Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 509: Domineering queen

When the spider commander heard this sound, his whole body was excited and he turned his head fiercely.

"It's you~!"

The woman behind her is wearing a long skirt like fire, and she wears pearl flowers on her head, and a pair of phoenix eyes shed light.

Ruyu's face, with picturesque brows and a cinnabar mole on the center of her brows, has brought her extraordinary beauty to the next level. It seems that she is not a human being.

But the pretty face with such an overwhelming beauty was cold and frosty, standing there, making people afraid to approach.

is Feng Qingluan who has been missing for almost nine months!

The Spider Commander joined when she was chasing Feng Qingluan. She knew that Feng Qingluan had suffered multiple injuries. She thought that there would be no Feng Qingluan incident on the Hanging Island this time, but she did not expect her to come back. .

not only came back, but Feng Qingluan seemed very different from before.

The hunting dress was flying in the volley, and the whole body was like a beating flame. The vast star power radiated from her, and she had reached the eighth level of the galaxy!

You know, when Feng Qingluan fought with them, he was only at level 6 of a galaxy, so why did he get promoted to level 8 so quickly?

"You are so brave, how dare you come back?"

Feng Qingluan's gaze narrowed: "What can I not dare? Since the establishment of the Qingluan Association, I have never feared anyone, fighting for territory, smashing places, and grabbing resource stars. I have been chased and killed countless times. Several times I almost never survived, but I have survived, and my enemies have now been turned into bones. If I dare not come back, how can I talk about leading the Qingluan Association? How about a person like you? It's not going to be rampant!"

While    was speaking, Feng Qingluan walked forward slowly, and a powerful aura came to her face. Years of experience as a gang boss gave her a domineering attitude that a normal woman would never have.

The spider commander's face was blue and white, she already felt the huge power gap between and Feng Qingluan.

is not an opponent!

But at this moment, she has nowhere to go. She knew that as long as she dared to turn around and escape, Feng Qingluan would definitely be struck by thunder.

was fierce in his heart, and the spider commander's face was cold: "Feng Qingluan, since you are so aggressive, then there is no more than one battle. Don't think that you can be arrogant in front of me when you increase your strength. You are still far away!"

Ga~~~! ! !

An unpleasant roar resounded across the starry sky.

Six thick, long hairy feet tore through her clothes, and her charming face instantly became terrifying, like a ghost.

Star power burst, and a group of small spiders emerged from behind her.

The stunt of the Spider Queen, split!

These little spiders landed and immediately turned into a group of spider warriors who reached the peak of the black hole.

"Kill me this woman!"

The Spider Queen rose up into the sky, transformed into the size of a small spaceship, and began to brew spider silk.

As long as these little spider warriors can delay Feng Qingluan for a while, she can perform her own spider web stunts. If they can cover Feng Qingluan for a while, she can escape back to the floating island.

As soon as these spider warriors in the black hole stage appeared, they screamed and rushed up with their weapons.

Moreover, these spiders are dark in their bodies, and they are very poisonous at first glance, and their stomachs are very big, and they can explode at any time. This is the trick of the Spider Queen. A group of warriors at the peak of the black hole explode. Even if the galaxy period is difficult to resist, one will fall. Up!

Looking at these spiders like death squads, Feng Qingluan's eyebrows twitched slightly, showing disdain.

A three-meter long sword appeared in Feng Qingluan's hand like a big sword.

The blade turned blue, and the cyan evil aura leaked ten feet away, and the sound of dragons and tigers roared out of the sheath.

This is a top-grade artifact, but the evil spirit contained in it is definitely not the artifact's own, but caused by the knife killing too many people!

When a sword like this is stuck on the ground, as long as the warrior with a lower realm approaches, he will be hurt by the evil spirit contained in it!

Put it in the sky, all the birds have to fly around a hundred miles away!


'S beautiful voice uttered frosty words like spring thunder.

The machete swept across Qianjun and slashed out!

a long "puff!"

Not one person fell, but a group of people fell. These desperate spider warriors, who had no fear at all, were killed by Feng Qingluan for hundreds!

The red clothes are like fire, breaking into the crowd and slashing up and down, with all the swordsmanship and all she can do.

Chopping people on the street to the limit is also an art!

The vertical and horizontal sword aura made the stumps fly in the sky, and the blood of thousands of spider warriors filled the sky. The ability that could have exploded was not even used by one person, and no one could approach her.

Fluttering streets!

ten seconds!

In only ten seconds, thousands of Spider Warriors were hacked and killed!

In the blood mist, Feng Qingluan walked slowly. There was no mess on his body, and he didn't know if the blood of these spider warriors drifted away or was absorbed by her red clothes.

While in the air, the Spider Commander also completed the preparation of spider silk.

On top of the ugly face, the open mouth and fangs kept closing.

"Feng Qingluan! You shouldn't be back, today is your death date!"


A huge spider web volleyed down, this spider web contains space power, even the space is locked!

Feng Qingluan's space was solidified, and the pressure was overwhelming. This blow could not be avoided.

Once caught by the net, let alone the galaxy period, even the star field period may have to be in a hurry.

Feng Qingluan is not afraid, holding a machete in one hand, and stretching out a slender finger, a cyan flame erupts from his fingertips!

The blue fire has already represented the highest level of flame. Although Feng Qingluan's flame is only light blue, it is also extremely powerful.

The spider queen is still clamoring: "It's useless, my spider web is endless, no one can escape, your flame will never burn through in a short time, Feng Qingluan, play slowly by yourself, wait for me to call someone , You can't run away this time!"

After that, the spider commander turned and was about to run.

A scorching heat wave swept in behind him, and immediately enveloped it.

The strong smell of roasted meat permeated, and the spider commander kept screaming: "Impossible! How can your flame burn my spider web so quickly."

"Do you still have to ask, you are not the only person in the world making progress, now my flame is used to deal with you, it is simply overkill!"

Feng Qingluan walked forward slowly after speaking, never looking at her again.

The spider commander's screams quickly stopped, leaving only a cloud of ashes!

One of the seven commanders of the Zerg tribe, and the only female commander, the Spider Commander has fallen to Chaos Galaxy!

approached the meteorite belt, Feng Qingluan's footsteps stopped.

Under the long eyelashes, there was a hint of hesitation in his always firm gaze.

It turned out to be standing for a while, Feng Qingluan took a deep breath: "What are you hesitating? Just a moment's notice."

The long skirt swayed and stepped into the floating island.

"The spider is dead!"

When the spider commander died, the remaining six commanders of the Zerg got the news.

The mantis commander's face was cold: "The spider has only gone out for ten minutes, and it takes ten minutes to cross the meteorite belt, which means that she was killed by others within a few minutes, and she didn't even have time to escape. Who has such great ability? ?"

The Scorpio commander thought for a moment: "Only the Fire Qilin Empire is at war with us, and Ye Hua has been there forever. Apart from Feng Qingluan, I can't think of anyone else with such great abilities."

"Feng are right, it can only be her."

"I didn't expect that this woman would dare to make trouble. Didn't it mean that her injury was very serious and would not recover in a short time?"

"Who knows? Maybe there is some adventure."

"What do we do then? Let's kill her together now?"

"No, it is very important to enlighten to the heavenly monument. It is best not to have extra branches. As long as our enlightenment is successful, none of them will want to run. Don't forget, we are on the fire unicorn, but we have an internal response... ..."

"Will that person listen to us?"

"Hehe~! He thought the cover-up was seamless, but I already knew who he was. Don't worry, he won't be able to listen to us at the critical moment."

"Huh~! It's really that woman, she's here!"

I saw outside the Hanging Island, a red suit appeared at once, and it quickly turned into a streamer, and moved quickly against the ground, and soon came near the Tianbei.

There are beautiful women in the north, peerless and independent, looking at the country and the city.

Feng Qingluan would definitely be worthy of these words if it weren't for the murderous spirit and the cold and ruthless people.

"Boss! It's really you! You are here at last! Woo~! I thought I couldn't see you coming?" Lan Yuer jumped up first and ran towards Feng Qingluan quickly.

"So distrustful of me? Punishment!"

Lan Yuer ran to Feng Qingluan and wanted to hug her beautiful boss, but she didn't dare to get too close. She could only smile and tear, and the surprise was beyond words.

On the contrary, the other people of Huo Qilin didn't have any welcome look. Although Feng Qingluan was good, she was a gang leader and was not very popular among martial artists.

The so-called beautiful lady Qingben, but being a thief probably means this.

Feng Qingluan didn't care about other people's eyes at all, and walked over in a stride, and came to the front of the Tianbei.

"Qingluan, you are here." Above the sky, above the sixth row of stone pillars of the Boundary Word Tianbei, the sound of night blossoms was as gentle as jade.

Feng Qingluan looked up at him nodded slightly, without any other sign.

His gaze flicked behind Ye Hua, glanced at the crowd, paused slightly, and then turned to another sky stele.

Spiritual power monument, magic word monument.

"The cultivation of mental power... this is not bad, it suits me, this first place, I want it!"

After that, Feng Qingluan jumped up and directly boarded the first monument!

No one said that Feng Qingluan was arrogant. She was a peerless figure who could be compared with Yehua. Besides, there is Lin Zhen's work ahead. No one dares to say that Feng Qingluan will not work. After all, time will not pass. Two months.

Far away, Lin Zhen saw Feng Qingluan for the second time.

He felt Feng Qingluan was very beautiful, but what Lin Zhen remembered was not her beauty, but the cinnabar mole on the center of her eyebrows.

The dripping cinnabar moles dotted there, bright red and dazzling, made Lin Zhen a little surprised. 8)