Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 701

"Bang -" the sound of heavy objects falling on the ground came, which was the treasure of Yuan Xi - a pair of iron fists. Yuan Xi was full of great strength, but there was no chance to use it in front of his former "self", and all his strength was scattered in the air.

At the last blow, Yuan Xi put aside other means and openly oppressed his opponent with a brilliant trend. His Qi and blood rushed into the sky like smoke. The avenue of heaven and earth he understood was like a chain to oppress and bind his opponent.

I thought that such an offensive would break thousands of laws with one force. Even if the former "self" was controlled by Wu Yi, it could not change the result of the fall.

However, to Yuanxi\'s surprise, the final result was that he lost, and in the most incredible way.

The opposite "self" also chose to fight hard. Of course, there are some skills of skillfully breaking power, but in any case, this is the first real fight since the battle.

The tiger\'s mouth cracked and his blood burst. Even the golden elixir was dim and could not fight again in a short time.

Since Cheng Dan, Yuan Xi has hardly been hurt, so that all this in front of him makes him feel so incredible.

It was the scream of others that woke Yuan Xi. He smiled bitterly, helplessly lowered his head and said in frustration: "let the master be disappointed!"

Seeing him like this, Wu Yi tried to suppress his dissatisfaction in his heart and said, "do you know why he was defeated?"

Yuan Xi was silent.

"Your current mental nature is not enough for you to control such power. When you break the mental barrier in your heart, see me again!"

Wu Yi didn\'t just talk about it. Before, he turned into an outer incarnation similar to Yuan Xi and stepped into Yuan Xi\'s body step by step, like a heavy yoke, which forcibly suppressed Yuan Xi\'s golden elixir cultivation to the realm of building a foundation.

Previously, with the strength of golden elixir, it was impossible to break the "former self". Now, Yuan Xi\'s cultivation was forcibly suppressed. It is even more difficult to break it.

Although we can break the so-called magic barrier in our hearts, we don\'t know when it is. We have to endure the ridicule of others and forcibly suppress the good time. This punishment is not heavy. But then again, if you can break it, it will be another world.

Seeing this, the people were awed.

After sending away a group of people, only moon Liuli was left behind. The atmosphere was embarrassing. Wu Yi suddenly remembered that his heart lake was in chaos and did a lot of things he didn\'t say or do before, even if he thought about it.

"Before -" Wu Yi spits out two words, but he stagnates in the air. He is as determined as him. He is so hesitant. For a moment, Wu Yi can\'t even take up half a word.

Moon glass whispered, "you don\'t have to say much about what happened before."


There was another silence.

"I want to ask -" moon Liuli suddenly opened his mouth and finally broke the silence.

Wu Yi breathed a sigh in his heart and finally got rid of the previous topic. It\'s not the same thing if he said it. If he didn\'t say it, it seems it\'s not the same thing. He said easily, "what\'s the matter? Just say it frankly."

"In the bright moon circle, the suddenly rising Lord of reincarnation is -" Yue Liuli said, pausing for several times, which shows the inner entanglement.

"That\'s right, it\'s me!" Wu Yi admitted frankly. The matter was so noisy that he couldn\'t hide it. He apologized: "I\'m sorry to hide you for so long."

A smile rose on Yue Liuli\'s face, but the bitterness hidden between her eyebrows could not be hidden. "It\'s a great event. You shouldn\'t tell me, I understand."

"In the past, I was ordered by my teacher to go to a small town to explore the reasons for the rampant Yin Qi,......" Wu Yi talked about it in detail, starting with his party in Dahuai town. Later, he met ghosts and even told yueliuli about the black beetle.

Wu Yi said seriously, and Yue Liuli listened carefully. The lava gushing from the Yanhai sea became the only accompaniment at the moment. The warm wind slowly strung the two together like a red line.

Since practicing Taoism, Wu Yi has always closed himself and his mind. He may not disclose one point to others, not three points. This time, half is guilty, the other half is depressed for too long, just want to talk to someone.

After wearing the mask for a long time, I don\'t tell outsiders. I\'m afraid even I have to forget these past events, but looking around, how many people can really open their minds and be honest with each other? No, no, no one.

Wu Yi tells Yue Liuli about the black beetle, but he doesn\'t tell Yue Liuli how he met the black beetle and what he saw in the beads. These can be regarded as Wu Yi\'s core secrets.

However, this has been a great progress. If what Wu Yi said to others is true or credible, the proportion for moon glass is at least seven.

If you really explore Wu Yi\'s past, you will get some of the above things, but it is impossible to talk like a real person and recall the past in such detail.

The time spent with Wu Yi was not long or short. Yue Liuli said she knew nothing about Wu Yi, but her own secret didn\'t seem to be a secret at all.

It\'s not easy to come to the world where Wu Yi was born. Yueliuli didn\'t spend less time on Wu Yi\'s past and inquired about it whenever he had a chance.

Wu Yi\'s words are compared with the results of yueliuli\'s own inquiry. It is easy to know how Zhengmiao is. After comparison, yueliuli is surprised and surprised to find that almost all major events can correspond.

In other words, what Wu Yi said is true.

After an hour, Wu Yi stopped talking with a happy expression. At this hour, Wu Yi told Yue Liuli about how he met with the heart devil and his various experiences with the heart devil. Some important nodes were not hidden from Yue Liuli. It was a clear explanation of the relationship between the heart devil body and the human body.

At first, Yue Liuli suspected that Wu Yi\'s words were full of prevarication and deception, but after comparison, she gradually trusted Wu Yi, and Yue Liuli really entered Wu Yi\'s context, and was sad and happy with Wu Yi\'s experience.

"Then? How did the mind demon body enter the moon world, and how did your body cooperate with the mind demon body?" moon Liuli pestered Wu Yi like a little girl who was noisy to listen to the story.

Wu Yi was about to go on, when he suddenly remembered that he was going to talk about his first meeting with yueliuli. However, their first meeting was not very pleasant!

"Cough!" after a false cough, Wu Yi shirked, "no, no, that\'s all for today. We\'ll talk about later."