Daddy Come Home For Dinner

Chapter 1161

At this time, ye Fei saw that Yan Huai'an asked Li Xiaoyun with an elder like tone: "Xiao Li, how old are you this year?"

If you hadn't met Yan Huai'an, ye Fei really thought it was an old man asking.

What the hell is Xiao Li?

Ye Fei goes directly to Zhao Gushen: "what's the situation in Yan Huai'an? How can Xiaoyun be called Xiaoli? "

Zhao Gushen explained with a smile: "take advantage of the fourth uncle. The fourth uncle asked everyone to call Li Xiaoyun the fourth aunt. Only Yan Huaian didn't need to call him. He simply showed his superiority. "

Ye Fei also thought that when she just looked at the chat record, she seemed to catch a glimpse of Yan Huai'an calling Xiao Li.

However, because she was walking and looking, she had to look at the road and avoid bumping into people, so she didn't look so carefully.

"Are you out of class?" Zhao Gushen asked.

"Yes, just after class, I'm going back to the student apartment to have a rest. There is only one class in the afternoon, so I can go home early today. " Ye Fei said.

Changping College's curriculum is not tense, most of the time is left to the students themselves to study.

"I'll come to you for lunch." Zhao Gushen said.

Since ye Fei went to Changping to study, he has not been able to have lunch with Ye Fei on weekdays for a long time.

"Are you in a hurry?" Ye Fei asked.

It's a long way from the company.

"No, just a meal. Enough time." Zhao Gushen said, "I'm on my way. You have to wait for me. If you're hungry, eat first. "

"I'll wait for you. I'm not hungry now." Ye Fei said, "Changping's canteen lunch is very good. You just came to have a taste."

As the boss of Changping group, Zhao Gushen can count the number of times he comes to eat in the canteen of Changping college.

"Good." Zhao Gushen nodded.

On this side of Zhao's theorem, I've been watching the meeting for more than an hour.

Before that, he specially told Rui Changhuai that he must let the heads of all departments grasp the time.

Let's get to the point. Don't talk about so many useless things.

We should keep the whole meeting within an hour.

Who knows, it's still overtime.

When it was Mr. Wu's turn to make the last speech, Mr. Zhao said, "you'd better speak quickly. Now it's time-out."

Mr. Wu did not understand the time.

It's only 11:30. It's half an hour before lunch break.

Did Zhao's theorem remember the wrong time?

After that, he knocked on the conference table twice and said, "I have to go to my girlfriend for lunch. I can't let her wait for me hungry."

Rui changhuaixin said that he came, and finally came.

From the beginning of the meeting to now, Zhao theorem has not mentioned a word about Li Xiaoyun and the words and vocabulary related to tuodan.

Although the whole person is in a very confident and thumping state, but Leng is not really open to show off.

Although the color of showing off was clearly written on his face, he was still speechless.

This shocked Rui Changhuai.

It is impossible for Zhao's theorem to suddenly change its nature.

Before the meeting, Ming Ming was very crazy.

Therefore, Rui Changhuai's heart has been carrying, ready to bear the show off of Zhao theorem at any time.

As a result, Leng was so scared that he stared for an hour and saw that the meeting was coming to an end.

Rui Changhuai muttered in his heart.

Is he really wrong?

Zhao theorem is not so crazy?

Rui Changhuai feels that his cognition has been subverted.

He has been an assistant to Zhao theorem for so many years, and he knows Zhao theorem very well.

There are times when I guess wrong.

It seems that he doesn't know enough about Zhao theorem.

When Rui Changhuai doubts his cognition, he hears Zhao's words.

All of a sudden, Rui Changhuai had the feeling of a big stone falling in his heart.

Waiting for a long time finally came, Rui Changhuai completely relieved.

General manager Wu

Who hasn't been waiting for an hour?

In fact, he is also waiting for Zhao to say when.

I didn't expect that, in the end, it fell on myself.

It's not bad luck.

Although he has learned about Zhao tuodan from Rui Changhuai.

At this time, general manager Wu still put on the appearance that he just knew, and was pleasantly surprised that there was no trace of performance: "president, are you in love? It's Miss Li! Ouch! Why didn't you say such an important wedding! You are too low-key! It's time to say something like this and make us all happy! "

Rui Changhuai

Mr. Wu is a real talent.

Reliable!This surprise, as if just know the appearance, did not betray him, this let Rui Changhuai how may not be happy.

Zhao's smile couldn't be recovered, but he pretended: "low key, you all know me. I don't like to discuss my private affairs. It's good that you know about it. Don't talk about it all the time. "

All of you: --

Ha ha!

I believe in your ghost.

"Yes, yes." Mr. Wu nodded, "that can't make Miss Li wait."

"President, do you think this is appropriate?" Mr. Wu said, "I'll come back to you and talk to you when the lunch break is over."

"I've arranged everything here, so it's very fast. I don't think it will delay your afternoon trip." Mr. Wu said.

When everyone looked at general manager Wu, they all had a word in their heart.

Old fox.

Although it's a lot of pressure to talk with Zhao theorem alone, it's also an opportunity to get along with Zhao theorem alone and deepen the impression.

What opportunities can we find in it.

Sure enough, Zhao was very satisfied with President Wu's understanding.

"Yes." Zhao nodded, "then today's understanding is here first."

With that, Zhao immediately got up and left the conference room.

Left everyone look at each other, each showing a tacit expression.

Sure enough, those who should come will come.

As soon as Zhao came out of the meeting room, he immediately removed the silence of his mobile phone.

I just saw Yan Huai'an asking Li Xiaoyun's age.

Then, I saw Li Xiaoyun reply truthfully: "27."

Wei Zhiqian: "birds. Animals!"

Qin Zi Gou: "Uncle Zhao is 37 years old, and he has the face to find such a young girl."

Li Xiaoyun was a little surprised. They didn't seem to have the ridiculous views of men now.

I feel that a 27 year old woman, who has been running for three years, can be classified as a leftover woman.

Li Xiaoyun thinks the word "leftover girl" is ridiculous.

How can it be the rest?

It's a particularly insulting word.

However, there is nothing to do.

Because there are such comments everywhere in life.

Including her parents' neighborhood, her parents' colleagues.

When I hear that she is 27 and single, I think she is old.