Doomed Destiny


That heart had come to this world and was rubbing against fire. It was like a meteor that was circling around the world. It was too fast. The heavens did nothing to it, treating it like a poisonous insect. It was afraid, so it flew back and forth in its own world. After observing it for a long time, he did not feel that it posed much of a threat.

One day, God asked it, "Whose heart are you?"

The heart said, "I don't know. I don't have any memories!"

The heavens said, "Why don't you go reincarnate! It's meaningless to wander around in the universe everyday! "

"What do you want to be reincarnated for?" The heart asked.

"To be reincarnated as a human!"

"Is it interesting to be a person?"

"Interesting! "As a human, you have emotions and desires!" God said.

"What are you trying to do with your emotions?" The heart asked again.

"With a person's seven emotions and six desires, you will think of all sorts of tricks! I think life is going to be interesting. Love, make friends, make money, shop, eat, drink, etc. It's better than walking around in circles here every day! " God said.

Thus, that heart landed on Earth. He had seen the prosperity of the human world. Humans bustled about, bustling with noise and excitement. It was a rare sight. He then chose one of the pregnant women and drilled into her belly to become a human.

"And the woman it chose is Da Laozhu's wife, Chao Xixi. But you know who I am! "

Tao Daxian finished his speech.

I was stunned. "No wonder Chao Xixi had a dragon protecting her! So the child in her womb is not ordinary at all! "

"All the dragons in the world come from the body of the lonely Yunshan. The dragon was as loyal as a dog, and had a better sense of smell than a dog. The child in Chao Xixi's stomach had Dugu Yunshan's body hidden in his heart. The dragon could smell its master's scent from Chao Xixi's body, so of course it had to protect her! " Tao Daxian said.

"How do you know all this?" I asked.

Tao Daxian lowered his head, and placed both of his hands on the door, respectively lifting up half of his long hair. Looking at the green horizon, his eyes seemed to be a little blurred, and said: "I know everything, and am unrivalled, these seven words, is the constant evaluation of me!"

"You're not necessarily that handsome!" I said it casually.

"What?" Say that again! " The man looked away from the sky and stared at me.

I swallowed and lowered my head slowly, not daring to say another word. I think that if I say it again, the other party will be able to eat me.

"Am I handsome or not?"


"How handsome?"

"As handsome as you can be!"

"Why do I feel like saying something is really against my will!"

"No, really! I promise! "

"Kneel!" Tao Daxian suddenly bellowed.

"Why are you kneeling down?"

"Are you going to kneel?"

I had to kneel.

"A finger to the heavens!"

I point a finger at the sky.

"Shout loudly a hundred times! Er Tao is the most handsome!"


"Hurry up!"

I didn't dare to disobey and could only shout into the sky: "Er Tao is the most handsome! Er Tao is the most handsome! Er Tao is the most handsome! "

To say how bitter I felt when I shouted: I felt like I had met a fool. Turn yourself into a fool.

He glanced at Tao Daxian who was at the side. He was currently holding a small mirror in one hand and a wooden brush to adjust his long hair. He shook his head in a very coquettish manner. A satisfied smile spread across his smooth, clean face.

A hundred times. My voice cracked. He was furious. Tears streamed down his face.

Er Tao said: "I always hear others praising me as handsome, but I actually don't want others to praise me. So much praise that I feel embarrassed! "

I'd rather be deaf.

"Keep digging the grave! Don't look at me all the time. I know I have a nice face. The more others looked at me, the more they thought I was handsome! But you can't keep your eyes on me, and you're delaying the business! Don't look at me like I can't stand it! Forget me! "Please don't look at me like that. My face will turn red like an apple!" Er Tao said half singing, one hand spinning, his body twisting like a water snake.

I quickly stood up and picked up the shovel. I looked down and kicked with my feet, digging furiously at the ground. In his heart, he silently swore that if he didn't call for me, I would definitely not take the initiative to look for him.

"Don't ask me why I'm so handsome! Was it wrong to be handsome? Was it wrong? Handsome to the heavens, handsome to the earth, handsome to the everlasting! Handsome like the mortal world, handsome like the universe, how many people are crying for me … It really is true … "I am so handsome that I cry for myself …" Tao Daxian began to sing like a wolf.

I couldn't help but feel goosebumps all over my body. My scalp was tingling, my face was numb, and I could barely hold the shovel in my hand. He wanted to find a slender iron rod and stab his ears until they bled.

He was actually crying! He sang himself until he cried! He was still holding up the mirror to look at himself as he cried.

"Oh my god!" I can't stand it! Someone, come and save me! " My heart screamed. He dug out two pieces of glue from the ground and kneaded them into an egg, blocking his ears.

What kind of lunatic was he!? Can I still believe what he said?

A long time passed.

I'm still trying to dig the grave. He was sweating profusely from exhaustion. He was panting heavily. The cut on his hand bled even more, and half of the wooden handle was soaked red.

Tao Daxian was no longer singing. Lying on all fours in the green wheat field, his eyes were filled with tears.

He did not know why he was crying. It had already been such a long time, could it be that he was still moving her?

"Aiya! Let me rest a little longer! "No, die from exhaustion!" I put the shovel down and sat on the ground.

"Are you lonely?" Tao Daxian's voice travelled over slowly.

"What's there to be lonely about!" I said casually.

"I'm very lonely!"

"Then I can't help you!" "No," I said.

"I think the scariest thing in the world is loneliness!"

I said, "You're sentimental!"

After resting for about an hour, I stood up and picked up the shovel again, ready to continue digging. They estimated that after another two hours, they would reach Dugu Yunshan's corpse.

"Are you hungry?" Tao Daxian asked.

"Hungry, is there anything to eat?" I asked.


"What kind of food?"


"Eat it yourself!" I put my foot on the shovel's head and started digging again, feeling a sharp pain in my hands that made me frown.

"Do you think it's better to die or to live?" Tao Daxian's faint voice once again sounded.

Did he discuss the philosophy of life with me?

"Better to die than to live! All things come to an end. "Don't think too much of it!" I replied.

"If you eat shit, you can live! If you don't eat shit, you can't live! So what if I'm starved to death! " Tao Daxian said.

The shovel in my hand stopped. I don't feel good. Someone like him should be able to do anything! My voice trembled. "I'm not hungry, I don't want to eat anything!"

"But you must eat!"


"Because you are not a thing! He's even worse than a dog! If a dog can eat shit, why can't you?! " As he spoke, Tao Daxian climbed up from the wheat field.

"What's wrong with you!?" "We were talking really well just now, why did you change your mind now!" "No," I said. As he approached, he was terrified.

Tao Daxian parted his yellow robe and took off his pants. Like an ice cream machine, he pulled out a long, soft yellow strip and folded it into a ball.

The rabbit was anxious and wanted to bite someone. This is making me mad. I can't stand him. I'm f * * king done! So be it! I gritted my teeth and cursed, then charged forward with the shovel.

"Clang!" I ferociously smashed the shovel onto Tao Daxian's head.

Tao Daxian laughed: "What's the difference between you hitting me like a fly!"

I said, "If Er Nengdan can cripple your leg, I don't believe I can't kill you!" He swung the shovel again and smacked it hard on his head.

His head was made of iron. He couldn't hit it at all. A few shovels came down, and I was so tired that my hands were numb. But he was fine.

I felt waves of despair.

Tao Daxian was still squatting down, with a piece of sh * t on his butt. Gravity had no effect on him. He began to slowly float upwards. The wind blew higher and higher. It was higher than the top of my head. Move sideways in my direction. I threw the shovel and ran. But Tao Daxian floated in the air and quickly caught up to me.

Then, no matter how fast I ran, his body would move horizontally in the air. With me as a reference, he was suspended in the air. Bullshit! The butt was pointing straight at the top of my head. Long pieces of shit fell down on my head, brushed my face, or draped over my shoulders. The stench filled the air!

"Coward! Enjoy this shitty rain! "

I feel like I'm going crazy! He felt like he was having a nightmare!

God! Who can save me! How could I have met such a madman!

Was this even considered a person!

I was too tired to run. He knew that no matter how fast he ran, it would be useless. Sit down and breathe hard. The note was still pounding at me. Since he couldn't avoid it, he might as well wait for him to finish his words!

But two hours had passed and Tao Daxian was still talking nonsense. I've got a lot of shit stuck up my neck. He was so disgusted that he dared not even open his eyes.

"What the heck is he still alive for!" I thought about the contents of the fourth page of the book and felt that the task could not be completed! If I don't make it, I'll be destroyed. Why should I sit here and be humiliated when I have to die sooner or later? Why not give himself a quick death!

For an instant, I felt like I had nothing to live for. He made up his mind and stuck out his tongue between the rows of teeth. Then, he clenched his fist and bit off his tongue.

The pain opened my eyes and woke me up. I felt the pain in my mouth, and I covered my mouth with my hand and spat into it. He spat out a mouthful of blood. He had bit his tongue. He just sat up from the bed, unable to fall asleep, in a daze. He recalled the dream he had just had.

A creaking sound was heard. The small window on the iron gate was opened. The person who delivered the food came again. Just by looking at it, one could tell that the person who delivered the food was Yang Dabao.

Yang Dabao said: "Jin Shi, guess what I brought over for you?"


Yang Dabao passed over a roll of paper through the small window and said, "This is your wedding photo! You want to talk to you about the wedding photo! "

I quickly got out of bed and grabbed the roll of paper. When I opened it, I saw that I was wearing a white suit. Although I was smiling widely, there was a hint of sadness in my deep eyes. Beside him was Zhao Xinxin, who was wearing a white wedding dress and wearing a black and red plaid jacket.

I remember when I took this photo of the wedding dress, I was not only slapped hard twice by Zhao Xinxin because I thought my height was too low. If she was not allowed to wear that black and red checked jacket, she would definitely wear it, deliberately destroying the pure white of the wedding dress. Mostly to annoy me.

There were two small holes in the wedding photo. It was the two buttons on the bride's dress that had been removed. Once a weasel hid in a hole in the wall and looked at me through the two holes.

Yang Dabao then closed the small window on the iron gate and left. On the wedding photo, I was wearing a white suit as I spoke. "Jin Shi, you should give up on trying to defy the heavens!"

"Why?" I was suddenly angry.

"Because I found a big secret," I said, wearing a white suit on my wedding photo.