Era of Universal Evolution

Chapter 358: Dark star changes, sharp guns appear!

Chapter 358 Dark Star Change, Gunslinger Appears Three Times

This was a heart-wrenching battle, and Yan Huang, with his powerful recovery power, actually dragged the number one master of China, Chen Fenglie. Fiction

If Chen Fenglie fails, then no one really can save Lin Zhen's family.

It is not limitless for the Star List to interfere in ordinary affairs. Chen Fenglie has acted on behalf of China's Star List, and other people can no longer make a move. Otherwise, it will inevitably cause a rebound in the Star List of other countries.

Oh, you are all on the Star Rankings, and you can't even get a Yan Huang. That's because you are not good at learning, no wonder others.

Especially in this battle, it was not because Chen Fenglie was not good at learning skills. It was precisely because he had the field of swords that he came to deal with Yan Huang, but he didn't expect a shot from the sky to disrupt Chen Fenglie's plan.

People looked at the battle scene in horror. If this continues, things may get worse.

In the sky, on the edge of the moon, Xin Ou and Doodle looked at the battle screen and smiled at each other.

They like this feeling of manipulating everything and supporting the weak to defeat the strong. What a fulfilling thing it is.

As long as Yan Huang defeats Chen Fenglie, when they descend on the earth, Yan Huang will definitely give them his life, and then they may be able to become the masters of the earth and command everything remotely.

When the Imperial Expeditionary Army arrives, they will offer a star ball with both hands. What a great contribution, they may have the opportunity to become aristocrats.

Xin Ou was excited to say something to Yan Huang, but a huge meteorite suddenly flew over in the distance.

The first to sound was the spacecraft's alarm.

Please note, please note that there is something wrong with the body is approaching quickly and start scanning.

What's the matter? Doodle hurriedly looked at Xin Ou.

Xin O glanced at the workbench, and the radar showed that a huge celestial body was approaching.

There seems to be a meteorite.

Damn, how come you encounter this kind of thing, pay attention to avoid, change the track.

The radar continues to alarm: Please note, please note that the celestial body scan is completed, the unknown meteorite, irregular shape, 75 kilometers in diameter, density mass and other seventh stage, have been detected as asteroid fragments.

Xin Ou hurriedly drove the spacecraft to avoid, and directly avoided a distance of 100 kilometers to avoid being touched.

Once collided by a celestial body, their small spacecraft will never have a place to die.

Check to see if there is any living body graffiti.

There is no need for it, this kind of cosmic wandering celestial bodies can have any life forms and they all indicate that it is an asteroid fragment. Is there anyone who settles on the surface of planetary fragments?

Don't say so much, it's okay to be careful when sailing for ten thousand years.

Okay, well, you are the captain who listens to you. If someone settles down here, he will enter the atmosphere of the earth. Doesn’t this person know to escape?

Xin Ou muttered, still in accordance with the requirements of the graffiti, let the radar continue to scan the living body.

Please note, please note that active life forms are detected on the surface of the asteroid fragments, and the test results are terrestrial people with strong vital signs

Originally, the graffiti did not hold any hope, but it was out of the instinct of adventurers to test this kind of flying meteorite, but I did not expect that a living body was actually discovered.

No, there are people on this asteroid

Yeah, what is this guy doing, why did he live on the meteorite surface?

Graffiti and Xin Ou dumbly watched the huge meteorite enter the atmosphere and started to burn. That person wouldn't be there now.

But the two of them can only look at it. At this time, it is impossible to get close to the meteorite, not to mention whether the meteorite is in danger of fragmentation, and the high temperature on the surface is not for strangers to enter.

Under their gaze, the meteorite that had just entered the atmosphere suddenly cracked

The huge meteorite dropped a horn and turned into two halves in the sky.

This is Xin Ou, do you feel that the horn has been cut off, it seems that the section is smoother.

Indeed, I have this feeling, as if it is artificial.

Then we have to be careful, if it is man-made, then this person must be a super master of the earth, very likely to be a master of their stars.

Xin Ou nodded, but didn't care too much: As long as it does not affect our plans, we are here to conquer them. This native planet, even a few masters can't be counted.

I hope so, and it will not affect the battle between Yan Huang and Chen Fenglie.

Graffiti looked at the meteorite flying to the earth, always feeling a little uneasy, because the direction of the meteorite seemed to be heading towards China.

Lin Zhen was sitting on the side of the meteorite, a large piece of meteorite fragments had just been absorbed by him, and the dark star ring in his body was almost complete.

It's almost there. After two days of hard work, my dark star ring is finally formed. If this dark star can leave the space in my body and be placed in the sky, it will be a very dynamic asteroid, right? .

Lin Zhen looked at the Dark Star in his body. Not only was the Dark Star Ring complete now, it was the Dark Star itself that was about to be promoted successfully.

The planets of the ancient world have basically completed their changes, the magma planets have tended to solidify, and the crustal plates are about to take shape.

That’s great. I’m about to enter the Archaean stage. I only need to absorb a large piece of debris, the dark star space is stable, and I also have the power of the stars.

After entering the atmosphere, the asteroid debris and the atmosphere friction, has begun to burn.

Can't wait any longer, I will make one last cut, this is the moment of my breakthrough.

Lin Zhen flew to the front of the meteorite again, and the lightning wing speed, which had reached five times the speed of sound, was so fast that he quickly moved a little away from the meteorite.

With a thought, space cut appears

A hundred-meter-long spatial crack appeared directly in the central part of the meteorite. After this cut, the meteorite, which had been severely reduced in size, suddenly cracked.

Countless meteorite fragments were torn apart, Lin Zhen saw this situation, and resolutely issued a series of space cracks again, bringing in all the meteorites that could be incorporated into the dark star space.

After a large number of meteorite fragments came in, Lin Zhen's dark star space finally changed.

The magma ball finally stopped flowing completely. It was a nearly liquid planet, but now it finally turned into a solid state.

The crustal plates are changing, the continental shelf is beginning to appear, and the uneven places are the mountains and oceans in the future.

Rays of light power began to condense in the sky, and another meteorite with a blazing flame entered the dark star space.

But at this time, the dark star ring was complete. The meteorite hovered in the air and gradually evolved into a fireball. Lin Zhen saw this situation and immediately drove the firepower and light power in the dark star into the light ball. .


A fireball celestial body similar to the sun appeared beside the dark star, and the blazing light and heat began to radiate.

Of course, the material structure in this sphere of light is by no means as readily available as the dark star. It is just a celestial body attached to the dark star, which is only responsible for transmitting the brilliance to the dark star.

The water element was permeated by the dark star, and a little puddle of water appeared in places that were not noticed or noticed by people.

Although the puddle is still affected by the heat of the magma, it bubbling like a hot spring, and its temperature is so high that life cannot survive, but when the planet is completely cooled down, the puddle will also become an ocean.

The element of wind appeared in the void, and the blisters produced when magma and puddles changed began to gradually form the atmosphere, and the embryonic form of the atmosphere had already appeared.

The Primordial Universe, this is the Primordial Universe, and it is equivalent to the flow of the cultivation system.

I finally have the power to flow weeks

Feeling the powerful stellar power spilling out of Dark Star, Lin Zhen's power is also rising sharply.

At this time, Lin Zhen knew that only realm was the source of all power. Whether he was invincible or immobile, without strong star power as a backing, it would be impossible to exert tremendous power.

The power of the ancient Netherworld before and the power of the current Primordial universe were completely incomparable. At this moment, Lin Zhen felt that his power had at least doubled, not the power of the body, but the fundamental power of a martial artist, the star power

If I had such power long ago, why would I go to work hard to learn from a teacher, and rely on such power alone to defeat Yan Huang.

I really don’t know how much my power will increase once my Dantian Qi main star condenses the star core

Lin Zhen is bathed in Starlight The whole person's condition has never been better.

After being reborn in his first life, in more than four years, he reached a height that he hadn't reached in a thousand years in the previous life. All this made him unhappy.

But he always felt that the Dark Star Space still had some shortcomings, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed as his mind turned.


Continuous space cutting was performed, and this smaller and smaller meteorite was gradually cut apart, turning into pieces of rubble and entering the dark star space.

The largest piece hovered over the other side of the dark star, and under Lin Zhen's control, it became the appearance of the moon, reflecting the brilliance of the sun, and forming day and night in the dark star.

And those countless small meteorites turned into stars in the sky, scattered all over the dark star space.

After doing all this, the dark star space finally stabilized.

A vast purple qi between heaven and earth began to appear vertically and horizontally.

The purple qi was condensed like the essence one after another. Lin Zhen didn't know what the purple qi was, but he felt that it must be nothing important.


Lin Zhen was the master of the dark star space. With a thought, the purple gas turned into a ball and flew directly into Lin Zhen's dantian space.

Lin Zhen originally wanted to receive all the purple qi, but at this moment, despite his best efforts, he still only collected a small part of the purple qi, and he couldn't drive most of the rest. It should be the reason why the power is not enough. .

This purple qi appeared in Lin Zhen's hand. Lin Zhen only felt the golden aura in his hand, and the evil aura was permeated, as if this purple qi could not be controlled without turning into something.

I need a spear.

The blazing light was ruined, and Lin Zhen really needed a weapon.

The purple air in his hand changed, and under Lin Zhen’s gaze, it turned into a four-meter-long purple spear weighing as much as a mountain.
