Death Notice

Chapter 294

"Brother Xiaonan, don't eat me, Xiaoya is not delicious!" Little Y's face was covered with tears and snivels, and his black eyes, which were very big because of his small face, were full of uncontrollable fear.

Although meteor street is named as street, it is actually equivalent to a small autonomous region. Most of meteor street is a desert full of toxic dust, and there are garbage mountains everywhere. Only a part of the northeast is close to the big forest, so the air quality is slightly better, which is suitable for human survival.

Although meteor street has a Council composed of elders, the living materials are basically from the recycling of garbage, seriously speaking, there is no dominant superstructure. The Senate is made up of respected elders, who are responsible for coordinating the daily disputes between the big and small violent groups in meteor street.

Due to the extreme living environment, meteor street can hardly produce agricultural products and meat food. Compared with daily necessities, the most scarce thing here is food. In many places of meteor street, cannibalism is common.

There are many abandoned babies and orphans in meteor street. Most of them are disabled, so it's hard for them to survive like normal people. Because of the violence and disputes, women and children who have lost men are often unable to survive, which are the most common victims of cannibalism.

Hearing Xiaoya's cry, Xiaonan looks up slowly with a stiff body and looks at her frightened little friend. Her eyes slowly show a dead gray color. He suddenly opened his mouth and made a strange sound like crying instead of crying. "Little girl, I won't eat you, you will live."

The boy slowly stood up, took off his vest, and revealed a pair of ribs. His voice seemed to come from the outside, with a trace of seeping calm. "Bone boss, how many days can I change food?"

"Do you really want to do that? You should know that without you, Xiaoya can't live for a few days. It's better 3、 A week, the little girl can get a week's rations. " Bone words just said half, looked up to see the expression on Xiao Nan's face, then silence down.

"Boss! This kid is not enough for us to eat. It's worth three days at most... " Behind the bones of the team, a micro camel strong man angrily jumped out. The man's left arm shrank a little, while his right arm was several times thicker than ordinary people. His face was slow with sarcomas. It was the second figure of the violence group, called one arm.

"Shut up!" The bone's face darkened, and the eagle's eyes glared fiercely at the one arm. The one armed man retreated in a chat, but his eyes were flickering, and he was secretly making his own decision.

The expression on Xiao Nan's face, the bone has seen it many times, which is the expression of a person who is completely heartbroken. As an abandoned child growing up, he felt the same feelings for Xiaonan, but as the leader of a violent group, he could not violate the law of the jungle. To increase the three-day ration to one week has been his biggest help for Xiaonan and Xiaoya.

"Brother Xiaonan, I don't want you to die. Don't leave me alone!" Although Xiaoya is young, she has long been sensible to survive in such a place as meteor street. Immediately realized that Xiaonan wanted to take herself as the price, in exchange for her chance to survive, immediately sobbed and hugged Xiaonan's arm.

"One arm!" The bone turned sideways and shouted.

"Haha!" Hearing the old man's greeting, there was a grim smile on his ugly face with one arm. He came out from the crowd, stretched out his thick right arm, opened his big palm fan hand, and pinched it towards Xiaonan's slender neck.

"Bang!" Just then, a shot rang out in the open space.

"Well!" Along with the sound of gunfire, there was a groan. I saw a blood hole in the palm of the right palm of one arm, which was bleeding.

"Who?" There was a gleam in the bone's eyes. Originally, those scattered and lazy violent gangs also stood up, showing fierce colors on their faces and looking in a certain direction.

"Two of them, I'll take them." Qin Lun, with a gentle smile, walked slowly into the open space from a distance, and the praise of the angel in his right hand was still smouldering.

Qin lungang has just been hiding in the dark to observe the situation here. The observation results surprised him a little. Most of the members of the violence group headed by bones are deformed people with incomplete bodies, even including their leader, the living skeleton like bone.

However, this recognition made Qin Lun more cautious.

The living conditions of meteor Street are extremely bad. It is not surprising that all kinds of deformities occur in newborns. But the fact that these deformed children can survive in meteor street and grow up to be adults shows the problem. If they were not more powerful than the normal people, they would have died a long time ago and become the "rations" of other populations.

It's not just a saying that bad water comes from poor people. The worse the living conditions are, the more likely there is to be a strong folk custom, not to mention the meteor street full of violent gangs. Even if Qin Renyi is brave, he has deep concerns about the life and death of the two people.

Although Xiaonan and Xiaonan are likely to be task clues arranged by the broken star, Qin Lun should also consider whether it's worth provoking the violent team. However, when he saw that the leader of the violence group seemed to have sympathy for the two, he decided to step in and save the orphans.

"Who are you?" The bone glanced at Qin Lun's praise from the angel in his right hand, his sharp eyes fixed on the youth like a razor."They attacked me just now." Qin Lun didn't say much. He looked at the bone calmly.

Qin Lun's words caused a stir in the violence group, and many ill intentioned eyes focused on the young people's faces together. At the command of a big bone, they started to attack directly. However, the two orphans calmed down at this time. Xiaonan put her arms around Xiaoya numbly, pushed away slowly, and let out the center of the venue.

The violence group of meteor street is very united. Although they just forced the two of them to a desperate situation, they would not watch Qin Lun take them away. The violence group without backbone is not a good violence group, and meteor street has no room for such violence group.

Looking at Qin Lun not far away, there was a shred of cunning in one arm's eyes. His right palm, still bleeding, quietly reached behind him and drew out a thick iron bar. The iron bar is full of dark red marks. These are not rust, but the blood stains that have penetrated into the iron bar over the years.

"Whoo!" One arm is different from ordinary people's thick right arm, swinging an iron bar, silently smashing Qin Lun's back brain.

"Stop!" The surprise attack with one arm was too sudden. When Yu Guang from the corner of bone's eye noticed it was a little late, the leader of the violence group with skin and bones suddenly changed his face.

One arm heard the leader's cry, but it made him more dissatisfied. The strength of pouring into the iron bar increased a little. The previous favoritism towards Xiaonan is even if it is against an outsider, but to stop him, of course, can only lead to the rebellious psychology of one arm.

At this moment, he even made up his mind, and when it was over, he immediately challenged the leadership of bone.

But in spite of all the complaints, one arm didn't notice one thing. In fact, the shouting of bones is not aimed at him, because until now, the leader of the violence group still keeps his eyes on the stranger.

Qin Lun's face was smiling, but there was a trace of violence in his pupil. The evil dagger slipped from his cuff and fell into his left hand quietly.

The young man who was standing in front of him suddenly disappeared. One arm startled, right hand a meal, swing empty iron stick hard by him to turn the direction, swept in front of the body for half a week. He has rich combat experience. If he fails to make a surprise attack, he knows that he is in danger. Now he does not seek to hurt the enemy, but only to protect himself.

Qin Lun's eyes showed a trace of novelty, but he didn't show mercy. The black light of the evil dagger flashed away, slightly on his right shoulder.

"Poof!" A blood arrow is marked on the shoulder of one arm. The thick right arm is soft and drooping, and the iron bar falls to the ground.

Qin Lun was successful, but his face was not satisfied. Instead, he was more dignified. Fly a foot, kick in the buttock of one arm, let this strong man body shape is not stable, blundered to fly out, just blocked the flying bone.

Bone has been staring at him, just in the moment when Qin Lun put his hand, the leader of the violence group also launched. He didn't look down on his one arm either. As soon as he raised his right foot, he stepped on the strong man's abdomen.

The face of one arm showed a fierce color, not only did not avoid the trample of bone, but also jumped forward, half short, especially put the injured shoulder to the foot of bone.

The bone seemed to know that one arm would do this, and the right foot stepped on his shoulder more heavily. The blood hole on the right shoulder of one arm is marked with a blood arrow again. The strong man's eyes are all red and roars loudly. His upper body sticks out and sends the bone out.

A pair of skeletons of spareribs has amazing agility. With the help of one arm, they leap to Qin Lun like springs. The outstretched hands are like eagle claws. The sharp fingernails flash black light in the sun, and grasp Qin Lun's throat and heart.

At this moment, the leaders and vice leaders of the two violence groups, who are at odds with each other, put aside their thoughts and complete a set of combined attacks with incomparable tacit understanding.

The smile on Qin Lun's face finally disappeared. He took a side step at his feet, avoiding the bone and grasping it to the right hand of his throat. As soon as he raised his right arm, he clamped the left arm of the bone under his armpit.

"Click!" A clear fracture sound sounded, the left arm of the bone started from the elbow, and turned over in a posture that normal people didn't have, revealing the white bone stubble.

But the bone didn't seem to feel any pain at all. The eagle eagle's sharp eyes flashed, and the right hand that grabbed Qin Lun's throat suddenly surged. The wrist turned, and the sharp fingernails were severely inserted into Qin Lun's left temple.

Qin Lun's eyes were very fierce. His head let go of the claws of the bone. He lifted his left knee to his abdomen and flew him out.