Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 747

Boss Liu is really guilty. He not only exposed his son's birth mother, but also gave birth to a child in the same way. It's no different from cheating.

And I took these pictures.

It can be said that all the things he has hidden over the years have been exposed.

Can boss Liu not feel guilty?

Mrs. Liu is too lazy to care about this with him.

Mrs. Liu knows what boss Liu has done and hidden outside. She is too lazy to check.

This time out of Ye Ning, Liu Fu talent to check.

We've got all of these.

Therefore, no matter what boss Liu comes up with, she is not surprised for a long time.

At this moment, Mrs. Liu took out a stack of photos from her bag.

Such a large pile shocked everyone.

"No! These are all fake Ye Ning is in a hurry.

Now ye Fei has no time to worry about it. She will rush up and grab the photo from Mrs. Liu.

At this time, the security guards and waiters, who were supposed to keep order when the chaos just happened, suddenly didn't know where they all came from and stopped Ye Ning.

Now, what else do people not know?

Just now ye Ning came to make a big noise. It's not that no one came to keep order, it's not that no one came to drive her away.

Just all in accordance with Zhao Gushen's command, do not move.

Now Zhao Gushen's eyes, these people will appear.

"What are you doing! Let me go Ye Ning stretched out her hand and tried in vain to grab the photo.

But I couldn't touch it at all.

Liu handed it directly to boss Liu, who continued to distribute it: "I have a lot here, I have printed a lot, everyone has, everyone has."

Some people didn't respond. When boss Liu handed over the photo, he caught it subconsciously.

Most of them came with their wives.

It's OK to watch her husband take photos of other women?

Directly twisted a, low voice scold: "you take this thing to do!"

"I I don't I didn't mean to. I didn't react. " The male guest was startled and quickly put the photo into his wife's hand to show his innocence.

This happens to many guests.

Some of them are true to show their innocence. I dare not see them.

Some of them are more treacherous. Before they were given to their wives, they took the opportunity to take a quick look at them.

In a short time, the photos were all in the hands of the female guests.

No matter they are old or young, there is no taboo.

Avoid the husband, to confirm on their own.

Anyway, we are all women. What's the point of being shy.

The other side has it, and they have it.

This photo doesn't need to be identified by someone who knows the technology.

It's true at first sight.

Now although the face changing technology is very good, but still can see a little different.

It won't be as natural as it really is.

"Don't look! Don't even look Ye Ning screams like crazy, with a pale face.

"That's not me! Don't believe it! That's not me Ye Ning shouts.

Mrs. Liu looked at Ye Ning coldly: "beyond measure!"

"What a shame

"Oh! He sold his belly for money, but he came to slander Mrs. Zhao. "

"Fool! A real fool is a fool who doesn't know it. "

"It's stupid and bad."

"She probably never thought that she was here to destroy Mrs. Zhao today, but she told off all the ugly things she had done."

"It's disgusting."

"Didn't she just say that Mrs. Zhao was her own sister? It's not good to see my sister like this. "

"She's just eating her own cake now."

"I've never seen such a stupid girl. Her younger sister has married into the Zhao family. If she doesn't hurry to make a good relationship, she even wants to frame Ye Fei out of the Zhao family? What's good for ye Fei if she's driven out of the Zhao family! "

"What a fool

The guests were all scolding.

Ye Ning's face is pale, how can things develop like this!

She is ready to kill Ye Fei tonight!

She clearly thought of a good plan, why things did not develop in accordance with her ideas?

Ye Fei said sarcastically: "Ye Ning, you've been looking for me several times before, and told me that you have my handle in your hand. Is that it?"

Ye Fei is not only ironic in voice, but also ironic in expression.

Everyone listen, huh?

Ye Ning has threatened Ye Fei more than once?

How many more threats?


Don't hurry to please Ye Fei and threaten others?

If their sisters can marry into the Zhao family, they will be crazy, OK?Even if there was any discord before, it was all a matter of the past.

We need to make up now, and we will be good sisters in the future.

There is no one like Ye Ning, who not only doesn't step up contact, but also pushes people out.

This is a fool!

Everyone looks at Ye Ning with the eyes of a fool.

Ye Fei sneered: "I've never been threatened by you before, because I've never done anything wrong. I don't care what you think you've got me, I'm not afraid."

"All the so-called tricks are your self righteous. Either there's a misunderstanding, or you're wrong. So whatever it is, I'm not worried. "

"My attitude is so obvious, but you just think I'm trying to be tough?" Ye Fei shakes his head, "Ye Ning, you are really stupid and self righteous."

"Today, I'm waiting for you to expose me. I'd like to hear what you think you've got on me. I didn't expect it to be such a ridiculous thing. " Ye Fei sneers.

"You are so stupid." Ye Fei shook her head.

"Ye Fei, you knew my plan for tonight, so you are waiting for me here, aren't you?" Ye Ning stares at Ye Fei fiercely.

"Don't you understand? Your cause and effect order is reversed. Because I haven't done anything bad, so I'm not afraid of what you call. No matter what you say, I can prove that what you say is false. "

"I don't know what you're going to do, I don't know what you're going to do. You're in the wrong order. " Ye Fei light way.

"Besides, have you ever thought about it? If you succeed in slandering me, Gu Shen, as you think, dislikes me. But he lost such a big face, not only because of me, but also because you said it in public in front of so many people. "

"He won't let me go, but can he let you go? Because you are the one who humiliates him. "

"In this way, you will not come to a good end. And now you have been proved that what you said to me is slander, but you have published all the scandals you have done. There is no need for Gu Shen to do anything. You have been punished. "

"If you dare to slander me and come here with the purpose of humiliating Gu Shen, you will not come to a good end. I don't need to remind you of that."

"The result of both possibilities is the same." Ye Fei said.