilt.

When Wang Donghai escaped from the Public Security Bureau, Duan Fei did not order the pursuit, because he knew that the order might not be established, and someone above would not allow things to get bigger, so he quietly waited for a sudden change from bringing Wang Donghai back to the Public Security Bureau.

Mutation is very regular. It just makes Duan Fei underestimate Wang Donghai. The young master from the Wang family did not expect to escape from prison to face a very small sentence. It turns out that when the children of the big family are afraid of death, they are more stupid than ordinary people.

Thinking of this, Duan Fei not only sneered.

The phone rings.

Sure enough, Duan Fei was surprised by the phone call from the superior department and director Wang. He smiled and said, "Hello, director Wang."

"Duan Fei, did you catch a man named Wang Donghai? To tell you the truth, if there is no evidence, I hope to let him go so as not to create complications. Someone above protected him." Wang Jie didn\'t circle around and said.

"Is this an order?" Duan Fei asked.

Wang Jie smiled and said, "yes."

"He escaped." Duan Fei followed.

Wang Jie was stunned and said unhappily, "Duan Fei, what the hell? A good man, how can he escape? There must be a misunderstanding."

"Of course, we found out that there was no murder, but a misunderstanding. Please rest assured that director Wang will not be arrested." Duan Fei heard that Wang Jie was unhappy and replied according to his meaning.

"That\'s good, hard work." Wang Jie wanted to hang up the phone, but he fell silent when he heard Duan Fei\'s next words.

"Wang was almost killed by Wang Donghai. I don\'t know how director Wang feels. Do you want to continue to arrest?" Duan Fei asked tentatively to see how Wang Jie would deal with Wang Donghai when he saw his daughter suffer.

"It\'s all right."

Wang Jie hung up the phone.

Duan Fei squinted and sneered, "everyone has weaknesses. Unexpectedly, Wang Jie\'s weakness comes from the family. It\'s really disappointing."

In the community opposite the Public Security Bureau, there is an 18 storey building. The apartment on the second floor is very luxurious. People died here, but it was soon sold again, and the price is more expensive.

Wang Donghai came out of the bathroom and sobered his head with cold water. He was dissatisfied and said, "why do you do it now? I almost went into the cell."

Sitting on the sofa, a monk, wearing cassocks and rubbing Buddha beads, was chanting scriptures. They didn\'t listen to things outside the window, turned a deaf ear to Wang Donghai\'s scolding, and quietly immersed themselves in the world of Buddha.

Wang Donghai tore off the Buddha beads, smashed them on the ground and said, "are you deaf? I asked why you didn\'t come to save me earlier. Now let them find out my identity and how to use my current identity in the future. This is irresponsible to the organization."

The monk remained calm and looked up and said, "the K of hearts is dead. He died in the treasure Pavilion. The monitor told us to keep a low profile and don\'t provoke Yang Ping when we\'re free. You\'re disobeying the monitor\'s will."

Wang Donghai\'s eyes flashed flustered and hurriedly argued, "I\'m sharing my worries for the monitor. If we don\'t kill Yang Xiaoyu and get the roster in Yang Yuxin\'s hand, our identities will be exposed."

"The monitor said you didn\'t need to take care of it." the monk said.

Wang Donghai Yusai.

Although he was bullied, he didn\'t dare to disobey the monitor. He hummed, "I\'m the class committee. I\'m above you. I can always order you to do something?"

The monk nodded.

Wang Donghai gritted his teeth and said, "no matter what, the roster must not fall into Yang Ping\'s hands, especially Wang, but I can solve it on Wang\'s side. If Yang Ping gets the roster, he will give it to the military, and then we will be beaten."

The monk said, "I understand."

"Wait, how do you stop Yang Ping? Do you rely on your bald head? Do you know that Yang Ping can hang you now!" Wang Donghai had no good way.

The monk smiled, folded his hands and said, "do your best and listen to heaven."

After the monk left, Wang Donghai sneered: "shit, paralyzed. It\'s clearly a monk and listens to the destiny. Why don\'t you serve the Taoist school and sell dog meat by hanging sheep\'s head."

Wang Donghai felt more uncomfortable and worried. He picked up the phone, dialed a number and scolded, "come here now and take your daughter, director Wang!"


In a car at the gate of Longcheng University of science and technology, Yang Xiaoyu sat in the back, his face full of hesitation. From beginning to end, Yang Ping saved him without any requirements.

"Get out of the car. So far, the man won\'t deal with you again. I\'ll monitor it." Yang Ping smiled.

Yang Xiaoyu was moved and said, "Yang Ping, my sister gave me an envelope before she left. It\'s better to..."

Yang Ping watched quietly and didn\'t answer.

At this time, if Yang Xiaoyu wants to say, he will certainly take it out, but if he doesn\'t want to say, it\'s also his freedom. Yang Ping doesn\'t want to force Yang Xiaoyu. But the other party cares about that thing very much. It may be useful.

"Leave it to you. I only trust you."

After weighing, Yang Xiaoyu thinks that putting things on him will only bring disaster. It\'s better to give them to Yang Ping.


Yang Ping didn\'t understand the refusal, so she watched Yang Xiaoyu walk into the school gate and wait in the car. Zhu Xi sat in the driver\'s seat and wanted to ask Wang several times, but she held back. She looked at Yang Ping\'s face through the rearview mirror. He closed his eyes. The lines on his face were soft and resolute, and gradually became crazy.

"How are you recently?"

Yang Ping opened his eyes and asked with a smile.

Zhu Xi was so frightened that she turned her head. Her pretty face showed panic. Her little heart touched and beat. She hurriedly said, "OK, OK."

Yang Ping looked at Zhu Xi\'s beautiful shadow and immediately came up with the curse on Mingzhu. Her eyes were complex and difficult to see. If it wasn\'t for the mountain and river map given by Zhu Xi, Mingzhu might have died, but it was precisely because of the mountain and river map that Mingzhu was carrying a powerful curse. Even Xuanji was desperate for a curse. It must be a big deal.

The heart is uncomfortable. Yang Ping takes a deep breath and can see that Zhu Xi doesn\'t know the curse of the mountain and river map. If she wants to blame her carelessness.

Soon, Yang Xiaoyu took out the things and gave them to Yang Ping.

After a few words, they left Longcheng University of science and technology.

Zhu Xi looked ahead and was silent.

Yang Ping held the envelope and didn\'t open it immediately. He wanted to say something to Zhu Xi, but he found that he didn\'t know where to start. He couldn\'t help sighing again.

The atmosphere in the car became more and more embarrassing.

Suddenly, the car stopped by the side of the road.

Zhu Xi looked back, stared into Yang Ping\'s eyes and asked, "have I ever done something sorry to you before, and you will hate me all your life?"