Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1271

Even if you have to get up at 6 in the morning, you have to go to bed after 12 in the evening.

This is the self persistence of contemporary youth.

Li Xiaoyun first lay down and patted the pillow beside him: "lie down and let's chat. If we are tired, we will be sleepy."

Ye Fei thought about it and lay down.

In order to relieve her tension, ye Fei asked: "you and fourth uncle..."

Before ye Fei's words were finished, Li Xiaoyun knew what she wanted to ask. She quickly touched the remote control beside the bed and turned on the projector.

"I don't think chatting is as fast as sleeping in a movie." Li Xiaoyun said, "especially when you lie down and watch movies, you can sleep fast."

No matter how good a movie is, as long as you lie down, you will be able to fall asleep.

Ye Fei

Li Xiaoyun now in order to avoid this topic, the reaction is really too fast.

Li Xiaoyun also chose a movie with a very slow pace.

Sure enough, ye Fei fell asleep after lying down and watching.

It's not even 10 o'clock.

Li Xiaoyun calculates that ye Fei can sleep for five hours. That's good.

Li Xiaoyun turned off the projector and went to sleep.

She also wants to get up early with Ye Fei, but she doesn't have to be as tired as ye Fei. She can still have a rest when she has time.

Li Xiaoyun and ye Fei are all in a daze. After they fall asleep, they really don't know where they are.


father Li and mother Li's rooms are closed, and they can't sleep now.

This is their first time to marry their daughter. When they go back to Li Xiaoyun's wedding, they will marry their daughter for the second time. They will have experience. It is estimated that they will not be so nervous.

Mother Li couldn't sleep, so she leaned on the head of the bed to chat with father Li.

"Ah Li's mother sighed, "I really love ye Fei. When you get married, you get married from your mother's family, but you can't get married from your real relatives. "

"Who said, we are her real relatives!" Father Li said immediately.

Li's mother thought about it and nodded: "yes, she called us Godfather and godmother. We are her family. It's a shame that her family doesn't think it's better. "

"I heard that ye Fei didn't even invite them to this wedding." Father Li said, "I guess they don't know ye Fei's wedding."

"I don't know if it's better. They'll make trouble again." Li mother said, "I don't know what the family thinks, there is such a good daughter don't recognize, a push."

There's nothing wrong with your brain.

"They don't recognize it, we do." Li dad said, "Ye Fei can choose us to marry here. To tell you the truth, I'm really moved and happy."

Who says other people's children are not familiar?

Many adopters like to adopt from their babies. Children who are already sensible don't want to.

But they spent six years with Ye Fei.

In the past six years, ye Fei has been treated the same as her daughter.

Taking a little stranger is like helping your daughter take care of her children.

Ye Fei is close to them.

But ye Fei was an adult when she met her.

And even if her family treats her badly, she has her own family.

Li's father and Li's mother have never thought of replacing anything.

Until ye Fei calls them Godfather and godmother, Xiaomo also calls them grandparents.

Their relationship with Ye Fei is getting closer and closer unconsciously.

Until ye Fei's family is like that, Li's father and Li's mother privately said that they might as well let Ye Fei be their daughter.

Unexpectedly, ye Fei will marry here.

Both Li's father and Li's mother felt relieved.

No white pain Ye Fei.

"Well, go to sleep." Li mother reminds, "we also have to get up early busy."

The bridegroom comes to pick up the bride. According to the custom, the bride's family should prepare dumplings and noodles for the people who pick up the bride.

Zhao Gushen arranged for his aunt to come over, so he didn't need father Li and mother Li to do it.

But they can't sleep here by themselves, can they?

So both of them went to bed quickly and got up early.


it's getting cold now, and ye Fei hears someone knocking on the door: "Xiaofei, Xiaoyun, get up."

Ye Feilu felt cool at the tip of her nose outside the quilt.

After a while, I didn't respond to both of them.

Mother Li knew that knocking on the door outside would not wake them up.

So mother Li had to open the door and come in.

Seeing that they were still sleeping soundly, Li's mother shook her head and said, "how old are the two? One is a mother, but together, she is just like a child."

Li mother shakes Ye Fei: "Xiao Fei, get up, Xiao Ya has come."Ye Fei opens her eyes difficultly.

It's only 3:30. It's still dark outside.

But the lights are on outside the bedroom.

The light came in, a little harsh.

But in this cold night, the light is particularly warm.

"Up. It's three thirty." See ye Fei open eyes, Li mother quickly said, "Xiaoya has come with people."

Ye Fei a listen, immediately awake, she quickly sat up.

Outside the cold air into the quilt, cold Ye Fei shaking, but also completely awake.

At this time, Li Xiaoyun also woke up vaguely.

But I'm still lazy and want to squint for a while.

I know I'm going to get up soon, but I'll earn one more second.

Li's mother is not so polite to Li Xiaoyun.

He patted Li Xiaoyun's fart directly: "get up, Xiao Fei is awake. I'll come in for make-up later. People are busy. You're sleeping? "

Li Xiaoyun finally got up while humming.

Ye Fei goes out quickly.

See Shi Xiaoya with the team is preparing.

"Sorry, I got up late." Ye Fei says quickly.

Shi Xiaoya shook her head with a smile: "no, we've come earlier. It's safer to have plenty of time. You don't have to worry, just when you wash, we do the preparation work here. "

"Good." Ye Fei rushed to wash.

She came out with nothing on her face.

What to apply before make-up, Shi Xiaoya says.

Because it's midnight and it's still dark.

The lighting at home is not good.

Shi Xiaoya has been ready for a long time, and the big mirror with LED light is ready.

Ye Fei understood that no wonder Shi Xiaoya brought so many people.

With so many things, you can't take them without people.

Shi Xiaoya decorates a temporary dressing table and puts all her make-up on the table.

In this way, you can choose at a glance.

then chose water, eye cream and cream from the skin care products brought by Ye Fei.

"Just these three?" Li Xiaoyun looked at it and asked suspiciously.

Shi Xiaoya is a famous makeup artist.

Many front-line artists call for her make-up, but they have to wait in line.

Now, Li Xiaoyun must seize the opportunity to observe Shi Xiaoya's make-up on the spot.