Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 969

"I want to hear from manager Tang, too. I'd like to know who manager Tang is going to recommend to take charge of this cooperation. I'll go back and have an account with our president. "

"Otherwise, as soon as I go back, our president asks me who your company is going to change to talk about cooperation with us. I don't know. It's a dereliction of duty." Rui Changhuai embarrassed smile, "at that time, our president is to blame."

Mr. Lin couldn't help muttering in his heart. Is your president still so meticulous?

You know who's in charge?

General manager Lin murmured in his heart, and let Rui Changhuai see his face.

After all, Rui Changhuai is the one who follows Zhao.

What poisonous eyes!

At a glance, he saw President Lin's idea and said, "our president usually doesn't care. But who can get rid of Zheng Xuelin and vice president Lu? "

"So this cooperation is in front of our president." Rui Changhuai said with a smile.

It's also a hint to Mr. Lin that our president is staring at your company.

You give me good cooperation, don't make any difference.

Li Xiaoyun is in charge of this cooperation. If your company has any problems, Li Xiaoyun will be responsible for it.

That's not good.

Although President Lin does not know the real purpose of Rui Changhuai's hint, he also understands Rui Changhuai's hint.

I know that their company is registered with Zhao.

Maybe it's impressive.

It's good and bad.

OK, let me remember their company.

Not everyone can do that.

How many companies want to do it, but they don't.

But the bad thing is that they can't make any mistakes.

If you do something wrong, you have to know!

Therefore, President Lin began to tremble at this time.

At the same time, thanks for Rui Changhuai's tips.

I think Rui Changhuai is too interesting.

Today is the first time they met. Rui Changhuai was so friendly and gave him so many tips.

Mr. Lin is very grateful.

At this time, looking at Rui Changhuai, it's almost like meeting a brother.

As everyone knows, Rui Changhuai fox like, achieved his goal, not to say, but also let Lin appreciate his not.

"Of course, if Mr. Lin thinks it's too urgent today, another day will do. When you have a candidate, please tell me. If there is no problem, I will report it to our president. " Rui Changhuai said.

"But then..." Rui Changhuai said with some embarrassment, "this matter will be delayed again."

"I mean, your company seems to attach great importance to this cooperation." Rui Changhuai looks at President Lin.

Mr. Lin nodded: "that's very important!"

"So I thought, you should also be very eager to reach cooperation." Rui Changhuai said.

Mr. Lin nodded harder: "that must be true!"

"Our company attaches great importance to this cooperation, otherwise I would not have watched it myself. Before, because of the suspension of cooperation, I was very anxious, and I didn't know what was wrong. "

"Now that there is no problem, the sooner we can have a result, the better." Mr. Lin said quickly, "I'll call manager Tang up to see her opinion."

Rui Changhuai nodded with a smile, indicating that he was very pleased with Mr. Lin's attitude.

"Just a little longer, please." Mr. Lin said.

"It doesn't matter. I'm here to do it well and make sure it's safe." Rui Changhuai said, "I'm the person that our president trusts. He gives it to others and is not at ease. It can also be seen that our president attaches great importance to this cooperation. "

"Yes, yes, yes." Mr. Lin nodded and immediately called manager Tang.

"Manager Tang." Mr. Lin said that he specially turned on the handsfree to let Rui Changhuai hear.

They didn't make small moves.

Rui changhuaixin said that Mr. Lin was too cautious.

However, it is good for them that Mr. Lin should be more cautious.

"President Lin." Manager Tang's voice came over the phone.

"Come up now. I have something to discuss with you." Mr. Lin said.

"All right." With that, manager Tang hung up.

After a while, manager Tang came in.

See Rui Changhuai, also Leng for a while.

"Mr. Rui." Manager Tang called at once.

As the assistant of Zhao theorem, Rui Changhuai is very famous in the circle.

General managers may not know Rui Changhuai very well.

But manager Tang is going to be promoted. Naturally, he has done some homework.

And Mr. Lin, not to mention, has a higher level of contact with Rui Changhuai.Manager Tang, like President Lin, did not call Rui Changhuai Rui assistant.

It's Mr. Rui.

Because it's assistant Rui, it's not high-level, and it's like anyone's assistant.

They dare not call Rui Changhuai that.

Rui Changhuai didn't care.

I told people that I didn't have to be so polite when I was out earlier.

But no one was listening.

So, later Rui Changhuai simply did not say, let them call it so.

Anyway, Zhao doesn't mind, so he has no problem.

"Manager Tang." Rui Changhuai also called politely.

See Rui Changhuai here, manager Tang is a bellyful of question marks.

Then he looked at Mr. Lin.

"Manager Tang, sit down first." Mr. Lin said.

Manager Tang sat down opposite them.

Lin always Rui Changhuai this time to the purpose, roughly said.

"So, Changlin means to change staff from the business department." Mr. Lin said, "I want to ask your opinion about the specific candidates. Let's mainly choose from the old staff. The old employees have been in the company for many years, and they have stabilized. Unlike the new employees, they are not stable, and they will resign if they are not satisfied. When the time comes, there will be a lot of inconveniences in changing people to take over the work. "

"In addition, in your department, who is more capable, serious and responsible, and there is no mess, you must know."

Manager Tang soon thought of Li Xiaoyun about the requirements of President Lin.

These, she conforms to.

"I really have a suitable person here," said manager Tang

"It's Li Xiaoyun." Manager Tang said, "she's an old employee of the company. No matter how hard they work, they never work hard

"Now he has become a senior in the Department, takes care of the younger generation, and has some prestige in the Department." Manager Tang said.

Rui Changhuai had checked it before, so he knew something about it.

But from the theory of the Tang Dynasty, it is a different feeling.

Even her immediate superior praised her like this, and affirmed her ability very much.