Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 391: Lin is really a pirate leader

People like Stephen saw Lin Zhen coming in and wanted to say something, but they suddenly stopped when they saw Jason behind Lin Zhen.

Ronnie even looked like he saw a ghost: "Shaq, this... isn't this the enemy Jason you beat?"

"Yes, but now he is our hundred horse captain."

Ronnie stopped talking, including Stephen with a constipated expression. This Jason was not easy to get along with at first glance, and the aura he exudes was undoubtedly super powerful.

Looking at the marble-like face again, this must be a stubborn old antique. With such a guy as the leader of a hundred riders, their life will probably be difficult.

Jason also had his face crumbled tightly, and he couldn't see a slight smile. He said to the pirates seriously: "Our Lord Earl is busy with business and doesn't have much time to manage you, but as long as I am here, you Just don't want to make any trouble, give me all your previous sets and put them away as soon as possible, otherwise I don't mind to take care of you for the master!"

The scene suddenly became quiet, and it was absolutely irrational to reorganize with the strong, especially the strong is still his own boss.

Lin Zhen didn't care either. These pirates must have personal management and supervision, and Jason was just right.

These pirates, Lin Zhen, have also completed the integration. Among them, all of them are crew members who are responsible for the maintenance of the spacecraft, sailing and fighting. They are all familiar with the road, and they can directly go to work without training.

And for the one hundred satellite period, it was Lin Zhen's guard and combat team, all led by Lin Zhen's knights directly.

Jason is a hundred rider, more like a butler, restraining the behavior of these pirates.

Of course, Jason doesn’t care about trivial things. As the only sidereal master in the team, Lin Zhen has a higher requirement for him to cultivate. It is impossible to suppress the nature of these pirates too much. What Lin Zhen needs is a strong subordinate. Not a flock of sheep.

"Well, our business with Emerald Star has been completed, and now we will set off to return to my hometown."

"Master, how far is your hometown from here?"

"About 30,000 light years away."

"Thirty thousand light-years, wouldn't it be impossible to walk till death..."

"Let's go to the wormhole. Let's start now. I have set the coordinates. Let's go."

Lin Zhen closed his eyes, and Ronnie and the original members of the Black Pearl immediately started the spacecraft.

As the spacecraft lifted off the ground, the feeling of weightlessness came, and the energy block began to burn. With an acceleration, the spacecraft rushed out of the atmosphere of Emerald Star.

I have to say that the performance of this spacecraft is really super good. It reached the satellite of the Emerald Star in two minutes, and then got into the wormhole in the sand dune.

After rushing out of the bizarre wormhole, they have reached the satellite of the Aurora in Virgo.

"Wow! I came to the Virgo galaxy so soon, and I know a wormhole route. I can consider coming to the Emerald Star to rob him in the future. Walking through this wormhole will definitely be able to throw away those emperor teams without shadows."

Ronnie yelled there, and then suddenly faced Stephen: "Stephen, I remember you were active here in the Virgo galaxy."

Stephen nodded: "Yes, our team has always been active on Virgo's side. We are even wanted for 12,000 planets of life here, um...everyone."

Stephen's pirate group was taken by the imperial team, and all the original crews were bought by Lin Zhen. Unexpectedly, the first battle of the departure would actually return to this starry sky. It was really touching.

As he said, his hand pointed to the front: "Hey, the planet in front is called the Aurora Star. We were arrested because we robbed this star field too hard, including the Aurora Planet. We came 30 years ago. However, this planet is a four-nation federation, and all the congressmen are greedy and timid. They can do anything with money and power."

"You all change your clothes, stop wearing pirate costumes, and wear uniform uniforms."

Before leaving, Lin Zhen ordered a batch of clothes. It was a purple uniform with gold rims. There was a round badge on his chest. The embroidery of the badge was a dragon, a Chinese dragon.

This is the family badge that Lin Zhen came up with. At first, he planned to use some flowers, flowers, and grass, but finally decided to use this dragon, which is a symbol of the Chinese nation.

After he was reborn, he hoped that the people on earth, especially the Chinese people, could do something in the interstellar world. There is nothing more representative than this dragon.

Hearing what Lin Zhen said, everyone put on clothes. The slaves were crew members, because Lin Zhen was a high-ranking nobleman, and their clothes also had family crests on them, so they would not be discriminated against.

The spacecraft was speeding at a speed of thousands of kilometers per second, and the starry sky passed quickly behind him, quickly approaching the Aurora Star.

At the Aurora Star, the speed of the spacecraft slowed down and passed through the atmosphere slowly.

"The speed is slower, so that Aurora's radar has time to scan us."

The earth has experienced an invasion, Lin Zhen didn't want to rush in rashly, trying not to cause panic to ordinary people.

The Aurora Star is also tens of thousands of light-years away from the Emerald Star. It is a remote and remote planet that has basically never experienced a major war. Being robbed by pirates is the most painful memory.

Even the taxation department of the Tianhe Empire was reluctant to come to these remote planets to collect taxes, and the taxes were paid through the dimensional universe.

So when Lin Zhen's spacecraft entered half of the atmosphere at turtle speed, the Aurora planet's radar captured the spacecraft's entry.

"Report! A UFO has been found entering our atmosphere!" The radar operator reported to his superior in horror.

When the commander of the city defense army saw the Black Pearl, his sweat immediately came down.

Did you see another interstellar pirate coming to Aurora Star? My God, why is the Aurora Star so unlucky, it was robbed once thirty years ago, and now it's here again.

"Li...Connect immediately to see who is coming? I'm going to report to the Federal Assembly."

The radar operator here immediately tried to communicate with the Black Pearl, while the commander over there reported to the parliament. At this time, the parliament was in a meeting and heard that there was an emergency.

"Dear Members, now an unknown spacecraft has entered the atmosphere of our Aurora Star. We don’t know the performance model of this spacecraft at all. The only thing we can be sure of is that it is absolutely far superior to our planet’s technological level. I am a little worried. Will the MPs intercept or attack?"

At this time, the radar there was also connected to the signal, directly connected to the situation on the parliament side.

"Aurora star is coming for a communication signal, Stephen, come on, you are familiar with this." Ronnie gave a smirk. Although he can't go to robbery, it's okay to let Stephen, the pirate, scare the person who scared the Aurora star.

Stephen nodded, sorted his clothes, and came to the big screen.

Behind him, he followed for another two weeks. These were all the activists who robbed the Aurora Star at the beginning. Almost everyone in Aurora Star is a typical demon image.

Three people stood in front of the screen, and the big screen flashed twice. Opposite the council hall where the Aurora Star appeared, all the more than 30 members of Parliament were in it, staring at the three Stephens dumbfounded.

"Hi! It's been a long time since I saw you, dear congressmen and gentlemen, Stephen is back again, do you remember me?"

The meeting room was suddenly quiet, and there was no sound at all.

Stephen frowned slightly: "Why, are you so forgetful? Just fifty years have passed, you don't remember me?"

"Wow! It's the pirate Stephen!"

"It's him, yes, I remember this face in my dreams!"

"And the Golden Eagle and Silver Eagle behind him, those are his minions."

"It's over, bad luck is coming to the Aurora Star again. I heard that this guy was caught by the Tianhe army, how can it still appear?"

There was a panic on the scene, and these congressmen hid, wishing to get under the table immediately.

I thought I had a very good attitude, but looking at the virtues of these congressmen, Stephen said annoyed: "What are you doing? I am not a pirate anymore. Look at my uniform badge. I belong to the Earl of the Empire, Lord Lin Zhen. Your lord's knights, you guys with fat brains, don't look down upon others."

"What? Empire Earl? Lin Zhen...Go and check what's going on?"

A courageous councillor got up and said calmly.

At this time Lin Zhen also appeared in the picture, "I am Lin Zhen, Earl of the Empire, don't panic, my spaceship will not cause you any harm."

After Lin Zhen came out, a congressman suddenly yelled: "I know this guy, he is a wanted criminal!"

"City Lord Jade Bird, are you sure?" the first speaker hurriedly asked.

"I am confirmed by the spacecraft, you can quickly adjust the wanted order two days ago. He is a wanted criminal of Aurora Star, stealing secrets or something... I still remember his name, Lin Zhen."

Someone here was rushing to retrieve information, and it turned out that Lin Zhen was really wanted by Aurora Star, and his identity showed that he was a poor man.

Lin Zhen frowned as he looked at all the chaos in the picture, and was about to explain. Suddenly Ronnie next to him said: "Master, the tropospheric wind on this planet is a bit big, and it will blow off the two shelter decks that we have installed very rear. Lost."

"Scratched off, is there any effect?"

"Uh.... It has no effect on performance, but the words Black Pearl and the skull are exposed."

Lin Zhen closed his eyes, now it was a little bit unclear.

I wanted them to go to the Dimensional Universe to verify their The city defense commander over there suddenly inserted the screen.

"Members, it’s no good. We discovered the true face of this ship. This is a notorious pirate ship, the Black Pearl. We have verified a few on board, and they are all pirates. Lin Zhen should be the pirate leader. !"

The congressmen suddenly paled with fright. After that, they were still pirates.

The speaker shouted in horror: "Then your army eats dry food? Hit me quickly and shoot him down for me!"

The parliamentarians, including the speaker, fled outside the meeting room in panic while giving orders. The painful lesson of being ransacked by pirates 30 years ago is still vivid. They must immediately find a safe place to hide and report the situation.

They still have hope. Since being looted, this starry sky has stationed a consul of the Tianhe Empire, who is a noble baron, and there are also a group of strong guards under him, and there are even the chief guards and baron talents. It is the earth emperor in this starry sky.

As long as the Lord Baron arrives, this group of pirates will certainly not take advantage. I hope that the federal army can hold on a bit more until the Archon arrives. (83 Chinese website)