Defeat the Cold Satan


"You're just a gang leader, you're going to move bricks?"

"Bringing the brothers together, we can save money on expenses this way."

"…" The heck, as expected of the young man who was kicked out of his house at such a young age.

You really know how to live.

However …

"I gave you so much money just to make you suffer?"

Han Ze laughed bitterly: "Boss, we appreciate your kind intentions but please listen to my explanation. I didn't do it on purpose, I brought the gang's method, number one … is to learn to suffer. "

That's right!

"Then you're a Sect Master after all, you don't have to do it yourself, do you?"

"That would be more convincing to the public. They are all people who are mixed in society and have a rather naughty character, so we should take this opportunity to pressure them and let them know that they shouldn't think that they are so awesome."

"Puff …" Han Ze, it's enough! "Enslave my brothers who have fought and killed together. Immediately order a full midnight snack for everyone. I'll treat everyone to a meal!"

"Good job, Boss Leong."

"Wait, come over to the Beijing People's Hospital after you call supper."

"Hospital? Boss, you're hurt? "

"No, come here and you'll know."

I've found you two blood relatives.

No need to thank me too much ~ ~!

I don't know.

Seeing Han Ze, the fat boss immediately rushed out of his sickbed, and almost tore him apart.

He was actually an enemy.

Ruan Suixin looked at the scene in front of him with a dumbstruck expression.

When Han Ze saw fat boss, she was also shocked. She wanted to escape, but she jumped up and caught hold of him.

Then his ear was twisted and he yelled, "Aunt, it hurts …" Pain... "Let go."

"It hurts you, you bastard! Hurry up and return my money! "

"Mommy! Don't hit big brother... I told him where you hid your money. "

"What did you tell me!?" "How old were you then, just a little brat, and you were still coaxed by this bastard!"

Ruan Suixin said with a stupefied face, "This … "What's going on?"

The little sister girl explained, "Elder sister, this is my cousin … "Previously, when his mother was sick, he came to my house to borrow money from my mother. My mother refused to give it to him because that money was her school fees …"

"And then?"

"Later …" "I told him where the money was and told him to take it himself. He said he would pay us back double."

fat boss roared out with astonishing aura: "What fart! "How many years has it been since you were a little hoodlum? Can't you tell that he's trying to coax you?"

"Mom!" I've been out of school for a year, so it's not a big deal for me to study at home, and I can keep up with my grades. Brother can save Aunt's life with that money! "

"Yes, aunt …" Can you let go of me first! My boss is watching! "How embarrassing."

"Your boss?" fat boss was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, this is our boss. Our sect has already been established and will start to make money in the future. I promise you that we will double …" Oh no, so many years have passed, I promise I will return it back to you tenfold! "

"Ten times is not enough!" Ruan Suixin suddenly interrupted.

Han Ze laughed bitterly: "Boss, if you want to be the judge for my aunt and the others, then twenty times!"

"It's not a matter of money."


"Han Ze, you took his hard-earned money, you have to give him old age."

Hearing that, fat boss's eyes lit up: That's right, I don't have a son, you have to give me old age!

Han Ze laughed bitterly: "recuperate and recuperate... When I get rich, I'll definitely raise you. I never thought about ignoring you two. "

It's just that in the past few years, he didn't manage to get anything out of it.

There were a lot of brothers, but they all needed to be supported with money.

He also has to live a bitter life, okay!

Ruan Suixin rarely saw a person like Han Ze being so bitter.

The corner of his mouth raised into a smile: "There's no need to wait for the future to get rich, Han Ze, here's your chance."

"Ah?" What chance? Is there a mission coming up from the sect? "

"NO ~!" It's not a gang, it's a private matter! "

"Boss, please elaborate."

"Your aunt and cousin don't have a home anymore."

"Didn't they open a convenience store?"

"Destroyed … There's been a car accident, and that place is now in ruins. "

"I'll lead the brothers to build it up …"

"Not a long-term solution... Han Ze, you are clearly a person who has a family, why didn't you give them a family? "

"I …"

"Han Family, you have it!"



"I once swore to never take a step into the Han Family in my lifetime."

"That is your Scum Daddy's Han Family, not yours."

Han Ze's eyes narrowed and he said, "Boss … "You."

Ruan Suixin could not help but step forward and slap him on the head. "Idiot! All day long thinking of taking over other people's territory, have you ever thought about how your own territory is being taken over by someone! "

Han Ze was a smart person, he understood everything just by listening.

However …

"I don't want it! I, Han Ze's future, will definitely be earned by myself! That family has nothing to do with me! "

Ruan Suixin couldn't help but roll his eyes.

I met the second Yin Liuli.

If he was bullied, he wouldn't care.

And then?

Let those ambitious hooligans enjoy what was originally yours?

He had done so many bad things for nothing?

How could he continue to enjoy it?


Why did the good treatment in this world have to be enjoyed by the bad guys?

And the good people, the beautiful people, were living a miserable life?

Can you be fair?

Or —

Are you waiting for me to become a savior?

Cough cough.

That means I don't have that much ability, okay!

Don't think too highly of me!

She said with a frown, "Now is not the time to think for yourself, but for your aunt and your warm little cousin. If they can live a good life in the future, why do they have to live in exile with you?"

Hearing that, Han Ze became silent.

fat boss agreed with Ruan Suixin's words.

Because she was a gold digger.

She was born a poor girl and was lucky enough to meet a prince charming.

Even if he didn't care about her birth, he was still extremely kind to her.

He hadn't had a baby in years of marriage, and he didn't mind.

She was a middle-aged woman, doted upon like a treasure, and didn't care for boys and girls.

As long as it was her baby, he liked it.

But in the end, it turned out that he was a short-lived ghost!

Sometimes she wondered if she had lived too well in her life.

She had taken all the good things, and God had given her so much suffering.

He had spent the rest of his life just like that.

Han Ze was silent for a while, before his gaze suddenly landed on little sister.

He opened his mouth and said, "Ah Long, do you want to go back?"

The little sister was called Han Jiu, which meant that she was born forever.

It could be seen that her father had definitely truly loved her mother back then.

It was a sacred marriage.

I just want to be alone with you.

Ku was her nickname.