Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 727

Because the appearance of the twentieth column requires players to understand the opponent\'s road at the same time, which is not a simple thing.

In this way, the chess game has changed more.

The appearance of the twentieth column not only means that Zhi Tianxuan is familiar with most of Wu Yi\'s quiet road while playing chess, but also has the ability to use it.

In terms of the general trend of the chess game, or the Taoist images behind the dispute, great changes have taken place in the distinct territory at the beginning of the chess game. The two different Taoist images also intersected and began a close fight.

Hundreds of thousands of people have finally started the most wonderful midfield fight. In go, if the two sides do not separate the great advantages and disadvantages at the beginning, the midfield will be the most wonderful part. At the end, as long as there are no mistakes, the outcome of the chess game is basically determined.

In other words, the real chess game has just begun, and the outside world doesn\'t know how long it has been, but what about that? Years flow silently through your fingertips.

Zhi Tianxuan\'s skill has brought about great changes like a rowing pattern. With the connection between chess pieces, he has invaded the world where Wu Yi\'s evolution is not complete.

As soon as he entered, he was as powerful as bamboo and brought earth shaking changes. It was not the specific things such as mountains, rivers and oceans, but the deep-seated logic of the world.

The yin-yang family imprint in the charge of Zhi Tianxuan extends infinitely with the entry of Bing Feng. Wu Yi\'s ancient five element cycle mode has no backhand power in front of this emerging opponent and is suppressed to death.

In this way, even if it evolves into Dongtian in the future and even grows into the world, it is difficult to remove the yin-yang family mark poured by zhitianxuan.

The yin-yang cycle, the five elements generate and conquer each other, and all the rules are limited to death. There is no trace of variables. The world is like a good winding machine. How to evolve can be calculated indefinitely as long as there is enough spiritual knowledge.

This situation is the first time Wu Yi has encountered it. It seems that the most powerful means than Wu Yi now should be advanced. At least one quantitative robbery and one response means have no effect.

Zhitianxuan combines the means of immortality and humanity into one, and applies it to the world. Even, there is the shadow of Shinto.

Being able to combine these three together is not in the Danting road. For the combined use of the three methods of power, immortals and gods, the system is different. It is a rare talent to use ruos and zhitianxuan.

The Taoist image evolved by Wu Yi is about to die out before it lasts long. Wu Yi is unwilling. At a critical moment, his spirit is extremely calm and calm.

He didn\'t know why the combination of humanity, immortality and Shinto had such a miraculous effect, but it didn\'t hinder him from copying his homework.

He has the devil in mind, and his understanding of Shinto is definitely not weaker than zhitianxuan. As for humanity, he has also studied it deeply when helping his relatives establish a real humane Dynasty. It is not a profound truth. Even three-year-old children can understand it after reciting the words.

The threshold of humanity is not high.

Following zhitianxuan\'s methods, Wu Yi tries to integrate the three. Gradually, Wu Yi has a similar breath to zhitianxuan\'s body, which seems to be deeply immersed in humanity, but his will is very different from zhitianxuan\'s. He advocates that man will conquer heaven, control heaven\'s destiny and use it, not heaven is absolute.

Under the influence of this will, some ordinary creatures have evolved rapidly.

Relying on space for time, Wu Yi won some time, which is enough to produce the most primitive Terrans in this small world.

When Bing Feng arrived, these small and weak groups already had a tribal system. Under the influence of the advanced concept of legalism, countless tribes combined into a huge group. In the face of powerful foreign aggression, they were highly centralized and burst out amazing energy.

Although it is still because of the number, such as weapons level, communication level, logistics and other reasons, it is undeniable that this unilateral massacre has finally turned into a tug of war.

Finally, Wu Yi was relieved that he was able to stop the huge army invasion influenced by the thought of yin and Yang family. Next, there was guerrilla. My home, if you come in, don\'t go out.

The chess pieces are still falling and reflected in the Tao image, which has evolved into military orders, government orders and the construction of projects everywhere, which are often related to tens of millions of life plans.

The number of rows in a chess game exceeds 10000, the number of columns is also gradually expanding, and the front is getting longer and longer. It is not only a test of the mind, but also a test of the road. If there is a mistake, it may collapse in the ant nest.

It is the confrontation between yin and Yang and Legalists in humanity, the confrontation between the God King of the western mountain of the Shinto and the mind, the devil and the body, and the confrontation between wisdom, heaven and the human body in the fairy way.

Wu Yi and Zhi Tianxuan began an all-round confrontation by means of the fixed transport plate. Their bodies were far away from the demons in the bright moon world. They had to be involved in this situation and said to be closed to the outside world.

With the joint efforts of Wu Yi\'s body and mind demon body, Zhi Tianxuan still does not see the decline, and many things have been exposed. Zhi Tianxuan is by no means the same person as Wu Yi imagined. He is frustrated and down.

Even after returning to reality, it doesn\'t matter to those who fail, but the thorns in their hearts are already born and can\'t be pulled out so easily. Once they are honed here, it may also have a great adverse impact on the immortal road in the future.

Therefore, at this stage, neither Wu Yi nor Zhi Tianxuan can step back.

The chess pieces fell one after another, and the cold sweat was drop by drop. Whether it was Wu Yi or Zhi Tianxuan, at the moment, they all looked the same. Their green tendons burst and their eyes were red. They looked very frightening. It was like a battle between life and death. Finally, only one person could survive.

This scene made yueliuli, the chess spectator, very worried, but with her cultivation, she couldn\'t get involved in the chess game between them.

At this stage, she has completely become an outsider. If she wants to understand a move of chess, it takes several steps, or even dozens of steps. She just watches the two fall, without the previous sense of participation.

Shinto, Xiandao, humanity and the three fronts are constantly entangled. Although yueliuli doesn\'t know the specific trend, he can detect that Wu Yi has some advantages in Shinto, but he is inferior in the other two fronts and nearly collapsed several times.

And there\'s nothing strange about this. Zhi Tianxuan used to be the truth in the cave. He just fell into this cultivation because of some secret and unknown things, but his knowledge is still there. He must have studied the classics of humanitarianism yin-yang family deeply, which is not comparable to Wu Yi.