Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1211

Ye Fei can't wait to go back and design the cake.

"What happened when you just blushed?" Ye Fei just asked, and before Li Xiaoyun answered, she had already guessed what was going on.

"Is it..." Ye Fei said in a low voice, "what's going on with my fourth uncle tomorrow night?"

"Oh dear!" Li Xiaoyun is hit by Ye Fei, and his face turns red instantly.

"Cough!" Ye Fei coughed, "I haven't visited your bedroom yet. Let's go in and have a chat?"

Li Xiaoyun nodded, quickly pulled Ye Fei into the bedroom and closed the door by the way.

Two people sit on the sofa of her bedroom, ye Fei just asks: "you always sleep with the fourth uncle? Didn't sleep together? "

Ye Fei felt that with the same speed.

Just love to get married speed, Zhao Xiaoyun turn home so long, even with Li Xiaoyun separate room sleep?

Is Zhao theorem so pure?

"Where do you think you are?" Li Xiaoyun twists Ye Fei not lightly or seriously. "We always sleep separately. There's nothing like that."

"I used to live here, but we were still friends. We didn't fall in love. He was a gentleman, but he didn't take advantage of me." Li Xiaoyun is faint, and has the meaning of holding injustice for Zhao theorem.

Ye Fei said with a smile: "well, I didn't say that fourth uncle would take advantage of you. I feel like I've been turning you back for such a long time according to his routine, but I still don't act. "

Li Xiaoyun

She now knows that it's a routine to be afraid of Zheng Xuelin hurting her.

The problem of Zheng Xuelin has long been solved.

She should have thought about it for a long time. How could Zhao theorem let Zheng Xuelin's threat go?

Even in the eyes of Zhao theorem, Zheng Xuelin will never have another chance.

And she has the protection of Zhao theorem, Zheng Xuelin has no place to start.

But Zhao's theorem does not allow for the slightest possible threat.

"So, he's a gentleman." Li Xiaoyun is very proud.

"Yes, yes." Ye Fei said quickly, "what are you nervous about? Have you ever seen Cough Do you know the people of the island

It's not just that when Li Xiaoyun went to school, he also saw colored cartoons.

Although he has no personal experience, Li Xiaoyun has no shortage of theoretical knowledge, even quite rich.

Chat with Ye Fei, Li Xiaoyun doesn't have so many scruples.

Anyway, they both know each other very well.

"I know everything I should know, but I haven't experienced it, so I'm still nervous. Especially Object or theorem. " Li Xiaoyun said nervously, "you say What if I don't look good? "

"Just To be honest, I'm afraid I'm not so good. " Li Xiaoyun didn't say it confidently.

She hasn't seen anyone else's, though she has seen the film.

But it's just a movie.

She didn't know what was going on in real life.

Especially when she looked at Zhao theorem, there was nothing bad about it.

Let's just look at the outside.

She's good-looking and in great shape.

Mermaid line, abdominal muscle, no lack.

In contrast, she is not very confident about her figure.

So what It's not a big place.

Although there's no small belly, it doesn't say there's any vest line or anything like that.

If you are full, your stomach will come out.

Li Xiaoyun is already pondering whether he will try to eat less tomorrow night?

In fact, the state of fasting is the most ideal.

It's hard for her to eat less, let alone not to eat.

"You and Zhao Gushen..." Even if there were only Li Xiaoyun and ye Fei in the room, Li Xiaoyun carefully lowered his voice, "are you not nervous?"

Although the first time between Yefei and Zhao Gushen was long gone five years ago.

But at that time, they were still confused?

The first time in the real sense, or in accordance with the two people together after reunion to calculate.

"It's OK. I didn't have time to worry about it, so I was confused..." Ye Fei said.

Fortunately, because of the system, she didn't leave any stretch marks.

However, when she was pregnant, she also paid attention to it.

Although not intended to love and marry, but women love beauty is born.

so there are also some cream and essential oils to prevent stretch marks.

, coupled with natural constitution, is not easy to leave grain, and has the cream and essential oil.

After giving birth to a little stranger, when his stomach shrinks back, he really has no lines.

Even though the lower abdomen is flat, it will inevitably become extra soft because of the production.Not as strong as before.

She doesn't like sports very much, but it's a disguised sport to soak in the kitchen all day.

Unexpected by the fast, the stomach is also flat fast.

There's nothing to worry about.

But it's really because I haven't had time to think so much like Li Xiaoyun.

Zhao Gushen didn't give her a definite time at all. That moment suddenly came.

Ye Fei is also glad to be like this.

Otherwise, she will be like Li Xiaoyun and worry a lot.

In particular, the more you like each other, the more you care about your image in each other's eyes.

I don't want to leave any bad memories.

"Don't think so much about it." Ye Fei said, "there's nothing ugly about you. Besides, fourth uncle likes you very much. He can pick your bones out of his eggs?"

"If so, the fourth uncle will be a scum man." Ye Fei said, "anyway, you have to trust the character of the fourth uncle and his feelings for you?"

"How can the world be so perfect without any bad people?" Ye Fei said, "to tell you the truth, men are different from women. Even now, I still think that men are It's ugly. "

"They are not self-confident. What are you worried about?" Ye Fei said.

"Zhao Gushen is there You don't like it, either? " Li Xiaoyun asked.

Even with Li Xiaoyun, it's strange to discuss her husband.

Ye Fei blushed and her eyes wandered: "anyway It's like watching those movies, right? Don't you fast forward and skip that part every time? "

"It's true I don't think it looks good either." Li Xiaoyun admits that that's why she's gone through it.

"So, just think about it Fourth uncle... " Ye Fei can't go on.

It is difficult to discuss Zhao theorem.

"Think for yourself anyway. So you don't worry about where you're not looking. " Ye Fei said.

Li Xiaoyun nodded a little dully. When ye Fei said that, she immediately had a picture.

I can't remember my own business immediately.

She's really hard to imagine, Zhao What does it look like.