Death Notice

Chapter 537

The warship projection composed of blue light gives Qin Lun a subtle sense of familiarity. The warship, named faith, looks like a giant marine creature in the Federation of the earth - manta rays, also known as devil fish.

Just like the bat wing, there are two streamline ship bodies like torpedoes on the outer edge of the flat body, which is the main gun structure of the belief - the annihilation lightning strike ship.

Qin Lun used his fingers to enlarge the transparent light projection, and found that the gunships on the left and right sides of the faith were combined and could be separated from the main body. Of course, this kind of separation is limited. There is no means of life circulation system for the two armored lightning strike ships, and the accommodation area for the crew is also temporary, and they do not have the ability to fight independently for a long time.

When they are separated from the main body, they can make regular orbit activities around the main body in the role of the main body's magnetic control system, just like two loyal satellites.

Qin Lun was amazed by this wonderful design, but after watching it for a while, he focused on the other two laser projections. Next to the belief projection, there are two kinds of humanoid projections, one large and one small. The big one is the soldier, and the small one is the clone Qin Lun currently uses.

Qin Lun used his fingers to reduce the projection of faith and put it away. He drew the human projection of the apostolic clone closer. The miniature projection of the apostolic clone is detailed.

This kind of clone looks like the geese, but its essence is not the geese, but a mythical creature of the geese civilization. Translated in the civilized language Qin Lun understood, that is "angel".

Like jannamer, who is now attacking the humans of ghis, the angel of ghis is a kind of cosmic creature. They play the role of the origin and creation of civilization in the JIS civilization. For this reason, many ancient religions were born in gujis, and they have ancient scriptures similar to the earth's "Dead Sea documents", which are called "Gospel scriptures".

After entering modern civilization, the angel of ghis has actually become a legend. The angel of ghis, who spread human civilization on the original planet of ghis, has long been extinct. There are only some remains that were sacrificed as sacred things by the people of ghis.

Because the world law of the evangelical world is very special, when the starry sky penetrates this world, it is found that most of the fighting laws of the magical direction of the apostles will be sealed, while the martial arts of the non magical direction cannot be used because they cannot completely copy the body of the apostles.

However, most of the apostles in the starry sky like to develop magic and physical martial arts, ignoring pure technological means, leading to a halt in the exploration and development of the world.

In this situation, the starry sky, through several experimental launches, transferred the choice of the physical reconstruction of the apostles from the Gith human beings to other cosmic creatures, and suddenly found out that there was a bright future. There are several powerful universal creatures that can make apostles appendage in this different time and space with science and technology as the main world law. Among them, angel ghis and jannamer are excellent appendages.

Of course, the prototypes of angel ghis and the mature bodies of jannamer are so powerful that the stars can't reconstruct the appendages. We can only choose the weakened version of angel ghis and the immature bodies of jannamer.

After breaking up the starry sky and fully mastering the history of the world, ghis human also found the clues of starry sky and apostles from some historical changes of the world. In order to get the help of the stars and the apostles, rather than let them come to the enemy's side, the geese began to actively establish a connection with the stars.

This is the reason for the emergence of star projection, which is a very complex and mysterious existence mixed with space-time technology and group belief. Even the geese themselves can't understand its principle. They only know how to call unilaterally through projection, and the probability of getting a response is quite low.

In times of peace, even in the past few hundred years, there will not be an apostle in the world.

As for the clones Qin Lun now uses, they are actually activated clones obtained by gene mimicry of high-tech organisms based on the remains of angel ghis.

The body property of this gene clone is about 1% of that of the original Gith angel, which roughly meets the requirements of the Apostle appendage, but most of the fighting skills and equipment of the apostles will still be sealed.

After observing the data of clones, Qin Lun once again cast his eyes to the last projection on the table, which is also a huge human weapon that these apostles may use as the main means of attack and defense in the future - soldiers and men.

The origin of soldiers and men is not complicated, which can be traced back to the historical period when the JIS civilization has not yet entered the space.

At that time, the geese were more developed in Aerospace Science and technology, and developed spacecraft capable of entering space.

However, the geese soon found that the development of aircraft has fallen into a bottleneck. The original bird body, with wings, has developed to the extreme, and its performance can no longer be improved by leaps and bounds. So they turned their attention to the research and development of humanoid aircraft.

After hundreds of years of research and development, and after the gradual improvement of intelligent robots, ghis humans have finally developed a kind of humanoid aircraft that can enter the space. They call this huge flying aircraft that can be controlled by the pilot "soldier man".

From the present point of view, the initially developed body of soldiers and men is very simple and primitive, and its combat effectiveness is even worse than that of the original aircraft. For this reason, at the beginning of its birth, the "soldier man" was regarded as a kind of failed scientific and technological work by the ghis. After the prototypes were retired, soldiers became a pile of paper data.Although the attempt of "soldier man" as a cosmic weapon was abandoned, as a ground weapon, similar humanoid machine armour was still used, and they were regarded as substitutes for tanks and helicopters in the old era.

In the field of outer space, the geese gave up the development of micro air vehicles and built unprecedented space warships. In the age of the first and second universes of the ghis human race, such efforts have been greatly rewarded. The giant cosmic warships have defeated other cosmological civilizations of the ghis system and made the ghis people dominate the galaxy.

However, in the age of the third universe when the geese were ambitious to walk out of the geese system, they finally met the mysterious cosmic creature jannamer.

Jannamer is huge in size, and its young ecology has the volume of hundreds of buildings. Its mature body is no less than the giant space warship such as faith, and there is also a group of ecological linkage. The whole shop is open, even covering a small half of the earth's surface.

This kind of cosmic plankton can survive by devouring life stars. It is like the most ferocious predator in the starry sky. It is the natural enemy of any life stars and cosmic civilization.

Because of its rapid propagation of biological tissue, the attack effect of the cosmos warship of the ghis is weak. It is often necessary to concentrate more than ten warships in a round of bombardment in order to really eliminate it.

However, in the long war, the ghis did not get nothing. They found that jannamer also has a fatal weakness. In the body of such a huge creature, there is usually an organism core. As long as the organism core is broken, jannamer will automatically disintegrate.

However, due to the huge size, inflexible turning and slow firing speed of the main gun, warships often fail to seize the opportunity of attack due to the lack of action when jannamer exposes the core of the organism.

So, at this time, the geese people finally think of the universal humanoid armor that they gave up - "soldier man". At the beginning of the creation of "soldier man", the greatest advantage embodied is its high mobility and flexibility, which is the incomparable advantage of traditional aircraft.

After a lot of research and testing, the ghis finally put the "soldiers" into actual combat. However, at that time, due to the influx of jannamer in the Gith system, the Gith lost the best opportunity to mass produce "soldiers" and finally had to accept the fate of failure.

But even so, the "soldiers" still played a huge role in the process of the retreat of the JIS people. Without the "soldiers" and the JIS heroes driving them, the JIS civilization may have already become the dust of history.

With a preliminary understanding of the situation of "soldiers and men", Qin Lun shut down his light brain and fell into deep thought. Among the three kinds of projections, the information about "soldiers" is extremely rare. With his rank authority, he can only know about one, without more detailed information. For example: type of soldier, how to drive, etc.

Qin Lun would like to know more detailed information at once, but the thought just flashed in his mind and was left behind. His pretty girl guide's brain is a bit off. It seems that he is too anxious to find her again.

"Qin Lun, are you there?" He was lying in the big bed like sleeping cabin, but heard Robin's greeting in his ear.

Qin Lun turned his head and found that this was not the voice of the team channel, but a simple communicator on his right ear.

"What can I do for you, my chief commander?" Qin Lun's response seemed powerless. He didn't care who was the leader. It's just that Robin is too familiar with him, and instead limits some of his little moves, which makes him feel a little depressed.

"Hee hee, have you seen the information of soldiers?" Of course, Bing xuecong Robin knows why this guy is a bit listless, but Kelly asked her to join the team, hoping that Qin Lun would not care about his feelings without any moths.

"I've seen it, but I don't have enough information to see anything!" Qin Lun said indifferently.

"It's the same here, but do you think the ability of our apostles after being replaced by the stars is related to the soldiers?" Robin asked in a deep voice.

"There is no doubt that we are in space, and the original combat skills will not work even if they are not sealed." Qin Lun sat up from his bed and frowned. "Besides, we don't know how to operate the warship, and the ghis won't trust us to hand over the faith. The only weapon we can give us is the soldier."

"So, is our destiny now fully connected with the faith signal?" Robin sighed a little worried.

"There are gains and losses. I think after entering the world, from the perspective of simple combat data, our combat effectiveness is not reduced, but should be enlarged. It's just that there may be a need for a medium. Soldiers and men should be such a medium! " There was a smile on Qin Lun's lips.