Escape the Infinite Chamber

Chapter 148

Luo Jian did not answer the clown's question, he avoided talking about it, and then he laughed indifferently. Then she took the clown's sleeve and led him forward. As she walked, she said to him, "let's try to attract those ghosts."

"Is it used up?" The clown thought of the shadow illusion brought by the oil lamp just now.

"It doesn't cost much to use up, and it doesn't pay to waste fuel." Luo Jian shook her head. He looked at the clown and said with a smile, "listen, Mr. Hong, don't look down on me. I'm stronger than you think. So no matter what I do later, you should not be afraid, let alone be afraid, OK?"

"Fear?" The clown can't understand the true meaning of Luo Jian's words for a while, because the clown doesn't feel that he will feel fear. Although he has not experienced many secret rooms, he will not panic because of the slightest incident.

However, the clown soon understood why Luo Jian told him not to be afraid.

Luo Jian sees that the crystal ball has healed the clown's injury. Although he still can't see anything, he will not bleed any more. So Luo Jian took away the crystal ball and changed her weapon again. All of a sudden, what appeared in his hand became a soul calling banner.

"What did you do?" When the clown heard Luo Jian's movement, he seemed to hear the voice of the flag stirring. Then, Luo Jian explained to him, "I made a wake-up banner."

"Soul calling banner? Is this really useful? "

Luo Jian said indifferently: "maybe, I have not tried to copy this thing, so this is the first time to use it."

"Copy it? First use? " The clown didn't understand, but he still grasped Zhong * * "that is to say, you haven't tried to use this to evoke spirits before, right?"

Luo Jian said: "I don't have so much free time to run to the graveyard with this thing, and the place I used to stay has no soul either..."

The clown was even more confused, but he said definitely, "well, I don't understand this. I don't have a way to fight ghosts, so I'll leave it to you!"

Luo Jian inserts the soul calling banner on the ground, which is exactly a big red flag with all kinds of wonderful characters. The flag is tied to a bone stick composed of many bones. The bone is ground very smooth and feels strange. This is also the reason why Luo Jian is not willing to use it since the day when she copied the weapon.

"Well, let me see, how is it used?" Looking at the flag, Luo Jian began to remember that he was copied from the companion of the user of the dark fire lamp. Both of them were pretending to be ghosts, dressed like Taoist priests, but they did not have Taoist Daofeng immortal bones, but were just like divine sticks, although they did have some skills.

Although the soul summoning banner can summon souls, and its top skill is to summon souls, but because there is no soul in the Shura field, the users of the soul calling banner also come up with new moves. Since the soul calling banner can't summon souls, it can trigger a large range of illusions, in short, it can trigger illusions.

This is similar to the way most ghosts use to attack others, and the same effect can be achieved by summoning flags.

Ordinary ghost can not be materialized. If they want to attack someone, they must first make that person mentally collapse. In short, it is to frighten others to death and use illusion to arouse others' fear. When the fear reaches a certain level, some people may be scared out directly, while others will simply cause cardiac arrest and death.

Ghosts are very sensitive to the smell of fear. They have no body, of course, they don't have any sensory ability. They can be said to be a group of energy bodies. They want to sense other people's emotions and pheromones.

In this pheromone, the smell of fear is the strongest and most obvious.

The principle of the power of the banner is probably similar to that. It lures the ignorant soul by sending out a strange pheromone, and most of the souls will respond to it. Because it is an indistinguishable call, so as long as there are souls and ghosts in the vicinity of the soul calling banner, the strength of the soul attracted depends on the strength of the owner of the flag.

If the master holding the flag is not strong enough to give full play to its full ability, then those powerful ghosts will not follow the call of the flag, and the strong will never disdain to obey the command of the weak.

But I don't know if it is the reason why Jane is too strong.

After he put down the soul calling banner, there was a gust of wind blowing in the open and closed stairwell. Luo Jian took the oil lamp that the clown used to light before and put it on the ground. The flame of the oil lamp leaped in the dark and narrow space. Luo Jian paid attention to the oil lamp given to him by the clown, the very old kerosene lamp, which was used before the electric lamp was popularized.

The clown also felt the deep and gloomy feeling in the air. Suddenly, he felt restless. His heart seemed to be equipped with a motor, which made him almost unable to breathe. Then soon, the clown was inexplicably frightened. The sense of fear came inexplicably. It was clear that nothing could frighten him, but he felt the fear deeply.

Luo Jian suddenly opened her mouth and said:"Ghosts can emit negative energy all the time. They will remind you of some bad things, scared, scared, unfortunate, all the memories that can make you feel negative emotions. Ghosts will help you recall them in your mind."

"Why do you know so well? I think you have the ghost lamp and the soul calling banner, eh Oh, I see! You must have been a prodigy before The clown thought of it immediately and made sure.

Luo Jian speechlessly pulled the clown's sleeve: "it's not like this I've had countless enemies before, and that's what I've learned from them. "

"The enemy? Is your enemy a prodigal The clown exclaimed: "then you must be a ghost! I see. No wonder you are not afraid of ghosts

Hateful height! Luo Jian was eager to jump up and slap him on the head.

However, regardless of the nonsense, Luo Jian also slowly found that the ghosts gathered together, and the number was unexpected. They were all in a translucent state. Of course, most of them were different in the depth of transparency. The more powerful the ghost was, the closer the body was to the entity. Luo Jian even saw several completely materialized ones, which were slowly rising from the wall of the staircase to the ceiling On the board and under the floor, some of them were so weak that they almost had a cloud of fog. Some of them had a clear face, and even their death appearance was restored.

"So many powerful ghosts have come out to prove that my ability is extraordinary?" Luo Jian whispered to herself: "it's strange that my ability should not be reflected in ghosts."

The clown was still there, pitifully and expectantly, asking, "are you really a ghost?"

"Shut up!" Luo Jian said in a bad way.

The clown had to shut his mouth more pitifully. He didn't feel aggressive. Luo Jian didn't expect him to become a fighting force. He let him draw circles in the same place. However, Luo Jian stands next to the wake-up banner, staring at the ghosts slowly approaching. Most of the ghosts do not touch their feet. They don't launch any attacks. Many translucent or completely transparent ones have no harm. The powerful ones dare not even approach Luo Jian's body.

Luo Jian didn't feel how terrible she was at all, but these ghosts seemed to be scared to death and kept within a certain range. One of the brave ones finally took the initiative to communicate with Luo Jian.

Ghosts don't have organs to speak. They don't even have bodies. They don't have natural organs. However, if they are fully materialized ghosts, they can even attack physically. Naturally, they can open their mouths and make a terrible voice. They tremble and ask Luo Jian, "excuse me This adult... "

Luo Jian's eyebrows raised, and the ghost suddenly couldn't even speak completely. Luo Jian found that the ghost was probably old, which means that the ghost had died for a long time. She was wearing ancient costume and coarse linen clothes, and had long hair. She almost condensed the entity, but her facial features were still fuzzy. She was afraid of Luo Jian, and her tone was also erratic: "yes What can I do for you? "

Luo Jian thought for a moment, pointing to the clown's eyes and his injured arm, she said, "who attacked him just now?"

The ghosts looked from left to right, and they separated automatically, giving way to a little ghost standing behind. It was indeed a little ghost, and she was still a little girl. The girl was more powerful than that old ghost in ancient costume. She was totally physical. Her feet were on the floor, but she had no shadow. Her appearance was also terrible. It seemed that her eyes had been dug out before her death, and her eyes were only two black paints Holes in paint.

The little ghost saw Luo Jane looking for her door. Although she was afraid, she did not want to hide. She came up and said, "this is the endless ladder. Someone told me that as long as we kill the living people and let him take our place, we can go out from here."

"The trick of the secret room is to let the ghost find a substitute for the dead ghost." Luo Jane sneered, and he didn't feel for the ghosts.

Most of these ghosts may have been changed by players. In the early stage, if a player becomes a monster, his memory will be completely erased by the secret room. Even the secret room will make up a new memory for him, such as Luo Jian's experience in the copy of the place where the bones were buried. Later, the eagle told him that the two "gods and ghosts" probably did not exist at all, and the "God" was a certain one The player changed, was washed the memory, and then made up a, poor player love an illusion, love for thousands of years Ah, of course, even that millennium may be fictional.

Terrible, isn't it? All the players are toys in the secret room. They can do what they want and what they want. The happiness, anger and sadness are controlled by an unnecessary system. No matter how strong the players are, the secret room will not let any player out of here.

Eagle told Luo Jian.

So far, in the whole chamber of secrets, no player has ever escaped. Those who can go out are dead and have no soul.

In this kind of place, Luo Jian doesn't want to stay, even if she may lose all her body, ability, memory and even soul, she doesn't want to stay in the secret room. She has already started to act for his idea. Now, he has lost his body.

He approached the little girl and said to her, "this place, when someone came before, did anyone open a door, a black or a red door.""Only one door was opened." The ghost thought for a moment and replied to Jane, "but I don't know which door it is. There are many doors here."

"So is the man who opened the door still here? I mean, if he's dead, is he still alive? "

"Yes." Another ghost answered Luo Jian's question. It was the old ghost in the ancient costume. "But you have to go down more than 30 floors. He only lingers in that area. You can go down and summon a soul again. You can let him lead the way for you."

"Thank you very much." Luo Jian politely expressed thanks, and then waved the flag, the ghosts disappeared.

After listening to the whole process, the clown immediately called out: "Yuan children's shoes are so powerful! Isn't it really a magic wand? "

"Go on talking about the prodigy, and I'll beat you!" Jane couldn't get angry.