Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1039

LAN Xuanyu's real potential is best known by Tang Wulin, so he decided to build a god level foundation for him at any cost.

Even if the tree of eternity is not made by great grandmother LAN Xuanyu, it is also willing to do so for the tree of eternity, the life core of the Douluo star. If LAN Xuanyu becomes the king of God, then his life origin comes from Douluo star. There is no doubt that he will be born on the basis of Douluo star. Douluo star will be the central star under the jurisdiction of the god world he was born. There is no need to worry about the crisis of life withering.

Before LAN Xuanyu came back, Tang Wulin had made the decision with the gradual recovery of memory.

Looking at the blue Xuanyu in front of him, Tang Wulin's eyes are soft and warm, son! This is my son! I really want him to be around all the time waiting for Nana to wake up. Find a quiet place and live a good life. Watching him get married and have children, he spent every day in peace.

Once unfortunate, perhaps all is for today's happiness and come. If one day, father, mother and sister can come back together with God, it will be the most perfect thing.

Eternal sky city.

"You are now the official disciples of the inner court. Each of you can have a room of your own here." Wang Tianyu pointed to the wooden houses on the "mountain package".

"These eternal tree houses are connected to the eternal tree. They have the purest life energy and can nourish your body. In practice, there are great benefits. The biggest problem with the limited number of inner courtyard students is the number of eternal tree houses. At present, there are only 88 permanent tree houses. So, in fact, it can't carry all the members of your 13th wing. But the college can't break its promise. When they come back, you can take turns practicing in the tree house. "

Bai XiuXiu's six people woke up and saw Wang Tianyu's helplessness.

Wang Tianyu said: "this time you have made great contributions. The value of those ten empty source crystals is immeasurable. The college doesn't know how many badges to exchange for. What can promise you at present is that the treasure house of the college will be opened to you. Each of you can choose one of the most suitable heaven materials and earth treasures for your cultivation. "

Bai XiuXiu looked at Wang Tianyu and said, "Lord, are we 33?" She is the most familiar with LAN Xuanyu's ideas, although after the graduation examination, LAN Xuanyu said that everyone will depend on himself in the future. But, if let others depend on oneself, does blue Xuan Yu really use so spell? Planet 76, Dragon Star, these places are full of danger, but also full of opportunities. To win these opportunities, just for their seven cultivation?

Wang Tianyu's mouth twitched for a moment, but he nodded his head. "Yes, you can choose one of them."

From the point of view of the value of empty source crystals, each of them is priceless and cannot be measured by value.

Shrek college and Tangmen have a solid foundation and a long history. Naturally, no force can match them. But it's not easy to bring out 33 kinds of top-level Tiancai and Dibao!

It would not have been possible if there had not been ice and fire in Tang clan.

Led by LAN Xuanyu, he is gradually proving to the college that they are worthy of training.

The Douluo Federation has obtained an empty source crystal, all of which are like treasure. What's more, this time the college and Tangmen obtained ten empty source crystals, which are enough to make them make epoch-making progress in the study of spatial attributes.

For the Yukong clan, ten of such air source crystals may be equivalent to one warship. They are completely consumable when the source crystal is in the air. It's a completely different concept to be able to fight against the soul guiding technology of the Federation. Is it comparable to consumables?

As a result, the college is only biting its teeth and bleeding, which promised them so many resources. This is what LAN Xuanyu and others put together.

This time, what LAN Xuanyu brought back about tianlongxing is equally important to the college. Tianlong and Longma are not just rich in minerals. With the powerful life energy of Tianlong star, Tiancai and Dibao must not be in the minority. The good things that can be obtained from tianlongxing in the future may be able to back feed the college. So, what do you think, we should give full support to these children now.

When the Lord of the sea god Pavilion explained to Wang Tianyu, he said to him that all these children want is to satisfy them.

"Now come with me to the Treasury and choose." Wang Tianyu said to six people.

Bai XiuXiu shook her head and said, "Lord, can we wait for Xuanyu to come out and go together?"

Wang Tianyu said: "he shouldn't have to choose Tiancai and Dibao. But you can wait for him if you like. But he should need some more time. "

"It doesn't matter. We'll wait for him." Said don Yuge.

Although each of them actually knows what kind of Tiancai and Dibao they need, there are treasure hunters in lanxuanyu! Treasure hunters can definitely find the best in Tangmen treasure house.

In the sea god Pavilion, LAN Xuanyu's breathing is not stable at this time, but it is very regular. After a short breath, he will fall into a steady process, and then be fast and steady again.Under the deliberate guidance of Tang Wulin, his blood vessels of Golden Dragon King and Silver Dragon King began to collide again in his body. The destructive power of collision is being smoothed by the life energy of the eternal tree. In the process of restoration and destruction, the strong vitality also began to immerse into the body of LAN Xuanyu in all directions.

In the past six years, the more important thing in the process of LAN Xuanyu's cultivation is to cultivate by absorbing the vitality from the eternal tree, the sea god lake and the endless fruits, which are actually brought by the eternal tree. Therefore, he is the most intimate and familiar with the life energy of the eternal tree.

Life energy washed his body again and again. Gradually, there began to be a slight sound of dragon singing in LAN Xuanyu's body.

Tang Wulin's divine sense has been around his body, silently feeling the body changes of LAN Xuanyu.

In the process of this breakthrough, LAN Xuanyu's physical changes are the most intense. He can feel the state of his body and the changes of every place clearly and incomparably with his divine sense.

A faint smile gradually appeared on Tang's face. LAN Xuanyu's situation is better than he thought.

If a soul master wants to cultivate to a stronger level, the first thing he must do is to lay a solid foundation. The foundation is very important. LAN Xuanyu did a good job in this respect. With Nana's help and guidance, he made a breakthrough step by step. His study and accumulation in Shrek college were very solid.

When breaking through the fifth ring, it almost emptied the life energy of the fire and ice eyes of the spirit beast. If not for the spirit of the spirit of the treasure hunting beast, it would be almost destructive there.

Daming, it was for his son's sake that he was allowed to do so. It's the unreserved trust in him.

At this time, LAN Xuanyu's spiritual cultivation didn't accumulate to the top of the five rings, but after the life energy was infused, under the stimulation of this divine life energy, his blood force could reverse itself. In the process of continuous destruction, it was like squeezing, giving birth to the soul force, which made his soul force fluctuations continue to rise.

Tang Wulin gradually realized that there was blue silver grass in the blood of blue Xuanyu. His grandmother, LAN Xuanyu's great grandmother, was originally blue silver emperor.

The blood vessels of King Jinlong and King Yinlong are naturally very domineering, while blue silver grass has the general effect of a harmonic agent in LAN Xuanyu's body, which is to reconcile the two powerful blood vessels. Let them be opposite to each other at the same time, there are different ways to return to the same place.