Desire Of The Call Girl

Chapter 51 - 51. The Evil Plan

(Author POV)

Violet opened her eyes and saw her parents who were already staring sadly. Violet could only snort softly, when it turned out that the sun was already bright outside, her head hurt so much. But she tried to hold it in, her just went blank when the gazes of her parents wondered.

Of course they wonder, at what really happened.

"The big lord Douglas has relapsed again?" Jordan asked his daughter.

"Yeah! And I became an easy target! Damn it! I\'m really annoyed. I need expensive treatment to make my scalp look fine! Luckily Edwards knew himself, he put the compensation money into my account, at least he knew that I need money to do the treatment." Violet said annoyed, Jasmine and Jordan could only sigh softly.

Her daughter is indeed very stubborn, in her little brain there is only money and money. But her parents could not do anything. because basically everything does need money.

"Don\'t be so rash, Daddy told you not to do anything for now. You\'re still stubborn, isn\'t it now? What can you expect anymore? If that paid woman is really pregnant, then your life is over!" Jordan was no less annoyed, he had often warned his daughter to remain calm in the face of the Douglas Family. But still, Violet has always walked according to her little brain.

And that little brain doesn\'t deserve to be called a brain, because Violet has always been in trouble.

"Dad! Why is Daddy blaming me instead?" Violet asked disapprovingly.

"Of course I blame yourself, who else? You\'re too stupid Violet, now you\'ve really fallen from a great height. Mr and Mrs Douglas will not let you win again. They will do anything to get you divorced from Edwards." Jordan said sternly to his daughter. causing Violet to fall silent.

This time Violet was really at a loss for what to do, her first plan to ruin Choon-hee\'s good name didn\'t go well. It was only a moment before Mrs. Douglas was able to erase all the news and replace it with bad news about Violet herself. About Violet who often goes in and out of the hotel with a girl friend.

Damn it! Violet was really pissed off now.

"I know Dad, I know I was wrong. Now I have to think of another way to keep Choon-hee away from Edwards." Violet said quietly, But Jordan could only shake his head Disapprovingly.

"Why dad?" Violet asked again.

"Just Wait, wait until Daddy finishes in the election. Just a little while, after Daddy becomes president and gets all the rights of the people, then you can do anything. We will get full support from several circles, just calm down.. Just a few more weeks, as long as you wait. Go somewhere and take a vacation, at least you can calm yourself down. Or you can take a different approach with Edwards. Do something so you can set Edwards up and get the kid out of him. You only have two choices now, shut up and wait for Daddy\'s plans. Or You can apologize to Edwards and tell him and beg for his sorry. Or you regret, pretending that you accept all the facts. Then act like you\'re really going to get out of his life. make Edwards feel sorry, once you get that. Make Edwards sleep with you. But remember! never let out the selfish attitude in yourself! If you fail at this, then you will truly lose Edwards forever. Your choose kid, what do you want to do?" To repeatedly Jordan asked his daughter to choose.

Violet looked into her father\'s eyes uncertainly, but Jasmine immediately grabbed her daughter\'s hand making Violet feel fully supported.

"This is your last resort son, as long as you carry out your Choice. Then Daddy and Mommy will find another way to get rid of Choon-hee. We will find out Choon-hee\'s real family, and use that to keep Choon-hee away." Jasmine said confidently to her child, that was what made Violet feel fully supported.

"Okay Dad, Mom.. I\'ll approach Edwards one more time, in a nice way. I\'ll make him fall in love with me again." Violet felt sure, she grabbed both of her parents\' hands.

Jasmine and Jordan immediately smiled happily.

"Now you try texting Edwards. ask him to come over here, tell him there\'s something you want to talk about about divorce. Just say you\'re going to accept this divorce." Jordan said again, Violet who heard that immediately nodded and took her cellphone.

sHe immediately searched for Edwards\' contacts, then started sending a message. It was a very sweet message and Violet was sure it would touch Edwards right away.

To Edward.

[Good morning my husband, Maybe this is the message I will send one last time. First of all, I want to apologize to you, sorry because all this time I made a lot of mistakes.

Sorry that I\'m always selfish and never think about your feelings, I know sorry isn\'t enough to make you okay. But this is all I can give you. Sorry.. once again I\'m sorry.

Edwards, Maybe we\'ve known each other for a few years. I never paid any attention to you, I always made you an ATM machine that could give me a lot of money. I\'m pretty sorry about that.

All night I thought, when you left me and wished me good health. at that moment I felt that I had been so bad to you, I was so bad that I couldn\'t appreciate you at all.

While I\'m writing this message too, I can only Cry. crying and reminiscing about the good memories with you, why am I only realizing now? when you\'re gone from my life Why am I only realizing now? When you don\'t love me anymore?

Edwards, maybe this sounds weird and too disgusting. But I\'m really sorry! I\'m sorry! For the rest of my life, I will learn this.

I will leave, I will leave you. Give yourself the freedom and the right to find a replacement for me.

Edwards, could you come one more time? I\'m still in the hospital. I\'ll sign our divorce papers. Just bring the letter to me today, just for today I see you for the last time.

I want to hug you tight and very tight, I want to keep that warm hug in my life for the last time. I will go as far from your life.

Edwards, I hope you will read this message and grant my final wish.

I\'ll wait..]


Violet took a deep breath, then smiled slyly.. when the message she sent directly read by Edwards.