Douluo Dalu 4: Ultimate Fighting

Chapter 1033

"Anyway, we all listen to you. Do what you say." Liu Feng said firmly. Since he left tianluoxing, he has been following lanxuanyu. He has never doubted lanxuanyu's decision. Along the way, now he is the seventh ring spirit saint. He's also a lieutenant colonel.

Although it's not as exaggerated as major general LAN Xuanyu, don't forget that Liu Feng and others are not even 19 years old!

As we used to say, the monitor has never made a missed choice. It must be right to follow the monitor. This is now the consensus of the 13th wing.

After driving back to Shrek college, seven of LAN Xuanyu entered the college gate in a low-key way. However, after entering the door, they thought they could not keep a low profile.

Because the thunderobot, Wang Tianyu, has been standing in the school gate waiting for them.

Along with Wang Tianyu are cherry blossom and Tang Zhenhua.

From the blank expressions of cherry blossom and Tang Zhenhua, they obviously still don't know what happened. Wang Tianyu didn't tell them the specific things.

"Lord Wang, Dean, teacher." Blue Xuan and Yu salute each of them.

"Gold always shines, no matter where it is." Wang Tianyu takes a deep look at LAN Xuanyu.

Then he turned to cherry blossom and Tang Zhenhua and said, "go ahead and do your work. They need to come with me to the inner court. "

"Yes." Tang Zhenhua and Ying Luohong respectfully agreed. Looking at the blue Xuan Yu seven people's eyes are full of doubts.

Although they joined the army this time as a training, they didn't really join the army. Can be in the army is a soldier, which has joined the space fleet only less than two months back? Do you know that the round-trip flight time may be more than their time in the army?

Wang Tianyu didn't say much. With a big wave of his hand, a strong wave of soul power suddenly bloomed from him. The seven people in LAN Xuanyu felt a strong sense of bondage around their bodies, which had covered all seven of them. In the next moment, they were lifted up by Wang Tianyu and flew into the air.

At the foot of the college gradually smaller, sea god Lake appeared in the field of vision, and then gradually smaller. The tree of eternity ahead is growing.

LAN Xuanyu's seven people's breath can't help but hurry up, because they all know what it means. They are flying up, the direction of flying up, is the real core of Shrek college, and also the holy land that all masters yearn for, Shrek college inner court, eternal sky city!

Wang Tianyu didn't speak or ask, but kept flying with seven people. In fact, the seven of them have their own flying ability, but at this time, they can only be honestly carried by Wang Tianyu.

In front of the tree, the trunk becomes bigger and bigger. In front of the eternal tree, it starts to fly upward. The air around is becoming thinner, but the breath of life is becoming richer.

The clouds were misty, the air became moist, and they were once surrounded by white clouds, unable to see everything around them. But this did not affect their inner excitement at all.

Eternal sky city! This is the first time they really come to eternal sky city! What could be more wonderful?

LAN Xuanyu kept looking up.

At last, they burst out of the clouds, and a huge canopy of trees covered the sky appeared in front of them. On the huge crown, every thick branch exudes light gold, and every leaf seems to be carved from emerald. The breath of life is like substance.

Blue Xuanyu began to appear green light around his body. It is a life spirit around his body, around him, even supporting his body.

Wang Tianyu took a look at him, still did not say anything, they have arrived near the crown of the tree.

A strange scene appeared, in front of which the dense and incomparable branches and leaves suddenly spread out, revealing a channel. Let eight people in. A passage made up of branches and leaves.

Eight people went straight up this passage, and they flew for a long time before they came out of the thick branches and leaves.

At this moment, all the seven people in LAN Xuanyu have a kind of feeling of intoxication. It's really that the life energy here is too strong, and it's too strong for their bodies to accept for a while.

LAN Xuanyu is a relatively good one, but he is also dizzy. As the leader of the school of life, his body is favored by the life elves, and the life energy absorbed is the most abundant. At this moment, with his blood whirlpool of dragon core, he has a feeling of fullness.

Seven people are down-to-earth and finally settle down to recover from the vertigo. When I look at it, I suddenly find that I have come to a wonderful world.

Surrounded by light clouds, the closed branches and leaves of the flat administrative ground, a straight extension of the street. Behind them is a thick branch, like a big tree, which naturally forms a barrier to the outside world.

When looking down from the sky, sometimes we can see some clues from the warship, but it is always unreal and not so clear.

At this moment, when they really come here, to this mysterious eternal Sky City, they finally get a full view.The flat street has been extending inward. Looking at the ground, it really has a magical feeling. It is clearly a branch and countless leaves, but it is so flat. There seems to be an invisible force that makes them regular.

Looking inward along the street, they seem to have come to a simple world, pavilions and pavilions, houses made of branches, all decorated, just like the world where the master of soul was king back in ancient times.

Here, I can't feel the breath of any metal, and the extremely strong vitality naturally forms a layer of dense and slightly distorted halo in the sky.

The vitality here is more than several times that of the outer courtyard? Every spirit of life seems to be calling them, freely shuttling through their bodies.

Wang Tianyu walked ahead, and the seven of LAN Xuanyu hurriedly followed. Until then, they really felt that they were disciples of the inner court.

Every step out, the surrounding scenery seems to be changing, step by step, step by step. It's like coming to the dense forest, or entering a mysterious world. In this wonderful world, it seems that there are countless lives in every moment.

The street is wide, extending inward all the time. LAN Xuanyu is surprised to see a small mountain. Yes, there is a mountain in the eternal sky city. A mountain made up of branches.

There is a small house on the mountain, they are combined together, there is a kind of feeling of jungle castle.

It's also close to this "mountain", and the intensity of the breath of life becomes stronger. The surrounding light is becoming more and more emerald green.

It's not just around the body of LAN Xuanyu that there are life elves. It seems that everything here is made up of life elves.

This feeling is really wonderful, especially for LAN Xuanyu.

Since breaking through the five rings, his soul power can be improved at a reasonable speed. His soul power has been improved a lot at the moment of breaking through. The benefits of Senluo star's ice and fire liangyiyan and those Tiancai and Dibao are fully exerted. It's all the soul rings of 100000 years that have improved his overall cultivation. That's why he can compete with the eight rings.

At the time of Tianlong star, although he didn't fight, he could clearly feel that his combat effectiveness would be increased in the place with strong breath of life. This is the benefit of life and physical fitness.