Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 918

Nana is like a meteor falling to the star. Under the huge gravity of the star, her body continues to accelerate, but the nine color light clusters on her chest are firmly attached to her. With the surrounding high temperature becoming stronger and stronger, the nine color light clusters are also becoming stronger and stronger, gradually wrapping her body into a nine color light and falling towards the star.

The dragon shaped light and shadow around the wing warship gradually disappeared and the speed slowed down. Completely out of the pressure of the star's gravity.

But they didn't fully understand what just happened, but they all saw Nana fall to the star in order to save them at the last moment.

"Teacher Nana -" Lan Xuanyu, who resumed his action, shouted and rushed to the lower level.

A figure rushed to him like lightning and held him tightly. It was Bai XiuXiu.

At this time, Bai XiuXiu had already burst into tears, "Xuanyu, Xuanyu."

Nana is absorbed by the stars. Her accomplishments can't resist the gravity of the stars. If LAN Xuanyu rushes out, the result can be imagined.

When Nana falls into the stars, Bai XiuXiu's heart is in great pain, but she heard what Nana said to LAN Xuanyu earlier, and her inner shock is even stronger.

In fact, she always thought that the relationship between teacher Nana and LAN Xuanyu was a little strange, and their ability in element control was too similar. If it wasn't for LAN Xuanyu's ability of golden blue and silver grass, she would even think that they were the same.

When Nana says that LAN Xuanyu may be related to her, or even her children. Bai XiuXiu is still shocked. If so, what is the relationship between LAN Xuanyu's parents and him?

What's more, if teacher Nana is Xuanyu's mother, Xuanyu will suffer a lot more if she falls down at this time. So she rushed over at the first time, hugged LAN Xuanyu tightly, and didn't let him rush out impulsively.

"Let me go, let me out." LAN Xuanyu's voice is completely hoarse, and tears flow uncontrollably.

No matter whether teacher Nana is related to him or not, he is the closest person to him! At this time, he did not understand that Nana has been guarding them all these days, so she can appear at this critical moment and rescue them in the water and fire. Without Nana's coming, their whole class was already in the hands of the terrible dragon. But Nana paid the price of her life to save them, which he could not accept.

"Xuanyu, Xuanyu, don't be impulsive. Teacher Nana will not die. She will not die. " Bai XiuXiu said eagerly: "if you rush out now, in front of the stars, you will only fall, which will not help. Teacher Nana is so powerful, and she is good at controlling fire element. Even if she falls down a star, she may not really die. Didn't she say you should go to find uncle Le? Let's go back. Let's go back to find uncle Le first. Besides, didn't you discover the enemy's great plot? We must also expose this matter to the federal government at once. Mr. Tang taught us to be calm no matter when we are. Impulse doesn't help. Do you understand? "

As she said, Bai XiuXiu hugged him more tightly. She did not dare to relax at all. She was afraid that if she let LAN Xuanyu go, she might lose him forever.

At this time, other people have also come around, Tang Yuge, yuan enhuihui, Qian Lei, Liu Feng, and LAN Mengqin.

Lanmengqin has taken out his own Jade Phoenix pro, playing a clear flat tune, soothing everyone's mood at this time.

There is no doubt that they escaped from death! Everyone's mood is like in the rough sea.

LAN Xuanyu's breathing gradually calmed down. Although his eyes were red, he no longer struggled. He clenched his lower lip and nodded his head a long time later.

"XiuXiu let me go, I will not be impulsive."

Bai XiuXiu looks up at him. At this time, blue Xuanyu, with red eyes and pale face, can imagine his current mood, but at least on the surface, he has calmed down.

She tries to release her arms slowly. If LAN Xuan really wants to rush out again, she will hold him immediately.

Blue Xuan Yu takes a deep breath, suppresses his violent mood at this time, and says in a deep voice: "go back, find the nearest satellite immediately, and send back the news. Return to their respective places. Zhuohan, you continue to control the warship. I'm not in a position to command the warship. I'll be quiet. " With that, he turned around and walked back to the cabin.

There is a lounge in the rear cabin of the 13th wing warship.

Bai XiuXiu was a little relieved, nodded to the crowd, and then followed LAN Xuanyu's steps to the rear cabin.

LAN Xuanyu really didn't have any more impulse. He came to the back cabin and walked into the lounge.

"Xuanyu, may I come in?" Bai XiuXiu asked in a low voice.

"Come on." LAN Xuanyu reaches out to her and Bai XiuXiu holds his palm. Until this moment, she can be sure that LAN Xuanyu is in a stable mood.

"Xuanyu." Bai XiuXiu called him again with a choking voice, and then took the initiative to put into his arms.

LAN Xuanyu holds her and makes her sit on her lap. Bai XiuXiu's feeling towards Nana is no less than that of him. Previously, because she was more worried about him, she would react so quickly. At this time, she calmed down and felt sad. However, she did not dare to show her feelings excessively, lest she might stimulate LAN Xuanyu again.Gently stroking her long dark blue hair, LAN Xuanyu said seriously: "you are right, teacher Nana will not die so easily. She has the most powerful element control I've ever seen. It can almost turn itself into a pure element of fire, though the stars are hot. But it doesn't necessarily melt her. What's more, she also has the strange nine color light, which should be the core of the Dragon God. Even in the divine Kingdom, the Dragon God was a king level power. Xiao Bao, come out. "

Previously, when the spaceship was flying rapidly, the treasure hunt beast had returned to the body of LAN Xuanyu. At this time, he has gradually calmed down, and immediately recalled all the previous treasure hunt animals said.

In a flash of light, the treasure hunter came out from LAN Xuanyu's forehead. His expression was dull at this time.

LAN Xuanyu said in a deep voice, "Xiaobao, I asked you, when teacher Nana just appeared, did you say that the core of the Dragon God is the core needed for the recovery of the Dragon God?"

At this time, the treasure hunting beast has come to his senses and nodded his head. "Yes, I am sure that is the core of the Dragon God. I will never admit it wrong. It is the purest power of the Dragon God. What's more, he has the core of Dragon God, but his Highness The Silver Dragon King! It's one of the two bodies of the Dragon God after he was divided into two parts. I didn't expect that his highness Yinlong was still alive. You, you should be her son. There can be no mistake. Otherwise, you will not be able to inherit the blood of Dragon God. "

Blue Xuan Yu takes a deep breath, "then I ask you, now miss Nana has fallen into the stars, will she..." At this point, his expression has become struggling. The answer is too important for him.

He didn't dare to think about Nana as his own mother now, because he couldn't breathe when he thought about it. What's more, he didn't dare to admit it until he confirmed it to his parents. Otherwise, I will not respect my parents!

The treasure hunter hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head slightly.

Looking at its expression, LAN Xuanyu's and Bai XiuXiu's heart couldn't help tightening.

"Master, I don't know." The treasure hunting beast said with a wry smile: "because this kind of situation has never been met! If it's the Dragon God, I can be sure that the power of the stars can't do anything to him. But if it's just LORD Yinlong, I don't know. But Lord Yinlong, with the core of Dragon God, should have a chance to survive. The energy level of the core of the Dragon God is very high, but only the real Lord of the Dragon God can mobilize the power of the core. "