Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 608: New Territories Association

Seeing this, Lin Zhen's eyes lit up.

Before hearing the conversation of passers-by, Lin Zhen knew that Ke Qing was very remarkable.

Not only do they have free board and lodging, they also have a high salary, and they can even get the resources needed for cultivation.

These are what Lin Zhen is in urgent need at the moment, and he hurried over.

There is also an introduction on the plaque, "The Royal Palace is recruiting guest Qing, anyone who is above the galaxy period can sign up, the registration fee is one yuan, as long as you pass the assessment, the registration location is Lianyun Pavilion Restaurant!"

Lin Zhen turned his head and looked at a huge building towering into the clouds on the street in the distance.

The appearance of the building is exactly the same as the pattern on the plaque.

"That's it, thanks to me still having a dollar, otherwise I really can only sell my things, and I can't sell them for a few dollars."

When he arrived in the metaverse, Lin Zhen knew that the universe crystal and the spaceship were worthless, and most of his universe crystals were in the card. I am afraid that he would not be able to take it out, because the universe crystal was not considered currency in the metaverse.

Immediately turned around and walked towards the Lianyun Pavilion Restaurant. The wind was blowing under his feet. After walking for ten minutes, Lin Zhen came to the front of the restaurant.

There is already a long line up here, there are only two teams, one is the team of the galaxy period, and the other is the team of the star field.

The team in the galaxy stage is relatively long, but there are not many people in the star field stage, and there are only a few people. After all, as a warrior in the star field stage, even in the metaverse, he has a certain status, and few take the initiative to be a guest.

Even if a guest in the Star Territory is a guest officer, he is also a guest officer with status. For example, the coachman of the elder son is a coachman who also serves as a bodyguard.

The galaxy team was a hundred meters long, and Lin Zhen finally had his turn after waiting for an hour.

"What's your name? Where is it from?"

"Lin Zhen, from the New Territories." The person in charge of the registration looked up at Lin Zhen with a little surprise: "I'm from the New Territories? This is really strange. In Muwangfu City, no one from the New Territories has come here for a hundred years."

After passing through the gate of the metaworld, each person's martial artist goes differently, not to mention that there are fewer and fewer people at the Tianmen in the later period, and it is normal that no one in a mansion will come for a hundred years.

"Okay, register for you first, but you need a proof of identity."

"I also want to apply for an identity certificate, can I do it here?"

"Agent d'affaires are also possible, but after processing, your nationality will be Nanliang from now on."

Lin Zhen nodded. For him now, no matter which nationality is the same.

"The agency fee is three thousand yuan."

Lin Zhen was shocked: "I have no money."

"It's definitely impossible to have no money. Then you can't participate in the assessment of Ke Qing."

"Can I use something instead?"

"Then you have to see if your things are worth three thousand. You have to know that many of the things brought by the martial artists of the New Territories are actually **** when they arrive in the Metaverse."

Lin Zhen began to take things out. The spacecraft did not need them, some divine artifacts were not collected, and the universe crystal did not need them.

Finally, in desperation, Lin Zhen took out the longest sword from the Lingxu Realm King.

"The best heavenly weapon, this is not bad, the value is about 100,000, but the things here are discounted, we buy 80,000, remove your agency status fee, and give you 70,000."

Lin Zhen was stunned. Although he didn't know the currency purchasing power of Metaverse yet, this was the best heavenly weapon, and a realm king only had one. Even if the things of Metaverse were good, it was definitely not rubbish.

"Give too little, this is the best heavenly weapon."

"Haha! I know it is the best heavenly weapon, but the Metaverse heavenly weapon is not worth money, and we are not a shop here. Of course, we can't give you a complete price. It's a lot more than 100,000, brother. See you from the New Territories. Don’t you think you’re poor and you won’t be able to get your next meal? I advise you to sell it, otherwise you won’t be able to register."

Looking at the other party's cheating face, Lin Zhen was disgusted for a while, and simply put the knife away, "Wait until I get my identity and then come back."

"Whatever! If you don't sell your heavenly weapons to us, no one will take them here."

"Then I have to try to find out." Lin Zhen snorted coldly, turned and left the team, planning to find a place to see if he could sell some of the things in his hand, at least after applying for the identity.

After walking not far, a warrior from behind chased up.

"Brother in front wait a minute."

Lin Zhen turned around, behind him was a fifth-level warrior in the star field.

This person is full of star power, and his strength is very good.

"Is there anything wrong with this man?"

This person turned around Lin Zhen a few times, and finally suddenly said, "Are you Lin Zhen?"

Lin Zhen was shocked: "Did you hear my name just now?"

"Yes, I heard. I heard that you are from the New Territories. Are you the Lin Zhen from the New Territories? I mean, you are from the Fire Qilin Empire?"

"you know me?"

"Haha! It's really you. I just looked at you and I felt like you, because I also came from the New Territories. Seven hundred years ago, when you and Ke Xiangnan entered the gate of heaven together, I saw it with my own eyes on the big screen. Many people are still discussing your affairs, but I didn't expect you to come to Yuanjie after getting out of trouble."

"you are....?"

"Oh, my name is Ge Yunjie and I come from the White Sea Empire. When you entered the gate of heaven, I was still at the eighth level of the galaxy. I guess you wouldn't know me, but I know you. You know, you were my idol at that time. Yeah!"

"Hello brother Ge, I am just a rookie who is not an idol." Lin Zhen is also very happy. It is also good to meet someone who is unfamiliar with Yuanjie from the New Territories.

"Hahaha! Brother Lin, I should be a few years older than you, so I'll be your brother again, why? Didn't you sign up just now?"

"Yeah, these Yuanjie martial artists want to rip off, and I actually only gave one hundred thousand for a top-grade heavenly weapon."

"That's really less. Why does the best heavenly weapon cost 500,000 yuan in Yuanjie, let's go, and go to a place with me. It's just a trivial matter to handle the identity. You can do it for you without spending money."

"Is there such a place?" Lin Zhen followed Ge Yunjie forward.

"Of course, let me tell you. There are also a lot of warriors from the New Territories in this place. How many warriors have passed through the Tianmen. There are more than one hundred New Territories warriors in the Muwangfu area. We all formed a New Territories fellowship. Every difficulty will help each other, so join in."

Lin Zhen suddenly became interested. If they were all martial artists in the New Territories, then this fellow villager's association would be really good.

Just as he was about to leave with Ge Yunjie, the next voice rang: "Ge Yunjie, are you going to take care of your business?"

When the two turned their heads, they saw the person who registered Lin Zhen standing behind them, looking at them with unkind eyes.

"Mu En, this is my fellow, it's okay for me to help him?"

"You'd better think about it. You have to know that many people in your New Territories help have reported Ke Qing's recruitment. Don't ask for trouble."

Ge Yunjie's face changed a bit, and then he straightened his chest: "Mu En, my fellow is a genius in the New Territories. I advise you to keep your eyes open and don't do anything wrong."

"Is he... a genius?" Mu En glanced at Lin Zhen disdainfully: "Then I will see what your genius can do. It is worthy of your protection, but the ugly thing is ahead. You New Territories will help this time. If there is a problem with the assessment results, it is your cause."

"You don't need to worry about it. If some of us become Ke Qing, you Mu En will have to bow my head to be a man." It seems that Ge Yunjie has a bad impression of Mu En, and I don't know if he was hacked by him. money.

"Haha, just your few rotten sweet potato stinky bird eggs, you also want to become a guest, don't daydream!" Mu En ridiculed unscrupulously.

At this time, Lin Zhen looked at Ge Yunjie: "Brother Ge, to become a guest Qing, is it higher than this person?"

"Of course, Ke Qing is the guest of the palace seat. They are just getting off the ground. When the time comes to clean them up, it will be like trampling on an ant."

"When will the assessment of Keqing begin?"

"About a month later."

"Then when will I get the status?"

"I'll find a friend to help you handle it, and you can get it right away."

Lin Zhen nodded, and then faced Mu En: "Listen well, I'll sign up in a while. I will reserve one of the top ten positions in Keqing. When I succeed, you will get out of here!"

"Oh roar! Then I have to wait and see, a rookie from the New Territories."

Mu En sneered, without paying attention to Lin Zhen's threat at all, and turned to leave.

"Brother Lin, are you sure? The Metaverse is not better than the New Territories. The martial artists here are very First I am not sure, but if my brother is willing to help, I would like to compete for the top ten Not a problem yet."

"That's great! If you can succeed, the momentum of our hometown association will rise so much. Let's say, what can I do for you?"


Ge Yunjie nodded, started calling through the dimensional universe, and soon found someone.

This person was a special agent, and after a while, he actually got a new identity for Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen's Dimensional Universe was finally reactivated and could be used in the Metaverse.

The territory of identity is here, Lin Zhen, Muwangfu of Xianle County, Nanliang Kingdom, and the Dimensional Universe Number is 7257347124004900743688.

Looking at this number of more than twenty digits, Lin Zhen is also secretly stunned, the population of Metaverse is really unimaginable.

"Brother has to do me a favor, just to get me a sum of money, I can give you this knife."

Ge Yunjie took the longest sword from Lin Zhen and nodded: "I don’t have to say, that’s it. I’ll give Brother Lin one million, and the extra part will be used as a meeting gift for you. If you can win the status of Keqing, everything is worth it. I believe in your strength."

Lin Zhen's Dimensional Universe was opened, and the bank card was available, and Ge Yunjie transferred him one million.

It can be seen that this one million is not a small amount for Ge Yunjie, and this fellow has enough support for him.

"Brother Lin, do you want to go with me to the same township club?"

"Don't go now, I will sign up first, and then I have something to do. See you later."

Saying goodbye to Ge Yunjie, Lin Zhen immediately went to sign up, then turned around and entered a nearby business.

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