Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1256

The facial features are quite deep, that is, the skin is dark.

Looking at their team, Hua ciyue whispered to Huo Jiarong, "how do I think they all look the same? I can't tell who is who. "

"I don't know." Huo Jiarong whispered.

"And have you found out?" Shang Heyue said, "there is no female player in their team."

From mentor to player, there is no woman.

"The well-known women in India have a low status, are not respected in the society, and are often injured in all kinds of ways." Huo Jiarong said, "it's estimated that even if someone wants to sign up, they won't be allowed to join. Or there are few or no female chefs in their industry. "

"Also, I see a lot of women victimized in the news, which makes me feel scared when I see the men there." Shang Heyue said in a low voice.

At this time, the people of the three countries of India are coming.

Although they did not understand, Shang and Yue also stopped talking.

Guowenbo made a few polite remarks with the other party's tutor.

The other players are also looking at the players of Changping.

When I saw that there were three female players in Changping's team.

The team of the three countries of India is also whispering.

"In China, as always, women compete every time. It's an insult to us. "

"Are they empty? And women to compete? "

"Their women, who are very public, think they can be better than men."

"It's all pretty." Someone looked Ye Fei from head to toe. "It's just a little flat."

"One of them is in good shape." Someone looked at Ye Fei, "the fifth one on the left."

Their comments seem to worry about the game.

It seems that they don't regard Changping people as their opponents at all. They are confident that they can beat them.

Because they are not very close to each other, the people of the three countries speak in a very low voice, and although they speak English, they have a very strong accent, so the people in Changping really don't understand what they say.

I just saw them talking in a low voice and knew they were talking.

"I see their eyes, how suddenly become obscene?" Zhou Junhao, who has always been careful, frowned and said, "let's take care of the old flowers. I think they are looking at the girls on our side."

The boys rushed to protect Ye Fei in the middle.

Hua ciyue also stretched out her hand and twisted Zhou Junhao's back: "who cares about Lao Hua! Call you sister Hua

"Ouch!" Zhou Junhao was hurt by her wringing, and he called in a low voice, "protecting you, even repaying kindness."

When Tian Pengpo heard Zhou Junhao's warning, he immediately set his eyes on the team of the Three Kingdoms.

Sure enough, see a few people's eyes sneaky and evil spirit, obviously in to leaf Fei their side to see.

When Tian Peng broke the news, he thought of the bad news about India and the three countries.

"What are you looking at?" he said immediately! Look with respect

Tian Peng broke in English, very considerate, convenient for the other party to understand.

His voice immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The Indian athletes were not happy immediately: "what are you talking about? Is that how you treat people? "

The leading tutor of the three countries of India also asked Guo Wenbo and ye Huasong, "Why are your players so impolite to us? Or are you players too expensive to watch? Are you aristocrats? Caste, too? "

"If so, our players are not ordinary people." The chubby tutor of India said, "if you can't watch it, how can you compete?"

Guo Wenbo looks at Tian Pengpo: "what's the matter?"

He didn't immediately ask for the blame.

Their Changping players have never been arrogant.

"Their eyes are not regular. They have been looking at the girls on our side." Tian Pengpo said in English.

Ye Huasong noticed that the boys had already changed their positions and protected the girls.

Ye Huasong's face immediately sank down and said in a cold voice, "don't bring the cultural customs of the Three Kingdoms to China! We in China don't talk about you. If you want to come here to compete, show some respect to our women

Ye Huasong did not have a good impression of these people, especially noticed that when she spoke, there were still players who showed disdain, some were frivolous, some were arrogant, in short, there was no respect.

Ye Huasong was even more angry. He said to the short and fat tutor in a cold voice: "either let your players show some respect, or we will report to the association directly. We don't accept opponents of this kind of virtue. "

"We will also make your words and deeds public." Guowenbo said, "let everyone in the world know your virtue."Especially now, feminists in the world have been protesting, fighting and speaking for women's equal rights.

Originally, those things in India and the three kingdoms were very disrespectful. If anything happens again, I really don't want to be an old man.

The stout tutor finally bowed his head and turned back to reprimand: "what's the matter with you! Give me my share when you come out! Don't lose the people of the Three Kingdoms of India! "

Someone muttered: "look at two will not be less than a piece of meat."

"Isn't dressing like that just for people to see?"

"Chinese people, there is nothing to be arrogant about."

"No one else has to go on the stage!" The tutor warned in a low voice, "if you are so unconvinced, give me a hard crush on the other side in the competition! Crush them with strength and win the game. I don't care how you insult them

When they heard this, they stopped.

"But they don't understand the rules on purpose." Pudgy tutor's false explanation.

"I know there's some bad news, but don't look at my players with colored glasses." Said the stout tutor.

Guo Wenbo and ye Huasong sneer coldly in their hearts. No one takes his words seriously.

Guowenbo invited them in and met each other.

It turns out that the short and fat tutor's name is shaluk, the thin one's name is litik, and the fat one's name is kadidar.

Guowenbo said the rules, as he discussed with Ye Huasong.

So both teams sent representatives to draw lots.

Guowenbo is very generous, let the three countries of India draw first.

Anyway, they will control how to smoke.

Before that, however, Sinoexpo first brought three tutors from India to the next room.

Ye Huasong and several other teachers from Changping are left here.

Guowenbo is afraid that ye Huasong alone will suffer losses.

Sure enough, seeing the virtues of India today, Sinorama knows that it is right to worry.