Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 156

There will be four major element boundaries around all the main material boundaries, or there are channels connected with the element boundaries.

Earth, water, wind and fire are the most basic elements. Wizards believe that they are the basic elements of the world and the prerequisite for the existence of the material world.

The initial point of everything in the multiverse is the source sea. Wizards believe that the multiverse was born in the source sea. The source sea gave birth to the geofire geomantic element plane, and various elements evolved and combined in different proportions to form different planets or planes.

It is said that during the period of the arcane Empire, those great arcane masters once created a real world, but it is impossible to verify whether it is true or false. For them, creating the world is not impossible.

The creation of the half plane is based on this theory, but the human and material resources needed to create a half plane suitable for living near the main material world are astronomical, and even the efforts of several generations.

The element pool also draws lessons from this theory to a certain extent. The element pool of wizard tower is generally built on the bottom. At this time, Allen\'s wizard tower has been built for a month. Three floors underground and one floor above the ground have been built. Allen is going to lay energy pipes in the basement and build an element pool.

On the third floor of the basement, there is not much space here. Allen took out a large amount of obsidian and crystal, which are common materials for building energy channels. There are many crystals used in the energy pipeline. The crystals purchased by Allen are of average quality and need to be melted and purified before use.

Obsidian is used to wrap the energy channel. The completed energy channel can withstand the transmission of 300 points of energy. This transmission amount can continuously cast legendary spells. Basically, there is no need to upgrade and replace in the future.

The earth vein energy will enter the element pool through these pipes. The element pool built by Allen is a circular pool with a diameter of 12 meters and a depth of 2 meters. This is the place where the energy converges. The whole pool is paved with obsidian, and then the miser magic steel is melted and coated on the surface.

An energy gathering array is engraved on the periphery of the element pool, which can continuously gather energy into the element pool. This array uses a large number of precious materials. The quality of the energy gathering array affects the speed of energy gathering in the element pool. In the element pool alone, Allen\'s accumulation of various rare materials consumed a fifth.

Rubbing his sore shoulder, it\'s hard work to burn the Dharma array on it. There are thousands of runes on it, gathering energy, stabilizing energy, strengthening element pool, etc. These are just basic Dharma arrays. He snapped his fingers, and a faint blue element fire appeared in Allen\'s hand, and the other hand gently, The wizard\'s hand controlled the melting of various metals.

Pieces of rare metals slowly turned into liquid. Finally, a silvery white liquid appeared in front of Allen. Guide the metal liquid to slowly flow into the depicted Rune array. With the last drop of metal liquid entering, a faint aura diffuses and the rune array on the element pool is completed. The finger shot out with an aura, and the rune array was activated instantly. Alan was relieved when he looked at the normal array.

Some meat looked at the element pool in pain. Allen rubbed his chin. Only the element pool cost a quarter of the whole wizard tower.

Clean up the surrounding traces. Allen took out four magic gems and another piece of secret silver with flesh pain on his face. He obtained a total of more than two kilograms of secret silver in the underground secret environment. This time, in order to build the element pool, Allen gritted his teeth and took out 120 grams. These are used in key parts. In other places, they are replaced by silver and refined silver.

Carefully depict the element transmission normal arrays in the four directions of the element pool. These normal arrays are connected with energy channels. After the depiction, carve the four gemstones. These gemstones are nearly three centimeters in diameter. They are good magic gemstones, which contain the energy of four elements of earth fire and geomantic omen.

Topaz, ruby, emerald and sapphire represent the four elements. Then sacrifice separately. Then four small space cracks appeared around the element pool. Through the distorted space cracks, you can see the opposite world. Light cyan wind elements, a large number of thunder and lightning flashes. This is the plane of wind elements, an endless dark blue color. It is water elements, like the legendary abyss purgatory, with flames everywhere, Here is the plane of fire element. The last piece of deep earthy yellow is earth element.

With the successful connection of element planes, the four elements flow into the element pool like a trickle. The elements converge into pure liquid energy, and the element pool begins to work. The planes of the four elements are also hidden. The element pool begins to gather energy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, a layer of transparent liquid appeared in the element pool. The element pool can hold up to 30000 points of energy, which is larger than that of Allen\'s mentor Uganda. The whole element pool is enough to maintain the energy consumption of the whole wizard tower.

With the establishment of the element pool, the surrounding element concentration began to increase and the range began to spread. Allen calculated that the final influence range of such an element pool is about 500m around the center radius. The filled element concentration can greatly improve the caster\'s casting speed, power and difficulty.

Surrounding active elemental particles will speed up the meditation effect and magic recovery effect. I took a deep breath of the air full of elements, which was within the influence range of the element pool. It was like coming to the seaside from the arid area, and every cell was breathing the rich elements in the air.

Wizards don\'t like to go to the element deficient area, because it makes them feel that their bodies are covered with chains.

The element water in the element pool is also an alchemy material. Even in an emergency, it can be drunk directly to restore magic. However, this practice is only limited to the critical moment. After all, the human body is a body of flesh and blood and cannot quickly absorb high concentration element water. If it is drunk directly, it will cause a large amount of element energy to accumulate in the body.

With the passage of time, the element concentration in this area will continue to increase, and it will eventually evolve into an environment like an ecological park. However, compared with the ecological park of the Fifth Ring tower, the element concentration here will certainly be higher. After all, the ecological park of the Fifth Ring tower is too large, and the element concentration will be very high only in limited places, and it will be maintained at a low level in other areas.

As time went by, when the water in the element pool completely covered the pool, Allen\'s hands became more intelligent, the whole element pool was bright, and the surrounding connecting pipes began to light up.

A stream of energy flows out of the element pool and begins to flow around along the energy pipeline on the ground.

One Rune lights up continuously, and finally all runes in the basement are lit up. Up to now, the basement has been preliminarily completed.