Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1228

The little guy even wants to urge everyone to eat quickly so that the cake can be taken out quickly.

But because of the education from the sensible, I know this is a kind of impolite behavior.

So it's hard to hold back.

It's hard to wait until dinner is almost finished.

Aunt Lin took all the dishes down.

Ye Fei takes out the cake from the refrigerator.

When the cake passed by the little guy, he immediately raised his head and sniffed. His little nose shrugged and shrugged, trying to smell the sweetness of the cake into his stomach as much as possible.

Zhao Gu Shen funny point under his nose: "look at you this son promising, usually small Fei and no less of you."

"But Xiao Fei said that eating too much is bad for my health. It's easy to gain weight and get cavities. Usually, I only eat a small piece a week at most." The size of the little one is bigger than the size of the triangle cake in a normal dessert shop.

"Quite a few." The old lady said, "adults don't eat one piece a week."

"That's it." Ye Fei put the cake in the middle of the table, "if you want me to say, it's more than one piece a week for you."

If it wasn't for her poor and lovely appearance, ye Fei couldn't resist, so she wouldn't agree to give him so much a piece a week.

The little guy is staring at the cake and swallowing desperately.

Ye Fei cuts the cake and gives it to everyone.

Finally, I'll give the last piece to the little guy.

But I didn't cut him small because he was small.

The little guy swept his eyes around and found that everyone was about the same age, so he was very satisfied.

The little guy swallowed his saliva again, with a special sacred expression, as if to treat some special important unpacking ceremony, carefully and carefully dug down a small piece of cream with a fork.

Because ye Fei made it herself, the cream was much more spread than the one sold outside.

The little guy whimpered, with a big mouth.

Sweet cream smooth in his mouth, with a strong milk flavor.

Even if it's xylitol, ye Fei doesn't add much.

After all, although xylitol is used to replace sugar, it's not good to eat too much.

A small amount of food is no problem.

In addition, sweet taste is better than too sweet.

So the cream is only slightly sweet, not strong.

It doesn't cover up the milk flavor of the cream itself.

In addition, with the help of fruit, sweetness is not suitable for too strong.

For the first bite, the little guy only ate the cream alone. For the second bite, he forked a strawberry and dug a large piece of cream with the strawberry to eat together.

The cream is wrapped in sweet, with slightly sour, sour and sweet, like drinking strawberry milk and eating strawberry ice cream.

Then the little guy ate the cream, the cake, and the mango and yellow peach in the middle of the cake.

The third old man kept watching the little guy's steps. At this time, he said with a smile: "it's true that we have been influenced by Ye Fei since childhood. Is our little mo going to be a gourmet? It's also layered. "

The old man said with a smile: "even if you don't inherit Ye Fei's mantle to learn how to cook, you need to know something about food in our company in the future."

"Yes The little guy took the opportunity to nod, "that's why I want to eat more delicious food. I don't just like to eat, but also for my future work

But no one believed him.

Everyone thought they didn't hear it and praised the delicious cake.

Little guy: --

Isn't he back long?

How do you feel about to fall out of favor?

Look at Li Xiaoyun's stomach.

When my little uncle is born in the future, he won't be out of favor!

Compared with little Tuanzi, big kids are really not competitive!

Everything is cute when you're a baby.

He can stand out in the Zhao family, even coax the old lady can not remember grandma, because he is cute enough!

But, more lovely in the near future, will come.

The little guy had a strong sense of crisis.

At the same time, I realized my grandmother's mood when she saw him.

Thinking about this, the little guy showed a face of vicissitudes and looked at Chi Jingsi.

Chi Jingsi

At this moment, Chi Jingsi is strangely full of tacit understanding with the little guy.

Instantly understood the little guy's meaning.

So, a big and a small, and Qi Qi's eyes on Li Xiaoyun's stomach.

Li Xiaoyun

What is the meaning of Chi Jingsi's and little guy's eyes?

I don't know why. Li Xiaoyun feels that his nose is itchy.At this time, the little guy and Chi Jingsi turned their heads and looked at the old lady.

The old lady was preparing to eat a big mouthful of cake. Before the cake came into her mouth, she was under great pressure from both of them.

Does the old lady think it's easy for her to have a cake?

Because I'm old, I usually supplement this and that to supplement all kinds of nutrition that my body lacks.

But also pay attention not to eat more sweet, not to eat more greasy things.

It is because they pay attention to these things that the second elder can still keep in good condition at this age.

However, the old lady occasionally wants to be presumptuous.

She would like to have some cake or something.

It's not easy to have this opportunity today. The old lady doesn't eat much, so she just takes a few bites.

As a result, Chi Jingsi and the little guy looked at her, and the old lady suddenly lost her relaxed mood of eating cake.



Cried the two at the same time.

Old lady: "I'm not sure."

"What's the matter?" The old lady asked quickly.

Chi Jingsi first said: "when Xiaoyun gives birth to a child, will you like that little ball best?"

The little guy nodded and said, "Granny, do you like my little uncle best or me best?"

After hearing this, Chi Jingsi was not happy immediately: "what? Mom, did you tell Xiaomo that you like him best? "

All of you: --

Large rollover site.

After so many years of scum, the old lady finally capsized!

The old lady gave a "ouch" and immediately she didn't want to eat cake.

She put the fork together with the cake back into the small dish for a while, and then said, "your little uncle was born, and your third grandfather likes it. It's not the turn, ha ha ha!"

The little guy blinked and asked, "even if you have a white and tender little uncle, what do you mean by that?"

"Well!" The old lady nodded without thinking.

Anyway, his little uncle hasn't been seen yet. He promised to come down first.

As for the time, of course, she would like the white and tender little ball best.

Old lady, look at the little guy. Although he is cute, he is worse than little Tuanzi.

Who knows, Chi Jingsi suddenly became impatient: "Mom, didn't you say you like me the most?"