Divine Doctor in City

C404 Man and dog are not feeling well

The city was built very quickly. In two months time, the city had taken shape.

Dong Yi also left the pharmacy and headed towards the new city.

This city had a new name, Chu Zhou. Using Chu Xiaoxiao's surname as the name of the new city.

Here, there were no advanced technology, and there weren't too many fashion elements. Everything seemed so primal. The house was built on a hillside of grass, with green plants and straight streets.

The business district and the residential district were completely separate from each other. Rivers and creeks criss-crossed each other, and in the middle of the river, there were happy little fish jumping about.

Dong Yi casually sowed the seed with the red rope, allowing them to compete with the big grass trees.

For the next two months, Dong Yi stayed in the new city without leaving.

The entire Shu Du was calm. The fact that the Lu Family did not come greatly exceeded Dong Yi's expectations.

In the mountain range near Huai City, the people from the Lu Family were still fiercely arguing. They had told the medical sanctuary of Zhao Qing's death, but the medical sanctuary had thrown the mission back with a backhand.

Mr. medical sage, the hall master of the medical sanctuary, was not angry about her disciple's death.

Whether or not the Lu Family would take the lead, became a very thorny problem. If she did not make a move, how would the people of the world view him, and how should she explain this to the medical sanctuary?

Lin Xiaohe and Ye Pingjun were colluding together, and the thing they did everyday was to go out and play, and come to Chuzhou often to watch Dong Yi get busy.

"Doctor Dong Yi, we can be considered friends if we don't fight. The grudge between us has passed. For you to be able to build such a city is truly admirable. "

Lin Xiaohe said complacently: "Once you've completed the construction of the city, I will definitely come to cheer you on. We are all brothers, so we naturally have to help each other. I will definitely be the first one to step out and buy it. "

Yes, at that time, he would throw the money at Dong Yi's face and tell him, your house cannot be sold, I am tired to support you, you need to be grateful.

"Lin Xiaohe, I saw you driving around a lot recently, is your butt alright? "Be careful, don't open the wound again." Ao Yun smiled as he expressed his concern.

Often give some professional advice, to love their lower body, do not sit for long, appropriate massage.

Damn it, Lin Xiaohe wanted to curse loudly. He felt a dull pain on his butt. He had been bitten by a wild beast. Was he the best person in his generation?

This damned Ao Yun, a mere young master of a hospital actually dared to humiliate him.

Hateful, truly hateful. If he did not have Dong Yi as his boss, would he dare treat him like this?

"Dong Yi, after you lose something, watch how I'll take care of you. Let everyone who humiliates me with you all go to hell."

Lin Xiaohe gritted his teeth in anger.

"Dong Yi, I have high hopes for your herbaceous city, but you must put in a bit more effort in order to achieve perfection. After someone buys it, I can still buy two streets. "

Ye Pingjun took out a cigarette and puffed out clouds of smoke.

He was still not sure if Dong Yi could do it.

"Old friend, I will raise the price when the time comes."

Dong Yi walked out from the grass and rested midway.

To be exact, the Red String of Fate needed to rest. This guy was completely exhausted. Countless of protests were all rejected by Dong Yi, the black-hearted boss.

Red String of Fate felt bitter in his heart. If he had nothing better to do, what was there to be proud of?

"Raise the price?" Heh heh, can you plant any good herbs with your messy seeds? To be honest, I'm a bit worried for you. "

Dong Yi laughed but did not say a word, he would not play the lute with a cow, it would be a waste of time if he did that.

However, his stomach was already filled with anger, and upon hearing these words, his hair stood on end. This seed that I painstakingly nurtured, you actually dare to say it's not reliable?

Your special money is not reliable.

Red String of Fate became a goddess of war and charged towards Ye Pingjun. The speed was so fast that Dong Yi didn't even have time to react.

The red line circled around Ye Pingjun a few times before stopping in mid air, looking for another target.

Dong Yi waited for him with a warning look in his eyes. He didn't want to have anything to do with this small-eyed guy.

In the next second, the red line began to move, flying towards Shi Biao.

Shi Biao held the two wolfdogs and showed off his might.

Seeing the intent of the red string, Dong Yi's expression became extremely strange. This red thread was very strange. The two men also wanted to tie it together. I just don't know which one of them is superior and which one is inferior.

It should be Shi Biao, Ye Pingjun is in trouble.

Just as Dong Yi was feeling relaxed, the red rope wrapped around the big wolfdog that Shi Biao was holding.

Dong Yi was confused, what was going on? The heck, what a dishonest red rope. This is the tempo of things to be done.

Ahh, have you lost your affection for humans or dogs?

In the next second, the wolf dog's eyes lit up. With a loud roar, it struggled free from the rope and rushed towards Ye Pingjun with a howl. It was as if he had seen a female dog in heat.

The heck! Lin Xiaohe tensed up, he had the nagging feeling that this big wolfdog wanted to bite his butt.

Run! Lin Xiaohe did not care about his image anymore, using the fastest speed he could muster to return to the car, Ye Pingjun followed closely behind, how did he let the dog bite him?

Too shameless.

The two of them got into the car and left quickly. The wolfhound chased closely behind.

A chase competition left the prelude.

"Wakaka, my wolfdogs know that Lin Xiaohe's meat is more delicious, they want to go up and take a bite." Shi Biao laughed loudly. He had finally discovered the joy of his life.

In the future, he could often bring the big wolfdog to Lin Xiaohe's house to take a stroll.

"Shi Biao, you should worry about your dog. What if he doesn't return?"

Dong Yi looked at the red rope and was laughing in his heart. In the future, he would have a way to deal with those who didn't know anything.

"They dare, if they dare to kill my dog, I'm not done with them." Shi Biao roared and chased after it.

Not long later, he came back panting with the big wolfdog.

The big wolfdog had an irritable temper. It constantly glared with its eyes wide open as it roared towards the sky.

"My dog is a bit angry because he hasn't eaten any meat."

Shi Biao stroked his dog and indicated that he would buy meat for him to eat once he got back.

"Bian Zi, you really don't understand your dog. He doesn't want to eat meat, he's in heat." Dong Yi said with a smile.