Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 722

Boundless boundary, Western soil.

As the years of Jiazi passed, Wu Yi set foot on the western land again. Unexpectedly, it was this time.

The long wind is mighty and cloudless. When the teachers and disciples meet again, heaven and earth still give face. Zhitian Xuanyuan welcomes thousands of miles away, and meets Wu Yi remotely in a place where China is separated from the West.

Wu Yi\'s Shinto has the strength of the superior God. It\'s more appropriate to use the etiquette of Zhi Tianxuan. After all, I haven\'t heard that Zhi Tianxuan, the Western Mountain God, has been promoted to the superior God. However, Wu Yi still feels terrified.

There is no other reason, because he met Zhi Tianxuan this time. He was dressed as a man of truth. He carried two children with him. That is to say, Zhi Tianxuan drove thousands of miles to meet Wu Yi as Wu Yi\'s master.

At first sight, Wu Yi bowed his head and knocked three times. He was a teacher for one day and a father for life. Moreover, Wu Yi also understood that Zhi Tianxuan was sincere to himself.

Unlike his two disciples, it\'s real water. It\'s hard to say how much the master\'s obligations have been fulfilled by taking in the posture of completing the mission of the sect.

Zhitianxuan received this gift, not that he didn\'t stop, but that he couldn\'t stop. His personal strength is already the peak of Yuanying. His strength is extremely terrible.

"What\'s the need for you? I came out to meet you with Tao, just to make less noise, not to accept your courtesy." Zhi Tianxuan sighed and said faintly.

"Does the master want to drive me away?" Wu Yi said with a playful attitude. He has always been intriguing with people. He seldom talks to people in this tone. He has an unspeakable comfort in his heart.

Wu Yi is precocious. He saw the hypocrisy between people very early. He also hates talking to people like this and doesn\'t like talking to people. He hasn\'t had many friends since childhood. After arriving at Xianmen, it\'s the same. Meeting a master like Zhi Tianxuan may be his greatest luck.

"Just go, I won\'t stop you."

"Master, it\'s really sad for me to say so. Then I\'ll really go."

Zhitianxuan didn\'t say anything, and he took a casual attitude.

Looking at their teachers and disciples making fun like children, maybe they found another side of Wu Yi that people don\'t know. Yue Liuli couldn\'t help laughing, and this smile also attracted their eyes.

Zhi Tianxuan, like discovering the new world, asked in a curious and playful tone, "Wu Yi, what is this?"

Wu Yi glanced at the moon glass and found that she had dropped her head. Alas, it was not useful at the critical moment. He had to explain: "she is also a member of the Shinto. Come with me this time and want to ask the master about some cultivation matters."

"Right!" Wu Yi looks at Yue Liuli and blinks wildly at her. On the way, she prepares her words. That\'s it. Yue Liuli has a trace of an ugly daughter-in-law in her heart when she sees her parents\' thoughts. She nods her head gently and lowers her head again.

"It\'s reasonable for a master of practice to be a teacher, or should I ask this man for advice? Where are you qualified to teach others?"

"Master, you are serious!" Wu Yi and Yue Liuli answered this time.

"How did you see her?"

"It\'s a long story."

"How did you get to this point in your relationship with her?"

"It\'s a long story." Wu Yi was stunned. He was turned into the ditch and hurriedly said, "Hey, what\'s this step? Make it clear."

"Bring it to me, an old bachelor. What else can it matter?" Zhi Tianxuan glanced his mouth and said in a very dissatisfied way.

"A gentleman is only polite, but I haven\'t moved a finger!" Wu Yi said, and suddenly remembered that he seemed to hold the moon glass once before, but that time was completely accidental and had other purposes.

Glancing obliquely at the moon glass, sure enough, a pair of cold and murderous eyes shot over. Wu Yi hurriedly pretended to be nothing, with a standard slag man posture.

Zhitianxuan saw this scene and smiled faintly. He just felt that this scene was deja vu.

If it goes on like this, Wu Yi is going crazy. He quickly changes the topic and asks Xiang zhitianxuan, "Sir, you really haven\'t seen a woman beside you. Don\'t you really have a person in your heart? Do I really have no Shiniang? It shouldn\'t be you, who are not willing to let others see!"

In the last half sentence, Wu Yi said in a joking tone. He didn\'t expect to get anything? Just after saying these words, Zhi Tianxuan was silent, and the atmosphere became very strange for a time. Even the moon glass, which now wants to bite Wu Yi to death, also had a curious mind.

Zhi Tianxuan wanted to recall something. The other party should be a very important person in his life, but in any case, he just couldn\'t remember whether these memories were sealed or eliminated, why they were sealed and why they were eliminated.

Whether it was sealed (eliminated) by the enemy or sealed (eliminated) by himself, the more zhitianxuan wanted to understand these things, the more he felt that his brain would burst, as if he had touched the prohibition.

What the hell is going on?

This doubt hovered in zhitianxuan\'s heart. At the same time, it also hovered in the hearts of Wu Yi and Yue Liuli.

What happened? Wu Yi doesn\'t know, but there is no doubt that he touched the existence of taboos.

Wu Yi knew for a long time that his master was originally a genius in the vast world. It was precisely because he was extremely conceited about his strength that he betrayed his family\'s ancestral teachings and changed from practicing zhanyan Taoism to Jindan Taoism.

Chen Zhuzi, the former leader, attaches great importance to him. If he hadn\'t gone to the upper world to compete with other talents, he would definitely have a place among the six chenzhu sons.

When I was in the boundless world, I didn\'t hear about my master. If something happened, it must have happened in the upper world.

When Zhi Tianxuan left the boundless world, he was in high spirits and arrogant. He had been a cave for less than a hundred years.

But when he came back, he was like a lost dog. The cave, the sea of Qi and the purple house were all broken. He reluctantly relied on the puppet\'s skill to maintain his invincible figure and give full play to the strength equivalent to real Yuanying.

The huge gap made his status plummet. Because of Zhi\'s secret trouble, it was very difficult to recruit disciples or others.

Why did Zhi Tianxuan suffer such a serious injury? In one Qi gate, the person who knows may be the number of five fingers.

Now, Wu Yi, who was only making fun of, seems to have touched zhitianxuan\'s sad thing.