Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1014: Arrive smoothly

boom boom-

Twelve giant beasts dashed forward with rapid strides, getting closer and closer to the so-called center of the abyss.

on the tortoise.

In the earth cave.

Lin Yu was still sitting on the throne, pretending to be controlling the giant tortoise.

Now that he wants to know the situation in the outside world, he can only ask the giant tortoise through voice transmission.

Of course, if he really wants to say it, he can actually release his consciousness to take the initiative to sense it.

But helplessly, affected by the fog of the abyss, the range of the sense of consciousness is too small, and there is no way to know what is happening in the distance, or what is happening.

At this time, the giant tortoise said to Lin Yu: "Lin Yu, the fog ahead is getting thinner and thinner."

"Huh?" Lin Yu was alert and hurriedly asked, "How far can you look now?"

"You can see far, far, and if you fly out now, you can see a giant column in the distance that is forked everywhere."

"Forked everywhere? Giant pillars?"

Lin Yu was quite surprised, what could this be?

"Can Oufu describe in detail?" Lin Yu asked.

The giant tortoise replied, "I\'m not quite sure. In short, I\'ve never seen anything of this shape."

"Really?" Lin Yu thought about it and thought that it might be because the giant tortoise has been living in the abyss since its birth, and he has seen too few things, resulting in a lack of knowledge.

Thinking of this, he didn\'t ask any more questions, and decided to wait until he was able to go out to see with his own eyes what the giant tortoise mentioned.

boom boom-

The beasts continued to move forward, rushing forward.

After running like this for about ten minutes, the giant tortoise transmitted a voice to Lin Yu again: "Lin Yu, there is no fog here now, I have never seen such a scene!"

The giant tortoise\'s tone was full of amazement, which showed how surprised it was.

After all, for a creature that lives in fog all the year round, it is indeed very novel to find that the fog has dissipated, and the visible range to the naked eye has become extremely vast.

"You really should come out and see for yourself!"

The tortoise added excitedly.

Hearing it say that, Lin Yu was also very curious, and could not wait to go out and take a look.

Of course, all this can only be thought about in the heart, not really put into action.

After all, if he goes out, he may be discovered by the meteor gods on other giant beasts, causing them to doubt the situation of his giant beast.

After thinking about it, Lin Yu sent a voice transmission to Uga and asked, "Uga, have we arrived yet?"


Uga replied, and then said coldly: "Don\'t ask me any more questions next, do whatever I want you to do, do you hear me?"

At the end, he asked in a very stern tone.

"I see, you don\'t need to remind me again." Lin Yu also responded coldly.

He found that the Uga at this time was completely different from the beginning, as if a different person.

Lin Yu guessed in his heart that it might be because he was about to arrive at his destination, so Uga was no longer afraid of his fifth-order "falling god".

"Judging from the current situation, this Uga should have some status in the Sanyijia camp."

Lin Yu secretly guessed in his heart.

Uga is obviously the leader of this team of giant beasts, and the meteor gods who enslave the giant beasts have to listen to him.

It can be seen that his status will not be low.

As for why he had such a good temper when we first met just now, there are probably two reasons.

First, Wu Ga knew that his strength was inferior to others, so he had to keep a low profile.

The second is to deliberately lower the posture to facilitate the entry of people.

"Now that I really joined, this guy shows his true colors."

"Hmph, it\'s interesting."

Lin Yu sneered.

After that, he no longer bothered about it.

The two fall gods, Uga and Abu, only have fourth-order gods, so they will not pose a threat to him.

There is no need to spend too much time on them.

It\'s better to think about how to deal with San Yijia and how to deal with Gu Xin and Yuan when you have this time.

At this time, the giant tortoise suddenly said excitedly: "Lin Yu, you really should come out and take a look, I bet you have never seen such a spectacular scene."

"Huh? How spectacular?"

Lin Yu was completely aroused by the giant tortoise, and couldn\'t wait to go out and see how spectacular it was.

But in the end, he still pressed his thoughts and waited for the giant beast team to stop.

Time continued to flow slowly.

After a long wait, Lin Yu finally felt the giant tortoise\'s footsteps slow down.

Upon seeing this, he hurriedly transmitted a voice transmission to the giant turtle and asked, "Is it here?"

"It should be here." The giant turtle replied.

As soon as the giant turtle\'s voice fell, the voices of Uga and Abu rang in Lin Yu\'s ears.

"Come out and go back to the shrine with me."

"Divine Palace?" Lin Yu keenly captured the word and secretly remembered it in his heart.

It seems that there are many forked huge pillars that the giant tortoise just mentioned, and nine times out of ten, it is part of this shrine.

Without delay, Lin Yu immediately flew out of the palace, out of the earth hole, and came to the Turtle Back Continent.

The moment he left the Dadi Cave, he immediately found that his vision was suddenly clear, and he could see far, far away scenery.

Since entering the abyss, he has been familiar with the surrounding white scene.

Now all of a sudden, the field of vision has become extremely wide, and there is a particularly refreshing feeling in my heart.

"I didn\'t expect this abyss to be so huge?!"

After Lin Yu glanced into the distance, he immediately looked up at the sky.

At a glance, he found that there was no light on it, but it was pitch black, and nothing could be seen clearly.

However, the sense of distance is still very clear.

Lin Yu could clearly feel that the pitch-black sky was very, very far away from the ground.

Afterwards, Lin Yu immediately looked at the ground below.

Contrary to the sky, the ground is completely pure white, spotless, like a huge piece of white jade.

All these giant beasts are standing on this "white jade" at this time.

And Lin Yu also found that the surrounding light all came from this pure white ground.

It seems that the earth of this abyss will shine.

"My previous guess seems to be correct." Lin Yu stared at the white jade-like ground, and secretly said in his heart: "The ground in the abyss is a solid fog."

Slowly looking back ~www.novelhall.com~ Lin Yu raised his head and glanced at the surrounding environment.

After turning around, he finally saw the giant pillar with many branches that the giant tortoise just mentioned.

"Where is this pillar, this is obviously a tree!"

The giant tortoise had never seen a tree, so he didn\'t know what the tree looked like, so he talked about giant pillars.

But anyone who has seen the tree will realize that it is a huge tree.

Bigger than imagined.

Compared with this towering tree in the true sense, these giant beasts are like little bugs.

"Hurry up and follow me to the shrine with me."

Just when Lin Yu was sighing about this giant tree, Uga came over again through voice transmission.

Lin Yu responded, and then followed the meteor gods and flew to the giant tree.