Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1108

Yang Ping stood not far away and silently looked at the coffin and the people in the coffin. He always kept something. Even if there was a tragic battle in the shop, he didn\'t appear. Instead, he looked quietly and tried to stabilize his mood.

Liu Yunlong is a military expert and represents the military.

Others wanted to kill Liu Yunlong and seize the Phoenix, but it was a pity that Liu Yunlong was too powerful and the blood devil was not in vain. He was powerful and incompetent in those years. Later, he was incorporated by the military God and became the director of the interrogation room. He had great power and terrible means. Generally, when criminals encounter the blood demon Liu Yunlong, they may confess directly before interrogation.

The blood devil has a bad reputation in the military, but no one dares to say it face to face.

The poisonous woman, the life compensating sword and the mysterious landlady were all experts among the experts, but they did not cause any damage to Liu Yunlong.

Look at Liu Yunlong\'s expression, he hasn\'t done his best.

Yang Ping looked quietly with deep eyes.

Liu Yunlong said with a smile, "if I were you, I wouldn\'t come here. You can\'t do it, because once you do it, it\'s treason. Am I right, Captain Yanhuang?"

It\'s not that they haven\'t dealt with each other. A member of Yanhuang team was once worse off than dead in Liu Yunlong\'s hands, only because he was suspected of selling intelligence. It was unnecessary, but he was interrogated by the blood devil. The team member really couldn\'t stand the extortion of blood demons. He could only admit the unwarranted crime and finally swallowed a gun to commit suicide.

Yang Pingcheng broke into the interrogation department for an explanation, but was stopped. At that time, the blood devil even wanted to experiment with Yang Ping, because Yang Ping\'s physical function was the first in the army and his willpower was the first, which was an excellent material.

I remember that the blood devil stood in the upstairs office, looked down at Yang Ping, and showed a proud smile.

The blood devil showed his excited eyes and said, "in fact, I hope you do it, and then I catch you, so you can experiment with you. Captain Yanhuang, do you want to continue?"

It was the blood devil who was responsible for escorting the Phoenix, and it was the task won by the blood devil himself. Just because he knew the relationship between Phoenix and Yang Ping, the other party would certainly come to save people.

"It\'s really boring."

Yang Ping sighed softly.

The blood devil nodded and said seriously, "of course I know boredom, but you won\'t appear without boredom. My Yanhuang captain, as long as you promise to participate in my experiment, I can let the Phoenix go, how about it?"

"You\'re not afraid I\'ll kill you."

Yang Ping said coldly.

The blood devil looked scared and screamed, "I\'m afraid, I\'m really afraid. If captain Tang Yanhuang did something treason, what would the people above know? The Phoenix is related to Mu Lao\'s life, so we must not make mistakes."

This is to remind Yang Ping not to mess around, otherwise it will lead to military repression.

The blood devil felt that Yang Ping dared not cross the red line.

"I remember the above order is not to arrest the Phoenix." Yang Ping had no impulse. Although he left the army, he still thought he was a soldier. He said in a deep voice, "did you make her like this?"

The blood devil smiled, "I like it."

Yang Ping also smiled.

"I guess it\'s also because of your character. How can you not play some tricks? You hurt my subordinates back then, even now, the same is true today."

The blood devil clapped, clapped his hands, sighed with relief and said, "you\'d better remind me, otherwise I really forgot to interrogate your subordinates. It\'s a pity that he was a traitor. Your reputation has been destroyed by him."

"You are a bad captain."

"Now on the verge of dissolution, it\'s better to cancel it altogether. Captain Yanhuang, you don\'t know. Now Yanhuang team is a joke in the army. How can a team without a captain be recognized?"

"It is said that the Yanhuang team was defeated by the American power team some time ago, and the whole army was destroyed. Ha ha."


The blood devil constantly stimulated Yang Ping with words and wanted him to do it. As long as Yang Ping did it, he thought he had betrayed the military, because whoever dared to disobey the military\'s orders was tantamount to treason. This is not a minor crime, but a military court.

So as long as Yang Ping dared to do it, the blood devil would think of many ways to subdue him.

Seeing Yang Ping\'s expressionless face, he never started.

With a flash of blood devil\'s eyes, he opened the lid of the coffin, exposed the Phoenix\'s body, took a deep breath, smiled and said, "I hope you like my masterpiece."

Yang Ping looks at the Phoenix.

When he saw the Phoenix, Yang Ping\'s face changed dramatically, his pupils turned black, a terrible killing machine spread, and then the dark clouds condensed above, as if on the verge of collapse.

The blood devil said excitedly, "yes, that\'s it. Come on. Break out."

The Phoenix is no longer the proud Phoenix, because she broke her wings and there is darkness and despair in front of her. Her eyes were closed and black liquid flowed out. At the same time, there was no place to complete her clothes. It was obvious that she was brutally forced to confess.

She lost her eyes and could never see the light.

At a glance, Yang Ping knew that the suffering of Phoenix was completely beyond his imagination. She was different from Wang at that time. Wang\'s eyes were only injured and did not really become blind. Yang Ping only evolved vitality with the five element needling method, which could restore her light.

However, the Phoenix\'s eyes were blinded by poison, and the degree of damage was far greater than that of Wang. Even Yang Ping knew that it was almost impossible to restore the Phoenix to light.

More importantly, the Phoenix seems to have been drained of all blood.

Nothing is more miserable than the Phoenix.

Yang Ping\'s mind showed the strong figure of the Phoenix leaving.

"Team Yang, I will become strong. One day you will rest assured and give me your back. I\'ll protect you from the wind and rain!"

After an S-level mission, the Yanhuang team was injured in the jungle. Phoenix found Yang Ping and swore to him that it must become stronger. Yang Ping could not forget Phoenix\'s firm vision and faith.

In the dragon city.

Phoenix did not want Yang Ping to carry the darkness of the past and chose to go on the road alone, but there were still tears on the note left before leaving. Tears wet the handwriting. You can imagine the pain of Phoenix leaving.

But in a few months.

Phoenix has become what it is now, from a sometimes lively and sometimes cold top sniper to a disabled man who has lost his eyes. If you lose your eyes, your blood will be drained. Changing into other blood is like going through hell and losing all your strength. At the same time, you have terrible scars on your body. Bones can be seen in some places, and there is a breath of death in your body.

After Yang Ping saw it, he couldn\'t stand it anymore.

Is this the Phoenix?

Is this the Phoenix he once desperately wanted to protect?

Yang Ping stared at the blood devil and made no secret of his killing.

The blood devil smiled strangely and said, "come on, avenge your subordinates."

"Team Yang, stop!"

Li Xiangdong felt the terrible killing. His face changed greatly. He rushed up, hugged Yang Ping and begged: "this is their plot. You must not be fooled. If you save the Phoenix, you will be wanted by the military. At that time, no one can protect you, because it concerns Mu Lao\'s life."

Disgusting conspiracy.

It depends on Yang Ping\'s ability to resist.

Is it to kill the blood devil to save the Phoenix and become a traitor wanted by the military, or to be a shrinking turtle who ignores the Phoenix\'s life and death?

Li Xiangdong was afraid of Yang Ping\'s crazy behavior and kept persuading.

The blood devil squinted and showed a strange smile.

It has a radius of one kilometer.

A large number of experts are coming here. These are really strong killers who are specialized in dealing with Jianghu experts. At the same time, the breath of the two saints appeared on the hillside at the edge of the cliff and rose into the sky.

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