Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1070: The origin of the primordial fruit

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"The second condition is to drive away all the Meteor Gods in the abyss, and prevent new Meteor Gods from coming to the abyss."

Jianmu said slowly.

"It\'s very difficult for you to achieve such conditions."

This made Lin Yu slightly surprised. The second contract condition proposed by Jianmu was surprisingly similar to the condition proposed by the giant turtle at that time.

The giant tortoise also said at the time that they would find a way to stop the abyss from the Fallen God and give them a peaceful life.

"Your condition is almost the same as what the giant tortoise proposed. Have you asked it?"

Lin Yu asked.

"No." Jianmu denied it, and then asked: "When you signed the contract with the giant turtle, did you agree to this condition?"


Lin Yu admitted.

"Oh? Why do you dare to agree to such a condition? Do you have the confidence to do it?"

Jianmu couldn\'t help but doubt Lin Yu.

Under normal circumstances, no one would agree to such a condition that it cannot be done at first sight, unless it is to deceive the trust of the other party.

"This has nothing to do with confidence. I will agree because I want to have a clear goal." Lin Yu explained.

After he finished speaking, he added: "Actually, you also think that this kind of condition cannot be achieved at all. The reason why you still think about bringing it up is because this is the direction of your efforts."

"You\'re right." Jianmu agreed with Lin Yu\'s words.

Lin Yu\'s words completely spoke to his heart. The reason why he and giant abyss beasts like giant tortoises thought about putting forward such conditions was mainly because they were looking forward to this day.

Since it is only a distant wish for oneself, why must it be fulfilled by others?

Therefore, in fact, there is no need to expect such conditions to be finally realized, and it is enough to regard it as the direction of efforts.

Thinking of this, Jianmu suddenly became enlightened, and suddenly felt more favorable towards Lin Yu.

"Okay, then are you willing to agree to these two conditions?"

Jianmu asked.

"I promise." Lin Yu replied decisively.

When the contract was concluded with the giant tortoise, these two conditions had already been agreed, so why not agree again now?

Lin Yu felt that if the real energy source continued to obtain Yuan energy, then such harsh conditions might not be impossible to achieve.

"Okay, now talk about your conditions." Jianmu reminded.

"My condition is very simple, as long as you do your best to help me." Lin Yu replied.

This condition does not seem to be clearly stated, as if to ask for it endlessly.

But compared to the conditions just proposed by Jianmu, this condition is already very simple.

After all, as long as you can provide some help within your ability, you don\'t need to take risks, you don\'t need to work hard.

You know, the condition proposed by Jianmu is to drive away all the meteor gods in the abyss, and prevent new meteor gods from coming to the abyss.

"Okay, I promise."

Jianmu responded cheerfully.

Lin Yu heard the words and said: "Then, please help me out of the current predicament first."

"Just a little thing."

Jianmu calmed down, and then there was no news.

After a while, Lin Yu suddenly found that the ball that wrapped him seemed to be dissolving little by little.

The golden veils, layer after layer, began to become transparent at the same time.

Soon, the entire golden orb disappeared.

Lin Yu looked up at San Yijia on the throne above.

"Very good!" San Yijia smiled and said, "Lin Yu, you didn\'t lie to me, very good!"

Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that San Yijia had already believed in the lie he had just made up, and completely accepted the statement that he had amnesia.

I just don\'t know what method Jianmu used to convince San Yijia of this, so he will have a chance to ask it when he looks back.

"Lin Yu, now a person who looks almost the same as you stole a treasure from me. That person seems to be related to Yuan. I wonder if you can remember who this person is."

San Yijia eagerly asked the question in his heart.

After Lin Yu heard the other party\'s question, he instantly knew that the other party was talking about Gu Xin.

Of course, at this time, he naturally couldn\'t tell him directly that it was Gu Xin, he had to play it well.

Lin Yu pretended to fall into memory.

Seeing this, San Yijia did not urge him, and waited quietly.

After a while, Lin Yu said, "The person you mentioned may be Gu Xin, but I\'m not sure, mainly because I can\'t remember a lot of things."

"Gu Xin?" San Yijia pondered, and then asked: "How much do you know about Gu Xin? Tell me everything you know."


Lin Yu didn\'t refuse, and selectively talked about things related to Gu Xin.

After San Yijia heard it, his eyes lit up: "It seems that guy is Gu Xin!"

"Very good, Gu Xin, I remember you, and I will settle accounts with you sooner or later."

San Yijia\'s face was full of joy.

Seeing him so happy, Lin Yu knew that this hurdle was over.

Next, San Yijia will act with Guxin as the target.

In this way, he has no time to pay attention to himself, and naturally it is impossible to think that the original fruit is actually in his hands.

"Lin Yu, you go down first, and then make a good memory, I will call you if something happens."

San Yijia ordered.

He already had a plan in his mind and decided to use Lin Yu\'s knowledge of Gu Xin and Yuan to deal with them well.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Lin Yu can recall more of the past.

Seeing San Yijia\'s order, Lin Yu said goodbye and quickly left the throne room, leaving the large bulb.

Soon, he was back in his own bubble.

As soon as he sat down on the ground, Jianmu\'s voice rang in his ears.

"As long as there is no other situation, San Yijia will no longer doubt you."

Jianmu said.

Lin Yu took advantage of the situation and asked, "How did you convince him?"

"It\'s not that I made him believe it, but that he believed in me too much. He felt that he had a firm grip on me and that it was impossible for me to disobey him."

Jianmu explained.

Hearing this, Lin Yu secretly thought that this meant that San Yijia believed too much in his own abilities and felt that there was a way to completely control Jianmu.

So unconditionally believe in the feedback from Jianmu.

This matter was soon revealed, and Lin Yu was ready to inquire about the original fruit.

"San Yijia went to the original land with great fanfare this time, in order to find something called the original fruit. Do you know what the original fruit is?"

Lin Yu asked straight to the point. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

With the contract signed before, Lin Yu believes that Jianmu will answer this question.

"Primordial fruit?"

Jianmu\'s voice was stagnant, and he was silent for a moment before he said, "I grew up from the original fruit."


This answer surprised Lin Yu.

It turned out that the fruit he ate was actually a young Jianmu?

And when Lin Yu was surprised, Jianmu asked directly: "Lin Yu, did the original fruit they fought for fall into your hands?"

From Lin Yu\'s performance just now and the information provided by the giant tortoise before, it can basically infer that the original fruit was finally obtained by Lin Yu.

Therefore, it cannot help but ask questions.