Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 473: Come back home

Sun collar, Mars.

The civil aviation of a sub-light-speed spacecraft was preparing to land and came to the city of Olympus on Mars.

Passengers are queuing to disembark, this is the third group of immigrants to Olympus.

At present, the atmospheric transformation of Mars has been completed. In this high-tech era, everything is easy to complete with money, and the atmospheric oxygen generation technology is already very mature.

With air, the artificial cumulonimbus cloud lasted for a year, and it has formed a virtuous circle on Mars.

With water, artificial lakes on the ground began to form, and rivers and springs gradually appeared.

Because no one has ever set foot on Mars, the natural environment here is very good.

All the government agencies on the earth have been abolished, and the entire sun collar affairs are under the control of the Lin Zhen office. Now the earth has become the core of the sun collar.

The major base cities on the earth are already overcrowded, and immigrants are also a last resort.

During this period of time, there were two small groups of interstellar pirates who wanted to hit the solar collar, but they were immediately discovered by the interstellar radar when they entered the solar system. The orbital gun was launched, and their small fleet was smashed into **** after a few shots. .

After two times, the people of the Solar Leader also realized the power of the solar system where the lord was located, and many people began to choose to emigrate to the solar system.

At present, the number of immigrants from the earth has reached 80 million. In addition, the sun leads other planets and has opened sea routes, and there are other races of 30 million people.

Olympus Base City, which is adjacent to the base city of Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in the solar system, has now become the most prosperous area.

Hundreds of millions of people live here, and people of various other races arrive in small spacecraft every day, and the population is increasing every day.

The land in the city plan has been expanded repeatedly, and land prices have also risen rapidly.

It is said that the Office of the Earth has proposed a plan to establish a second base city on Mars, and the plan to develop Jupiter has also been put on the agenda.

The only thing lacking at present is the funding problem.

Although the taxation of the several planets of the sun is quite large, there are too many places to spend money, and some of them cannot make ends meet.

Despite this, people are still full of hope for the future of the sun collar, because they have a strong lord, and believe that when the lord returns, the sun collar will rise to a higher level.

"Brother! It's coming to your territory soon, right?"

The beautiful elf was lying next to Lin Zhen, with big eyes looking out the window. Outside was parallel universe space, black and white and two colors of light formed a grid, which kept retreating and staggering. This scene is okay for a while, but it's really true. It was a little boring, but Ling'er watched it with joy.

"Well, it's almost here. We will enter the solar system in twenty minutes. When we are out of the speed of light, we don't have to look at this monotonous parallel universe."

"I can't wait. I want to see my brother's house, my sister-in-law, and my two nephews."

Lin Zhen also showed a look of yearning in his eyes. In order to surprise his family, he has not yet notified the family that he is coming back.

As for the problem of the children, he also estimated it himself. He is so wise and martial, and his two wives are also the best in the world. It is not too much to give birth to two sons.

The spiritual power entered the space ring, and Lin Zhen checked his own harvest in the world stone this time.

Before entering the underground palace temple, Lin Zhen probably had 10 million universe crystals.

In the underground palace, Lin Zhen killed countless people and snatched thousands of space rings.

All these rings were scraped again, and another 15 million cosmic crystals were obtained. The rest of the groceries were really not what Lin Zhen could see.

Although I look down on it, there are actually many artifacts in it, and the best sacred artifacts are even worse.

I chose some good and practical artifacts as gifts for his family, and the rest of Lin Zhen didn't bother to look at them.

There are some exercises in them, but Lin Zhen hasn't studied them carefully. Those who can kill them with one move will not learn the exercises themselves.

The most important thing is the universe crystal.

When the cosmic crystal boulder collapsed, Lin Zhen robbed it and gained about hundreds of millions.

But this was nothing. At the last moment when the boulder collapsed, Lin Zhen sent out a black hole storm. At that time, it was not clear how much it gained.

Now that he has time to sort it out, Lin Zhen knows how much he has gained in the last moment.

A black hole storm swallowed nearly a third of the collapsed universe crystal!

According to Kris's estimation, the universe crystal that Lin Zhen swallowed at the last moment was worth about 45 billion!

This is a huge fortune. After calculating the numbers, even Lin Zhen's concentration can't help but feel excited.

This is really a demand for wealth and wealth. After Kris's calculation, if you buy fine gold, these cosmic crystals can really be upgraded to the eighth level of the week.

If there are another 5 billion, it will be enough to upgrade to level 9!

However, it is far worse to upgrade to sidereal phase, still 50 billion short.

For this reason, Lin Zhen also deliberately stayed at Baichuanxing for a day, and through the staff of the Dimensional Universe Company, he purchased enough cosmic crystals to upgrade to planetary level 8.

There are still about 20 billion cosmic crystals in his dark star space.

Lin Zhen took out a large piece of cosmic crystal, which was shining brightly, and gestured in front of Ling'er: "Ling'er, look at this thing beautiful? Would you like to make a necklace for you."

Linger cast a glance and nodded slightly: "It's beautiful, but I don't like jewelry very much."

Lin Zhen ate a closed door, and said depressed, "Ling'er, do you know how much this piece is worth?"

"how much is it?"

"This piece has more than one hundred thousand cosmic crystals, worth ten billion Kylin coins. If you exchange for Sanjiang coins, that would be ten trillion."


Lin Zhen is a little speechless. Ling'er is an elf. She naturally likes things like flowers, plants and trees. She likes nature. She has never been keen on wealth. Ten trillion Sanjiang coins is a big number in her eyes. There will be more concepts.

This is a bit like Yue'er, and Lin Zhen doesn't know if it is good or not.

At this time Ling'er suddenly turned around: "Brother can give me some money?"

"Okay! How much do you want, as long as you say the number, brother will never refuse." Lin Zhen immediately felt that he was useful.

"Ten thousand yuan, want your hometown currency, I plan to buy some gifts for my uncle, aunt, sister-in-law and nephew."

Lin Zhen silently lowered his head and searched for the pile of banknotes in his dark star space.

He stores more than 100 billion Kylin Coins here, and the currencies of other advanced civilized cosmic countries are 100 million each, and there are also more than 50 billion. The currencies of intermediate civilization countries have hundreds of billions, scraped from each space ring. But the lowest is the currency of a primary country like the Tianhe Empire.

None of the earth's banknotes were found. Finally, Lin Zhen took out a stack of Tianhe Empire currency and gave it to Ling'er: "This, now my territory is also a common currency, which is a thousand times stronger than the purchasing power of the earth's currency."

Ling'er took the 100,000 Tianhe coins, put them into her space ring, and then stayed there obediently.

"Didi~ Master, the spacecraft has entered the planet Aurora and will soon leave the parallel universe."

Lin Zhen sat down immediately, the spacecraft descended to a sub-light speed state, separated from the parallel universe, and then entered the Olympus Mountain through the wormhole.

After entering Olympus, it was immediately discovered by the galaxy radar system.

A beam of light scanned, and a surprise sound immediately appeared on the communication system.

"Lord, you are back!"

It was Ronnie the pirate who was in charge of monitoring the parallel universe today.

"Haha, Ronnie, it's been more than a year, how are you?"

"Good, good, good, but after a long time, I can't see that the master misses a little."

"Haha! You have been working hard during this time. When I return to Earth, I will deal with the matter, and then give you people freedom."

With Lin Zhen’s current financial resources and strength, it is easy to form a sidereal army, but he will not ignore his previously weak friends and brothers. These pirates have been here for a long time and should be given to them. Free identity now.

"Thank you, Master!" Ronnie's voice was filled with excitement, but he continued: "Master, but can you not remove our identity for the time being."

"Why? Don't you want to regain your freedom, UU reading, has something happened recently?" Lin Zhen asked.

"Something..." Ronnie's tone was apologetic, it seemed unspeakable.

"Although, I am in charge of everything."

"It's such a master, the former captain of the Black Pearl, Seanke has found the position of Shaq and I. He said let us cheat your trust to give us a free identity, and then give him internal response, and wait until he arrives. We shut down the defensive weapons such as the orbital gun and the fort satellite and let him enter the solar system...

"What is he coming for?" Lin Zhen asked.

"Of course it is to return to his old line. His strength has improved a lot recently, and he has organized a fleet to rob here."

"Oh! How strong is Seanke for such a courage?"

"When we were separated, he was at the ninth level of the star. The last time he contacted me in the dimensional universe, it was already in the late stage of the black hole, so I was a little worried..."

Lin Zhen nodded silently, the enemies in the late stage of the black hole are indeed worthy of attention.

If it's just the late stage of the black hole, it's okay, but what Lin Zhen is most worried about is that it will be troublesome to break through the later stage of the black hole and become a galaxy.

Lin Zhen knew a lot of people, but there was no strong person in the galaxy stage.

"When does he say he will come again?"

"He has some things to deal with now, and he will come around the end of the year. Now there are eight months before the New Year."

"There are still eight months.... Don't worry about it for now, and don't tell your brothers to be alert."

"Understand the master, don't worry, we will never want to go back to be pirates."

Lin Zhen shut down the communication and drove the spaceship straight to the earth.

Sealanke must find a way to deal with it, but Lin Zhen now wants to go home and have a look at his family and children.