Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1060

"Good." Bai XiuXiu said, "are you going to tell him that you are also a dragon?"

LAN Xuanyu shook his head and said, "don't worry, step by step. Too early to tell him, the risk of exposure is great. Let's see how they treat you first. Judging from the last conversation with them, what they value more is your strength. If Huang Yuen Long wants to make a difference, it's not too late for me to show my identity. "


LAN Xuan said to Liu Feng: "crazy, you contact Liang PU. Let him come to fenglongcheng to see us. Tell him to open a shop in Fenglong as soon as possible. Specializing in the sale of minerals. It could be near the mineral trading center. Acquisition of various minerals. The start-up fund will use what we got last time. Then let liangpu give each of you a legal identity. It will be much more convenient for us to be here for a long time in the future. "


LAN Xuan Yu said to Qian Lei: "fat man, you and Mengqin go around to find out if there is a clean house suitable for living. Don't be too luxurious and inconspicuous. We can live here again. "

"No problem." Qian Lei agreed.

"Huihui and Yuge, you are with XiuXiu and me. Go to the accommodation arranged by Wong Yuen Long. The illusion that Po left on you can last for three days. So in two days, you will be back. " After many attempts, treasure hunters have used a similar way to solidify, which can make the changed things last longer. But the premise is that we can't fight. Once we fight, there will be a strong energy fluctuation, and the illusions will soon disappear, showing the noumenon.

The empty insects he simulated before were found to be wrong not long after they left because of the strong spatial fluctuation there.

On the one hand, they were assigned tasks. Soon, they arrived in Fenglong city.

Seven separate and act on their own.

This time, it's not the same as last time. Last time they came, they could say they had a black eye and had no idea about the Dragon Star. But this time, the first task is to take root. First, we have a stable identity here.

LAN Xuanyu has a preliminary idea. It's not a matter of one day and one night that Douluo Federation wants to defeat Longma galaxy.

Tianlong star is so huge, so rich in resources, they can get too many things. What's more, this is one of the capital stars of the Longma system. Almost all the resources of the galaxy will be concentrated here.

We want to get these resources and give them to the Federation, colleges and Tangmen. The identity of a businessman is the most appropriate. This is also the reason why he left liangpu as a chess piece last time, instead of killing it after using it.

Liangpu is a real blue sea ethnic group. His identity can stand scrutiny. If his business grows in the future, he will become a big one. The role of good simplicity will become greater and not easily exposed. And they hide behind.

Fenglong city is just a starting point. After that, people from the wings of the 13th day come here. He wants to do business in every city. With industry as a cover up, they can do more and are less likely to be doubted.

Bai XiuXiu moves forward according to the coordinates sent by Huang Yuanlang. Tianlong star also has various means of transportation. And flying is not prohibited. After all, there are many creatures in the Longma system that can fly.

Of course, the Dragon nationality flies the most in the sky. Although the whole number of dragon is not large, but they are huge, as long as there is one flying in the air, it will attract everyone's attention.

The widest central area of the street is dedicated to the dragon people. Other races can only walk on both sides. It makes the street look very clean.

Bai XiuXiu, who has the identity of dragon nationality, naturally walked on the central avenue without any politeness. LAN Xuanyu, Bai XiuXiu and Yuan enhuihui followed her.

Soon, a kind of soul guide car came to them, but it was a much bigger step machine.

"Xiudaren, we are ordered by the leader of Shaocheng to meet you." It was elixir they had seen last time that came down from the car.

"Well." Bai XiuXiu was the first one to walk on the machine and said quietly: "you look like a big shell, but it's really ugly."

"Yes, we will improve in the future," said ilesian respectfully. This is the exclusive dragon car for the adults of the Dragon nationality. Mainly considering the internal space. "

The dragon car is 20 meters high, nearly 30 meters in diameter, and it's round, almost like a hill. It's true that the dragon can ride. But generally speaking, giant dragons are seldom willing to sit on this kind of thing. Because of their huge size, they will feel nervous when sitting inside, and they are more willing to travel through their wings.

The interior decoration is very luxurious. The patterns on the walls are inlaid with precious stones. There is a row of sofas in the innermost part. The floor is thick carpet. I don't know what kind of fur it is made of. It's soft and comfortable.

The whole car is very empty, obviously to carry the huge body of the dragon.

Bai XiuXiu walked to the innermost sofa and sat down. LAN Xuanyu and her three were standing beside her.

Elixir also respectfully stood aside, and when he was in the car, he became silent.Bai XiuXiu said to Elaine, "I heard something happened in Tianlong city? What happened later? "

Elixir said: "it seems to be something related to the royal family. What exactly is not clear. You can ask the little Lord. "

Although the dragon car is huge in size, its speed is not slow. After all, only the dragon people can walk in the Dragon Road, and the number of the dragon people is not large, so there will be no traffic jam.

It didn't take long. The huge dragon car stopped steadily, and the huge door on the side opened slowly. Before Bai XiuXiu got off the Dragon cart, there was a voice from Huang Yuanlang outside.

"You are welcome back." As he spoke, he had come up from below, opened his arms, and met Bai XiuXiu.

Bai XiuXiu frowned. "What are you doing?"

Huang Yuen Long laughed and said, "it's human etiquette. It's called hugging."

Bai XiuXiu suddenly showed a disgusting look, "what hug, don't get close to me, I don't like this etiquette. We are noble dragon people. What do you always do to imitate human beings? "

Huang Yuen Long had to put down his arm and blinked a little bit, but soon returned to normal, "human beings are a very unique life. Their bodies are the most balanced of all races and are especially suitable for cultivation. It is said that in the past, when there was a divine Kingdom, all God slanders were also human. Sister Xian, let's get out of the car. I'll show you around your place. "

After getting off the dragon car and looking at the building in front of them, Bai XiuXiu and the four people couldn't help being surprised.

Where is this a residence so simple, it is a castle.

On both sides are walls as high as eight meters away, in front of which is a huge metal door as wide as thirty meters away. It is made up of metal branches with gorgeous patterns.

At this time, the gate has been opened, and ten blue sea people are standing on both sides, dressed as servants.

Continue to the inside, first is a road, to the front there is a huge fountain, the road from both sides of the painting circle continues to extend inward, all the way to the front of an ancient castle like building.

This is a huge building composed of dome buildings, covering an area of at least 4500 square meters. The highest point is more than 40 meters.

The dome in the middle is the most peculiar. The whole top is made of silver and white metal, but there is a gap in the middle.

Huang Yuen Long said with a smile, "how about Xian Mei? Are you satisfied? The gardens on both sides have been specially reconstructed. This house used to be a gift from my father. If you look at the main building in the center, the top can be opened. If we fly back in the shape of a dragon, we can fall into it directly without going in. When my father gave me this house, he told me that if I could become a dragon knight one day, I could fly back to my residence with my dragon. Every Dragon Knight's residence is like this. "