Death Notice

Chapter 479

Norway, the Scandinavian mountains, a 1700 meter high glacier peak, which was supposed to be covered with snow and shining sunlight, now has several discordant black spots.

"Grandpa Dean, why did you cancel the task? Didn't you say a week ago that the task we took over is very important?" Asked a young girl in a red dress in disbelief.

At this time, there are just one old man, four young men and five young men on this gentle peak, which is less than ten square meters. The old man was dressed in a gray robe, with long silver hair scattered behind him. He was wearing an ancient magician's pointed leather hat and a long silver beard.

He should be very old, but his face is ruddy and smooth, and his back is straight. Although the cold wind at the top of the mountain made the gray robe sound like hunting, the old man didn't feel the cold at all. In the cold wind mixed with snowflakes, it was like an old and hard pine on the cliff.

Hearing the question of the girl in red, he didn't speak at the first time, and looked down at the bottom of the mountain. Through the mountains, there are many buildings scattered among the cliffs.

This is the Green College, which was rebuilt from the seminary school more than 100 years ago. Most of the people who have dealt with Green College think that the college is on the continent of Europe, but few people know that this Hunter College, which takes hunting evil spirits and dark creatures as its duty, is actually located in the mountains of Scandinavia.

In addition to the elders, there are four young girls in red, white, black and yellow. If Qinlun and grant are here, they will recognize the three of them immediately. They are very similar to the fairy tale girls they met in the last World War II.

There must be some differences between the three girls, red, white and black, and the little red hat, snow white and black queen they met before. They don't seem to be the three girls in fairy tales before.

"It's really a very important task to close the new evil spirit gate!" After a long silence, the old man finally spoke quietly and explained, "if there were no emergency, the council would not have called you back."

"Dean, what is it?" Several young girls looked at each other in surprise, and they felt the old Dean's slightly heavy mood, and for the first time since they entered the college, they saw this kind old man who seemed never to be moved by anything.

"When you are old, you will always be a little sentimental. Don't worry. It has nothing to do with you." The old Dean shook his head and smiled, and the worried color on his face had dissipated. "I'm calling you back because the protection force of the college is insufficient now. I need you to stay here with me for a while!"

”Is the college inadequate in protection? " The expressions on the faces of the girls were even more strange. The girl in the white princess dress frowned slightly. "It seems that they didn't see Professor liv Dean, do you think the emergency is related to the fairy tale girls of the previous generation? "

"Ha ha, sometimes when I see the growth of some of you, it's as if I see the previous liv and them!" The old Dean smiled a little relieved. "It really has something to do with Professor liv and they. I was going to go. It's just that the timing is too bad. Most of the professors in the college now have missions to go abroad. If liv and them leave again, no one will guard the college, so they have to call you back. "

"Are they in danger, Professor liv?" Several young girls looked at each other and couldn't help asking.

"Ha ha, don't worry! Liv and Elaine are the fairy tale girls of the previous generation. After so many years, their use of superpowers has been perfect. Any two can beat me together. What's more, the college also hired a group of superhuman mercenaries temporarily. There should be no problem! "

The old Dean looked back to the south, his words were deep and firm, but there was still a trace of indelible worry in his pupils.

"Hey Tony, why don't you get a private plane? I feel like my bone marrow is freezing!"

In the Atlantic Ocean, there is a group of flying objects with white flames flying at full speed. Looking carefully, this small flying object seems to be a robot with a delta wing on its back, but there are two other people lying on the top of this apparently temporarily installed delta wing.

"Dr. Bruce, my private planes are all under Nick's surveillance. It's impossible to leave the United States. The one eyed black Skinner didn't plan to let us participate in this battle plan!" There was a funny banter in the machine population.

"Nigger? Tony, you're racist. Let Nick hear you. You'll never be spared. " Dr. Bruce shrugged helplessly. He began to regret his actions with the childlike old child.

"Well, I admit it's not the same, but he would not have let us go if we had sneaked to London like this!" Iron man turned a white eye in tin can and said indifferently, "besides Doctor, do you remember who dragged me out of the warm holiday villa? "

"I'm doing it for old friends, too!" Dr. Bruce rubbed his cold nose and looked at the other end of the flight wing, the silent companion."Sorry, Bruce, Tony, I owe you one this time!" Lying on the other side of the flight wing, the Sven man was silent for a moment, then said softly.

"You're welcome, old man. You helped us too!" Bruce sighed, "we just hope that after this, you can untie your knot and make yourself more relaxed."

Sven's middle-aged man was silent, and his face was a little haggard, but the flames that had been lit in the deep pupil were more and more burning. The hatred light inside made the two companions tremble a little.

In fact, after receiving the news that the enemy is about to appear in London, the Avengers alliance led by the captain of the United States did not emerge. These people are very smart, most of them are talents in their own fields. After learning about the tragedy in Washington, many people were shocked and realized that it might be the enemy's plot.

After the coordination between the head of shendun Bureau Nick and the captain of the United States, they just plan to send some superhumans to London, while others stay in the country for standby to prevent the enemy from moving away from the mountains and carrying out terrorist attacks in other major cities of the United States.

The first troops to leave for London were the captain of the United States and several superhuman employees of the shield, including the black widow Natasha Romanov and the eagle eyed man clyt Barton. Despite their small numbers, they carried a super weapon and a mercenary unit that had just made a contribution in the Washington massacre. Their combat power was not very poor.

As for the head of shendun Bureau, Nick Frey stayed, staying at home with Spiderman Peter Parker, iron man Tony Stark, Hulk hawk, magic four, etc. Once it is found that the enemy is really attacking London on a large scale, they will immediately support the captain of the United States and others in warships.

The latest shendun aircraft carriers have all been destroyed in the Washington massacre. However, shendun has also made small flying warships before. It only takes two or three hours to fly across the Atlantic from the west coast of the United States to support London.

However, the plan couldn't catch up with the change. When Hulk, Dr. Bruce Banner and an old friend found Tony, iron man had to take them to London to fight quietly without Nick's knowledge.

As Bruce said, the old friend had helped them a lot and they couldn't turn down the request.

Bruce's Hulk pedigree is based on his old friend's pedigree ability, and he can slowly suppress the tyrannical factors in Hulk. A large part of the credit is also due to his old friend's advice.

As for Tony Stark, I don't know much about this old friend. However, the former leader of stark group, his father, old stark, was taken care of by this old friend.

In return, iron man could not refuse his old friend's request to go to London to fight. Of course, Tony Stark likes to have a good time jumping off, which is exactly what he wants.

Their old friend, like the captain of the United States, was a superhuman who survived the Second World War. However, his original camp belonged to the third empire, but later, for some reason, he joined the allies.

He was Leo Robert, a former Aryan ark Army scientist and biochemical giant who had a big feud with Qin Lun for killing his wife!

"Qinlun, major Montana, let's go to the bridge!" Grant came in with les.

"Oh, is it going to start?" Qin Lun's eyes brightened.

"Well, red skull sent a message from the United States. The agents who entered the shield Bureau haven't seen the captain of the United States and others for a few days. It seems that the fat man's plan to kill the grass and startle the snake has worked. There should be some big fish!" Grant rubbed his hands excitedly.

Three days ago, they returned to hover over the Atlantic Ocean on the Zeppelin, waiting for the time to invade London. Now that the enemy has set out, the next step can also be started.

"Our mission has been around for almost half of the time. We can only do it alone if we don't start!" Said Leslie with a mouthful.

"By the way, the major said just now that an old friend of ours had just come, let's meet him!" Grant smiled and said, "I don't know if it's the red skull head or the big bat of Wittenberg!"

Led by the guards, the three Qin Lun soon entered the bridge. As soon as they entered the bridge, Qinlun and grant looked out and gathered on a man beside major Montana.

"Mrs. Monica, I didn't expect it would be you!" Qin Lun raised his eyebrows slightly and walked towards the lady beside the major in surprise. The major didn't deceive them. This is an old friend who hasn't been masked for a long time.