Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 379: Dimensional Arena first round

There are several requirements for qualifying in the empire.

The easiest way is to donate!

Donate to the Imperial Red Cross, donate 100 million Tianhe coins, you can get citizenship, donate one billion Tianhe coins, you can get jazz status.

But at most donations can be donated to the knight, and titles above the baron can not be obtained by donations alone.

In addition to donations, it is to contribute to a certain industry, such as pharmacists, star shifters, adventurers, etc., for example, adventurers discover civilization planets, resource planets, and report them to the empire. When the credit is accumulated At a certain level, you can be promoted to the title.

The other is to fight in the dimension arena.

The Dimensional Arena is also an institution that has been circulating for countless years and is very popular in the empire.

It is not only the Tianhe Empire, but also any country. Dimensional fighting is a very important way of leisure in people's lives.

People can bet through dimensional fighting. Countless people get rich here, and there are countless people who lose bankruptcy.

Lin Zhen's clone is a comet ninth level, and can participate in the astral arena.

Fighting can get money and points. If you are a slave, you can be promoted to the poor with ten consecutive victories, and you can be promoted to citizens with a hundred consecutive victories.

There is no need to donate money for this promotion, which has attracted many slaves and poor people.

Of course, it is not a simple matter to want ten consecutive victories or one hundred consecutive victories. Whenever a warrior has won eight consecutive victories, nine consecutive victories, or more than ninety consecutive victories, the dealer will often arrange for some masters to compete with him. Very few people are promoted.

If you can achieve a thousand consecutive victories, you can advance to the Jazz.

"Chrissy, I'm going to the Dimension Arena."

"I will give you access right away, the Dimension Arena is now being accessed..."

The scenery in front of him changed, and Lin Zhen came to a huge competitive scene.

The arena is circular, with a battlefield in the center and stands all around, which can accommodate millions of people watching at the same time.

Of course, it also includes some small arenas, like Lin Zhen newcomers, there is no way to directly board the big stage, he has to start from the low level.

When he arrived at the reception desk, Lin Zhen directly signed up: "I want to participate in competitive fighting."

"Ok, let me scan it for you..."

"Di! Identity verification, poor man Lin Zhen, from the solar system, comet ninth level, spiritual teacher..."

"Solar system? This is the first time I have heard of this place." The receptionist said.

"Yes, the solar system has just been occupied by the Imperial Army, and I have just joined the Empire."

"That's it, well, I have already entered your identity. After paying a one million deposit, you can participate in qualifying matches at any time, randomly matching opponents within the star boundary, and winning each time before ten consecutive victories. For one game, you can get a bonus of 10,000 Tianhe coins."

The receptionist took a look at Lin Zhen after speaking, "But I still advise you not to give too much hope to the competition. I have seen too many young people like you who have just entered the empire and hope to be able to stand out in the arena. It includes the talents of the entire galaxy, and their combat strength and level are much stronger than your planet."

"Thank you, but I still want to try."

"Well, if you can complete ten consecutive victories, then you will get the Medal of Valor, and then you will be rewarded with 100,000 Tianhe coins for every win, and then your capital will soon be earned back."

Lin Zhen took out his card and swiped it and paid a one million deposit.

"Well, you can start to enter the battlefield through intelligent life at any time. There must be a ten-minute interval between each game. We have to give customers the time to bet. Remember, you can't buy yourself or your opponent wins."

Lin Zhen nodded, he didn't need to walk into the arena, he just had to let Chris be responsible for the connection.

"Chrissy, immediately start my first battle."

"Okay, connect now."

Soon, Lin Zhen appeared in front of the match table.

This is his first competitive match. The two sides are facing each other, Lin Zhen from the solar system, comet ninth grade, zero battles, zero wins, zero defeats, zero draws, and typical rookie data.

On the other side, Landis from the white moon star in Andromeda, comet level eight, has three competitive battles, two wins and one loss, and two consecutive victories.

This Landis lost the first game, but then won two consecutive games, the strength should be fair.

After the battle came out, some people who watched the battle watch discovered this battle.

"Look, new people have joined the battle, and we have money to make."

"Haha, this kind of battle is best to bet, most of the newcomers' strengths are not worth mentioning, especially this Lin Zhen, from the solar system, where is the solar system? Why have I never heard of it? Is a native who just joined ."

"For the perimeter battle, the bet limit is one million, then I will bet one million Landis to win."

"I also bet 500,000 Landis to win and win some pocket money."

The bets here are basically idle citizens who gamble in the arena every day and make money with their eyesight.

They can't afford big bets, and they can still bet on this kind of peripheral.

There are few big people coming in such outlying areas, but today, when they are discussing, a group of people walked over.

"Get out of the way! Prince Shangguan's son is here!"

Hearing this name, the people around hurriedly dodge on both sides in fright.

The royal family of the Tianhe Empire is Tianjia, but there are also four princes with foreign surnames, of which Prince Shangguan is one of them.

Prince Shangguan’s elder son was named Shangguanjiao. It is said that he was raised as a girl. Later, the prince disliked femininity, so he changed it to Shangguan Jiao. He also said that the name was strong and spicy enough that he once made the old prince angry enough. Strong.

Shangguan Jiao belonged to the relatives of the emperor, and naturally it was not something they could provoke to the poor and common people. It was a capital crime to collide.

Several ninth-level satellite guards separated from the crowd, one with a handsome appearance, but with his eyes rolling around. From time to time, a young man who swept across women appeared.

"Shizi, if we want to bet, we should also go to the main arena. Why come to this place? The maximum limit here is only one million."

"What do you know, my son, I had a dream yesterday. I dreamt that there must be noble people here today. I also like this kind of sword going slanting. The qualifying game is in, and then I will stay with me. Maybe I can really make a fortune. It."

"Then you are looking for a bet, which has been transferred to more than a hundred outfields."

"What's the rush, I won't bet on those ugly monsters, so I have to bet handsome, otherwise, how can I be worthy of my son?"

As Shangguan Jiao was talking, he suddenly saw the match table between Lin Zhen and Landis.

"Hey! This is okay, it looks pleasing to the eye, come, come, bet him a million, I feel like it's coming."

"Shizi, this is a newcomer. We haven't played a game, so we don't want to watch it again? It's okay to observe and observe."

"Less wordy, are you the master or I am the master, what can you do if you lose a million? I just like to follow my feelings."

The guard who had reached the seventh level of the planet smiled helplessly and helped Shangguan Jiao bet a million Lin Zhen to win.

After a while, there were already more than three hundred people betting, most of whom were betting on Landis, totaling more than one billion.

There are really only a dozen people in Zhailin, and the amount is several million.

This proves that newcomers like Lin Zhen are not favored.

Ten minutes later, with a flash of white light, Lin Zhen entered the arena.

The arena is not big, there are thousands of seats around to watch, all the betting people automatically appeared in the stands to appreciate the battle.

Shangguan Jiao sat in the best position, surrounded by guards. Although he wouldn't really die even if he was killed in the Dimensional Universe, he couldn't afford to lose face, and the Dimensional Universe would have to enmity if he was beaten.

The bauhinia noble medal on his body also made ordinary people afraid to approach him at all. The bauhinia is the emblem of the Shangguan family.

Both sides of the battle appeared on the ring. Opposite Lin Zhen, a man with purple pupils appeared, his opponent Landis.

Landis glanced at Lin Zhen and sneered: "This is the first time I have seen a race with black eyes and black hair, a rookie who has never fought a battle, welcome to the Dimension Arena, I will be fine today. I will give you a lesson."

Lin Zhen looked around, he saw the Prince's Son sitting on the stands.

Unexpectedly, in such a game, there will be princes and sons to watch the game.

"This guy seems to be called Shangguanjiao. I knew this person in my previous life. The famous noble son in the empire. Although he looks trivial, he is actually quite good. He likes watching violent and tough fighters, and even has a lot of fighters. My friend Lin Zhen was able to learn about the betting situation through Kris, this Shangguan Jiao actually bet 1 million to win by himself.

"If I can make friends with such a person, it will be of great benefit to my future plans. Then, in this Yuanchang battle, I will have to fight quickly and let him see my potential."

Landis Lin on the opposite side can be brought down with a mental shock, but he doesn't plan to do so. If he wants to fight, he can just be shocked.

Opposite Landis had already taken out a long sword, and rushed forward with a stride.

Lin Zhenyi raised his hand, and Yajiao Gun appeared in his hand.

A ball of energy emerged and quickly sank into the gun.

The star power of the whole body was maximized, and the lightning was brewing on the spear.

Lei Guangwing flapped behind him, and instantly accelerated to the maximum, pushing Lin Zhen's body, rushing towards Landis like a cannonball!

The photoelectric power blooms on the gun tip, the star power rises and sinks, and the thunder kills violently. Under the indestructible blessing, it actually tears a long space crack!

"I rub! This kid is fierce enough!"

Shangguan Jiao was immediately excited, and he stood up on his seat.


Under the impact of Lei Guangwing's acceleration at ten times the speed of sound, Landis couldn't avoid Lin Zhen's swift charge, and the two collided head-on!

The elemental energy exploded like a bomb, shaking the virtual arena violently, and Landis was completely destroyed by Lin Zhen's unparalleled powerful blow!

Not killing, but destroying, people were beaten into blood foam all over the sky, flying down the ring.

Lin Zhen stopped his gun and stood up, spit out two words softly: "Garbage!"

On the stands, Guan Jiao's eyes stared straight out: "Wipe! This kid is so handsome and cool. I'm going to call. He fights and I bet. I like him!"