Dedicate One's Mind

Chapter 429

Such a magnificent spiritual sense must belong to the golden elixir. When did this son break through. Both the people who fought with Wu Yi and the people who secretly watched here had this doubt in their hearts.

However, Wu Yi himself can\'t tell what the cultivation of the mind devil body is. The mind devil body comes from the mind devil. The body of the mind devil is the heart ghost. The heart ghost is famous for its five accumulations and six thieves and puzzles people\'s mind, which is rare in the world.

Heart ghosts can be promoted only by constantly swallowing other people\'s thoughts. Unlike other creatures, there are also changes in Ning Danhua baby, but this road is not smooth, and there are bottlenecks.

When the miscellaneous thoughts are swallowed up to a certain extent, the main body of the mind devil can no longer grow and will stand still. However, by chance, Wu Yi understands the way to divide the seeds of the evil thoughts.

Taking advantage of the characteristics of thousands of differentiation of demonic thoughts, we continuously absorb the power of the host and feed back the main body, and the cultivation of the mind demonic body began to grow again.

To a certain extent, the power of the mind and devil body is closely related to the seeds of evil thoughts he has differentiated, so Wu Yi is also sparing no effort to promote this process. Whenever he goes to a new place, he will sprinkle the seeds of evil thoughts.

The endless seeds of evil thoughts bring strength. Although the human body has Dharma and Taoism scriptures, the spiritual knowledge is only one third of the heart devil body, which shows the strength of the heart devil body.

However, whether it is the right way to get power by dividing the seeds of evil thoughts, Wu Yi has not seen many descriptions of heart ghosts in the Taoist Scriptures. At most, it is a sentence "born out of desire, good at magic, which is rare in the world." I\'m afraid the predecessors who wrote the Taoist Scriptures didn\'t expect that future generations would refine heart ghosts into separate bodies.

Wu Yi came out of the dusty room and looked at the two monks in black again. His eyes narrowed, and a cold light shot out of his heart.

One of the monks showed his black robe and rolled up strong winds. The nearby sand and stone trees were rolled over to form a wall and stopped in front of him. The invisible and qualitative thoughts collided with the tangible and qualitative wall, sending out a shocking explosion.

At the same time, another monk sowed a black fog, which contained tragic and highly toxic. For a time, he isolated spiritual consciousness and confused people\'s eyes and ears, hoping to take advantage of the chaos to save people.

Wu Yi hummed softly. The invisible spiritual consciousness rolled over like a mountain and a sea, and the rising black fog was squeezed together, which could not even protect the body shape of several people.

It\'s violent and simple to break thousands of laws with one force, but how many people can have such powerful spiritual knowledge as Wu Yi\'s heart and demon body. It\'s no exaggeration to say that among the golden elixir real people in the bright moon world, Wu Yi claims to be the second, and no one dares to be the first.

At this time, the two black robed people who appeared later have picked up the two people who had been bumped into the sea by Wu Yi and carried them on their backs.

The two are confused in their footsteps, and their illusions are stacked one after another. They confuse Wu Yi with these illusions. They only talk about illusions. The heart demon body is the home. Wu Yi has a plain face and doesn\'t care about their means.

They looked warily at Wu Yi and were able to rescue their companions. They had been exposed for a long time, but now they were afraid that even they were trapped here.

Disturbed by these people, Wu Yi\'s anger can be imagined. He is trying to teach several people a lesson. Wu Yi suddenly frowns. His body has broken through to a critical juncture and can\'t delay any longer.

Without choosing the best time, Wu Yi immediately shouted his majestic spiritual consciousness and oppressed them.

The two raised their hands and blocked it. The Yin Qi was raging, but they only felt an incomparably powerful oppression coming to their faces. They knew the sea was turbulent, and their bodies seemed to have been electrocuted. They were pushed away ten miles away, beyond the boundary of sun\'s house, plowing two deep marks on the surface.

They both hung their heads and vomited a big mouthful of blood, but looked at each other. How can they not understand Wu Yi\'s idea? This is to drive them away.

The two didn\'t get back the idea of the field. They knew that they were not Wu Yi\'s opponent. Carrying their injured companion, they left bursts of black fog in place and drifted away.

The day of unrest in the ice city finally ended. The result of this battle was beyond the expectation of many people. They didn\'t see the opportunity to eat meat and drink soup. Their peeping eyes dispersed one after another. Some of them may follow the two people who fled, but it has nothing to do with Wu Yi.

Leaving them may not be an eye-catching move. At present, he really doesn\'t have the heart to manage these foreign affairs.

Wu Yi ordered Yao RI, who had shown his loyalty before, to choose another place. He deployed countless Dharma arrays and continued to clean and repair. He did not arrange others to repair the damaged house.

However, yaori still invited some craftsmen to repair it. Let alone repair the broken gate and the external wall, otherwise there will be no family style. The already arduous project was ordered not to make a heavy sound, and it took a long time to complete.

Under the collapsed house, Yao RI found a body with a vague face. It was Sun Qingyuan. Wu Yi, who was in a rage, came out together with five Yun and six thieves. She only had time to scream, and her soul was shattered and turned into a shell.

Because Wu Yi did not explain how to dispose of sun Qingyuan\'s body, Yao RI did not dare to dispose of it by himself. He hastily prepared a coffin, sprinkled countless salt scraps inside, and preserved his body for Wu Yi\'s disposal.

Turning Wu Yi\'s body to refine the elixir realm, when the mind demon body fought before, because the outer shell of the elixir suddenly cracked, Wu Yi had to rush back the two people and use all his heart power to refine the elixir realm.

Because there was a crack in the pill shell, which meant that there was a flaw in the generated pill domain, Wu Yi had to stop the refining steps and repair the crack instead.

The combination of spirit and spirit gave birth to colorful colors and made up for the cracks. Ten days later, Wu Yi completed the repair and couldn\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Wu Yifu refined the pill domain again and peeled off the pill shell bit by bit.

There is another saying that the pill shell is the body of the golden pill. In short, it is the product of the monk\'s essence, Qi and spirit.

Opposite to the body of the golden elixir is the foundation of the golden elixir. The body is the surface, and the body is the interior. The foundation of the golden elixir is the avenue understood by the friars. The body is shown by the body, and the body is determined by the body.

Roughly similar to the relationship between body and soul, the body does not exist, and the soul has no place to stay; The soul annihilates and the body has nothing to resist. It is a body.

Separating the pill shell is actually stripping the essence of the golden pill from the body of the golden pill. Of course, it is not really stripping, but making the body obtain the possibility of unlimited growth and breaking the shackles from afar.

The success or failure of the Dan domain does not have much impact on the cultivation of monks, but the Dan domain is also a means in actual combat. If it is an organic fate in the future, it is not impossible to evolve a cave based on the Dan domain.

Therefore, friars who are qualified to refine the Dan realm will try anyway.